1,425 research outputs found

    Dynamic Future Net: Diversified Human Motion Generation

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    Human motion modelling is crucial in many areas such as computergraphics, vision and virtual reality. Acquiring high-quality skele-tal motions is difficult due to the need for specialized equipmentand laborious manual post-posting, which necessitates maximiz-ing the use of existing data to synthesize new data. However, it is a challenge due to the intrinsic motion stochasticity of humanmotion dynamics, manifested in the short and long terms. In theshort term, there is strong randomness within a couple frames, e.g.one frame followed by multiple possible frames leading to differentmotion styles; while in the long term, there are non-deterministicaction transitions. In this paper, we present Dynamic Future Net,a new deep learning model where we explicitly focuses on the aforementioned motion stochasticity by constructing a generative model with non-trivial modelling capacity in temporal stochas-ticity. Given limited amounts of data, our model can generate a large number of high-quality motions with arbitrary duration, andvisually-convincing variations in both space and time. We evaluateour model on a wide range of motions and compare it with the state-of-the-art methods. Both qualitative and quantitative results show the superiority of our method, for its robustness, versatility and high-quality

    Training Physics-based Controllers for Articulated Characters with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    In this thesis, two different applications are discussed for using machine learning techniques to train coordinated motion controllers in arbitrary characters in absence of motion capture data. The methods highlight the resourcefulness of physical simulations to generate synthetic and generic motion data that can be used to learn various targeted skills. First, we present an unsupervised method for learning loco-motion skills in virtual characters from a low dimensional latent space which captures the coordination between multiple joints. We use a technique called motor babble, wherein a character interacts with its environment by actuating its joints through uncoordinated, low-level (motor) excitation, resulting in a corpus of motion data from which a manifold latent space can be extracted. Using reinforcement learning, we then train the character to learn locomotion (such as walking or running) in the low-dimensional latent space instead of the full-dimensional joint action space. The thesis also presents an end-to-end automated framework for training physics-based characters to rhythmically dance to user-input songs. A generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture is proposed that learns to generate physically stable dance moves through repeated interactions with the environment. These moves are then used to construct a dance network that can be used for choreography. Using DRL, the character is then trained to perform these moves, without losing balance and rhythm, in the presence of physical forces such as gravity and friction
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