823 research outputs found

    A Grammatical Inference Approach to Language-Based Anomaly Detection in XML

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    False-positives are a problem in anomaly-based intrusion detection systems. To counter this issue, we discuss anomaly detection for the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in a language-theoretic view. We argue that many XML-based attacks target the syntactic level, i.e. the tree structure or element content, and syntax validation of XML documents reduces the attack surface. XML offers so-called schemas for validation, but in real world, schemas are often unavailable, ignored or too general. In this work-in-progress paper we describe a grammatical inference approach to learn an automaton from example XML documents for detecting documents with anomalous syntax. We discuss properties and expressiveness of XML to understand limits of learnability. Our contributions are an XML Schema compatible lexical datatype system to abstract content in XML and an algorithm to learn visibly pushdown automata (VPA) directly from a set of examples. The proposed algorithm does not require the tree representation of XML, so it can process large documents or streams. The resulting deterministic VPA then allows stream validation of documents to recognize deviations in the underlying tree structure or datatypes.Comment: Paper accepted at First Int. Workshop on Emerging Cyberthreats and Countermeasures ECTCM 201

    Discovering Restricted Regular Expressions with Interleaving

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    Discovering a concise schema from given XML documents is an important problem in XML applications. In this paper, we focus on the problem of learning an unordered schema from a given set of XML examples, which is actually a problem of learning a restricted regular expression with interleaving using positive example strings. Schemas with interleaving could present meaningful knowledge that cannot be disclosed by previous inference techniques. Moreover, inference of the minimal schema with interleaving is challenging. The problem of finding a minimal schema with interleaving is shown to be NP-hard. Therefore, we develop an approximation algorithm and a heuristic solution to tackle the problem using techniques different from known inference algorithms. We do experiments on real-world data sets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches. Our heuristic algorithm is shown to produce results that are very close to optimal.Comment: 12 page

    : Méthodes d'Inférence Symbolique pour les Bases de Données

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    This dissertation is a summary of a line of research, that I wasactively involved in, on learning in databases from examples. Thisresearch focused on traditional as well as novel database models andlanguages for querying, transforming, and describing the schema of adatabase. In case of schemas our contributions involve proposing anoriginal languages for the emerging data models of Unordered XML andRDF. We have studied learning from examples of schemas for UnorderedXML, schemas for RDF, twig queries for XML, join queries forrelational databases, and XML transformations defined with a novelmodel of tree-to-word transducers.Investigating learnability of the proposed languages required us toexamine closely a number of their fundamental properties, often ofindependent interest, including normal forms, minimization,containment and equivalence, consistency of a set of examples, andfinite characterizability. Good understanding of these propertiesallowed us to devise learning algorithms that explore a possibly largesearch space with the help of a diligently designed set ofgeneralization operations in search of an appropriate solution.Learning (or inference) is a problem that has two parameters: theprecise class of languages we wish to infer and the type of input thatthe user can provide. We focused on the setting where the user inputconsists of positive examples i.e., elements that belong to the goallanguage, and negative examples i.e., elements that do not belong tothe goal language. In general using both negative and positiveexamples allows to learn richer classes of goal languages than usingpositive examples alone. However, using negative examples is oftendifficult because together with positive examples they may cause thesearch space to take a very complex shape and its exploration may turnout to be computationally challenging.Ce mémoire est une courte présentation d’une direction de recherche, à laquelle j’ai activementparticipé, sur l’apprentissage pour les bases de données à partir d’exemples. Cette recherches’est concentrée sur les modèles et les langages, aussi bien traditionnels qu’émergents, pourl’interrogation, la transformation et la description du schéma d’une base de données. Concernantles schémas, nos contributions consistent en plusieurs langages de schémas pour les nouveaumodèles de bases de données que sont XML non-ordonné et RDF. Nous avons ainsi étudiél’apprentissage à partir d’exemples des schémas pour XML non-ordonné, des schémas pour RDF,des requêtes twig pour XML, les requêtes de jointure pour bases de données relationnelles et lestransformations XML définies par un nouveau modèle de transducteurs arbre-à-mot.Pour explorer si les langages proposés peuvent être appris, nous avons été obligés d’examinerde près un certain nombre de leurs propriétés fondamentales, souvent souvent intéressantespar elles-mêmes, y compris les formes normales, la minimisation, l’inclusion et l’équivalence, lacohérence d’un ensemble d’exemples et la caractérisation finie. Une bonne compréhension de cespropriétés nous a permis de concevoir des algorithmes d’apprentissage qui explorent un espace derecherche potentiellement très vaste grâce à un ensemble d’opérations de généralisation adapté àla recherche d’une solution appropriée.L’apprentissage (ou l’inférence) est un problème à deux paramètres : la classe précise delangage que nous souhaitons inférer et le type d’informations que l’utilisateur peut fournir. Nousnous sommes placés dans le cas où l’utilisateur fournit des exemples positifs, c’est-à-dire deséléments qui appartiennent au langage cible, ainsi que des exemples négatifs, c’est-à-dire qui n’enfont pas partie. En général l’utilisation à la fois d’exemples positifs et négatifs permet d’apprendredes classes de langages plus riches que l’utilisation uniquement d’exemples positifs. Toutefois,l’utilisation des exemples négatifs est souvent difficile parce que les exemples positifs et négatifspeuvent rendre la forme de l’espace de recherche très complexe, et par conséquent, son explorationinfaisable

    Search-Based Evolution of XML Schemas

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    The use of schemas makes an XML-based application more reliable, since they contribute to avoid failures by defining the specific format for the data that the application manipulates. In practice, when an application evolves, new requirements for the data may be established, raising the need of schema evolution. In some cases the generation of a schema is necessary, if such schema does not exist. To reduce maintenance and reengineering costs, automatic evolution of schemas is very desirable. However, there are no algorithms to satisfactorily solve the problem. To help in this task, this paper introduces a search-based approach that explores the correspondence between schemas and context-free grammars. The approach is supported by a tool, named EXS. Our tool implements algorithms of grammatical inference based on LL(1) Parsing. If a grammar (that corresponds to a schema) is given and a new word (XML document) is provided, the EXS system infers the new grammar that: i) continues to generate the same words as before and ii) generates the new word, by modifying the original grammar. If no initial grammar is available, EXS is also capable of generating a grammar from scratch from a set of samples

    Inference of Shape Graphs for Graph Databases

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    We investigate the problem of constructing a shape graph that describes the structure of a given graph database. We employ the framework of grammatical inference, where the objective is to find an inference algorithm that is both sound, i.e., always producing a schema that validates the input graph, and complete, i.e., able to produce any schema, within a given class of schemas, provided that a sufficiently informative input graph is presented. We identify a number of fundamental limitations that preclude feasible inference. We present inference algorithms based on natural approaches that allow to infer schemas that we argue to be of practical importance

    Query Induction with Schema-Guided Pruning Strategies

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    International audienceInference algorithms for tree automata that define node selecting queries in unranked trees rely on tree pruning strategies. These impose additional assumptions on node selection that are needed to compensate for small numbers of annotated examples. Pruning-based heuristics in query learning algorithms for Web information extraction often boost the learning quality and speed up the learning process. We will distinguish the class of regular queries that are stable under a given schema-guided pruning strategy, and show that this class is learnable with polynomial time and data. Our learning algorithm is obtained by adding pruning heuristics to the traditional learning algorithm for tree automata from positive and negative examples. While justified by a formal learning model, our learning algorithm for stable queries also performs very well in practice of XML information extraction
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