54 research outputs found

    Learning using Local Membership Queries

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    We introduce a new model of membership query (MQ) learning, where the learning algorithm is restricted to query points that are \emph{close} to random examples drawn from the underlying distribution. The learning model is intermediate between the PAC model (Valiant, 1984) and the PAC+MQ model (where the queries are allowed to be arbitrary points). Membership query algorithms are not popular among machine learning practitioners. Apart from the obvious difficulty of adaptively querying labelers, it has also been observed that querying \emph{unnatural} points leads to increased noise from human labelers (Lang and Baum, 1992). This motivates our study of learning algorithms that make queries that are close to examples generated from the data distribution. We restrict our attention to functions defined on the nn-dimensional Boolean hypercube and say that a membership query is local if its Hamming distance from some example in the (random) training data is at most O(log(n))O(\log(n)). We show the following results in this model: (i) The class of sparse polynomials (with coefficients in R) over {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n is polynomial time learnable under a large class of \emph{locally smooth} distributions using O(log(n))O(\log(n))-local queries. This class also includes the class of O(log(n))O(\log(n))-depth decision trees. (ii) The class of polynomial-sized decision trees is polynomial time learnable under product distributions using O(log(n))O(\log(n))-local queries. (iii) The class of polynomial size DNF formulas is learnable under the uniform distribution using O(log(n))O(\log(n))-local queries in time nO(log(log(n)))n^{O(\log(\log(n)))}. (iv) In addition we prove a number of results relating the proposed model to the traditional PAC model and the PAC+MQ model

    An Analysis of DNF Maximum Entropy

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    This study focuses on the entropy of functions computed by monotone DNF formulas. Entropy, which is a measure of uncertainty, information, and choice, has been long studied in the field of mathematics and computer science. We will be considering spectral entropy and focus on the conjecture that for each fixed number of terms t, the maximum entropy of a function computed by a t-term DNF is achieved by a function computable by a read-once DNF. A Python program was written to first express the t-term DNF Boolean functions as multilinear polynomials and then to compute their spectral entropy. This was done for the cases t = 1, 2, 3, 4. Our results agree with the conjecture and show that the maximum entropy occurs for functions with a small number of literals

    Embedding Hard Learning Problems Into Gaussian Space

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    We give the first representation-independent hardness result for agnostically learning halfspaces with respect to the Gaussian distribution. We reduce from the problem of learning sparse parities with noise with respect to the uniform distribution on the hypercube (sparse LPN), a notoriously hard problem in theoretical computer science and show that any algorithm for agnostically learning halfspaces requires n^Omega(log(1/epsilon)) time under the assumption that k-sparse LPN requires n^Omega(k) time, ruling out a polynomial time algorithm for the problem. As far as we are aware, this is the first representation-independent hardness result for supervised learning when the underlying distribution is restricted to be a Gaussian. We also show that the problem of agnostically learning sparse polynomials with respect to the Gaussian distribution in polynomial time is as hard as PAC learning DNFs on the uniform distribution in polynomial time. This complements the surprising result of Andoni et. al. 2013 who show that sparse polynomials are learnable under random Gaussian noise in polynomial time. Taken together, these results show the inherent difficulty of designing supervised learning algorithms in Euclidean space even in the presence of strong distributional assumptions. Our results use a novel embedding of random labeled examples from the uniform distribution on the Boolean hypercube into random labeled examples from the Gaussian distribution that allows us to relate the hardness of learning problems on two different domains and distributions

    Tight Bounds on Proper Equivalence Query Learning of DNF

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    We prove a new structural lemma for partial Boolean functions ff, which we call the seed lemma for DNF. Using the lemma, we give the first subexponential algorithm for proper learning of DNF in Angluin's Equivalence Query (EQ) model. The algorithm has time and query complexity 2(O~n)2^{(\tilde{O}{\sqrt{n}})}, which is optimal. We also give a new result on certificates for DNF-size, a simple algorithm for properly PAC-learning DNF, and new results on EQ-learning logn\log n-term DNF and decision trees