1,258 research outputs found

    Pricing the Cloud: An Auction Approach

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    Cloud computing has changed the processing and service modes of information communication technology and has affected the transformation, upgrading and innovation of the IT-related industry systems. The rapid development of cloud computing in business practice has spawned a whole new field of interdisciplinary, providing opportunities and challenges for business management research. One of the critical factors impacting cloud computing is how to price cloud services. An appropriate pricing strategy has important practical means to stakeholders, especially to providers and customers. This study addressed and discussed research findings on cloud computing pricing strategies, such as fixed pricing, bidding pricing, and dynamic pricing. Another key factor for cloud computing is Quality of Service (QoS), such as availability, reliability, latency, security, throughput, capacity, scalability, elasticity, etc. Cloud providers seek to improve QoS to attract more potential customers; while, customers intend to find QoS matching services that do not exceed their budget constraints. Based on the existing study, a hybrid QoS-based pricing mechanism, which consists of subscription and dynamic auction design, is proposed and illustrated to cloud services. The results indicate that our hybrid pricing mechanism has potential to better allocate available cloud resources, aiming at increasing revenues for providers and reducing expenses for customers in practice

    Scheduling Flexible Demand in Cloud Computing Spot Markets

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    The rapid standardization and specialization of cloud computing services have led to the development of cloud spot markets on which cloud service providers and customers can trade in near real-time. Frequent changes in demand and supply give rise to spot prices that vary throughout the day. Cloud customers often have temporal flexibility to execute their jobs before a specific deadline. In this paper, the authors apply real options analysis (ROA), which is an established valuation method designed to capture the flexibility of action under uncertainty. They adapt and compare multiple discrete-time approaches that enable cloud customers to quantify and exploit the monetary value of their short-term temporal flexibility. The paper contributes to the field by guaranteeing cloud job execution of variable-time requests in a single cloud spot market, whereas existing multi-market strategies may not fulfill requests when outbid. In a broad simulation of scenarios for the use of Amazon EC2 spot instances, the developed approaches exploit the existing savings potential up to 40 percent – a considerable extent. Moreover, the results demonstrate that ROA, which explicitly considers time-of-day-specific spot price patterns, outperforms traditional option pricing models and expectation optimization

    Online Bidding Behaviour And Loss Aversion In Cloud Computing Markets: An Experiment

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    The last few years have witnessed a rapid growth in commoditization and consumption of IT services particularly due to the growing acceptance of cloud computing services. This in turn has led to newer forms of pricing the cloud services such as dynamic pricing. Infact, spot pricing, a dynamic pricing scheme has become mainstream. Cloud consumers using these schemes need to place their bids inorder to procure computing instances. Most of extant research on cloud dynamic pricing focuses on resource allocation problems and bidding strategies. We identify the need to look at behavioural biases of bidders to bring in a holistic perspective to cloud dynamic pricing discussions. In this paper, we conduct an experiment to elicit the impact of a behavioural bias namely, loss aversion, on a cloud consumer’s bidding behaviour. We discuss the social implications of our result to cloud consumers and the economic implications for cloud providers

    Automated Bidding in Computing Service Markets. Strategies, Architectures, Protocols

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    This dissertation contributes to the research on Computational Mechanism Design by providing novel theoretical and software models - a novel bidding strategy called Q-Strategy, which automates bidding processes in imperfect information markets, a software framework for realizing agents and bidding strategies called BidGenerator and a communication protocol called MX/CS, for expressing and exchanging economic and technical information in a market-based scheduling system

    Economics of Spot Instance Service: A Two-stage Dynamic Game Apporach

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    This paper presents the economic impacts of spot instance service on the cloud service providers (CSPs) and the customers when the CSPs offer it along with the on-demand instance service to the customers. We model the interaction between CSPs and customers as a non-cooperative two-stage dynamic game. Our equilibrium analysis reveals (i) the techno-economic interrelationship between the customers' heterogeneity, resource availability, and CSPs' pricing policy, and (ii) the impacts of the customers' service selection (spot vs. on-demand) and the CSPs' pricing decision on the CSPs' market share and revenue, as well as the customers' utility. The key technical challenges lie in, first, how we capture the strategic interactions between CSPs and customers, and second, how we consider the various practical aspects of cloud services, such as heterogeneity of customers' willingness to pay for the quality of service (QoS) and the fluctuating resource availability. The main contribution of this paper is to provide CSPs and customers with a better understanding of the economic impact caused by a certain price policy for the spot service when the equilibrium price, which from our two-stage dynamic game analysis, is able to set as the baseline price for their spot service

    Enabling Interactive Analytics of Secure Data using Cloud Kotta

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    Research, especially in the social sciences and humanities, is increasingly reliant on the application of data science methods to analyze large amounts of (often private) data. Secure data enclaves provide a solution for managing and analyzing private data. However, such enclaves do not readily support discovery science---a form of exploratory or interactive analysis by which researchers execute a range of (sometimes large) analyses in an iterative and collaborative manner. The batch computing model offered by many data enclaves is well suited to executing large compute tasks; however it is far from ideal for day-to-day discovery science. As researchers must submit jobs to queues and wait for results, the high latencies inherent in queue-based, batch computing systems hinder interactive analysis. In this paper we describe how we have augmented the Cloud Kotta secure data enclave to support collaborative and interactive analysis of sensitive data. Our model uses Jupyter notebooks as a flexible analysis environment and Python language constructs to support the execution of arbitrary functions on private data within this secure framework.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing, Washington, DC USA, June 2017 (ScienceCloud 2017), 7 page

    New actor types in electricity market simulation models: Deliverable D4.4

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    Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: The modelling of agents in the simulation models and tools is of primary importance if the quality and the validity of the simulation outcomes are at stake. This is the first version of the report that deals with the representation of electricity market actors’ in the agent based models (ABMs) used in TradeRES project. With the AMIRIS, the EMLab-Generation (EMLab), the MASCEM and the RESTrade models being in the centre of the analysis, the subject matter of this report has been the identification of the actors’ characteristics that are already covered by the initial (with respect to the project) version of the models and the presentation of the foreseen modelling enhancements. For serving these goals, agent attributes and representation methods, as found in the literature of agent-driven models, are considered initially. The detailed review of such aspects offers the necessary background and supports the formation of a context that facilitates the mapping of actors’ characteristics to agent modelling approaches. Emphasis is given in several approaches and technics found in the literature for the development of a broader environment, on which part of the later analysis is deployed. Although the ABMs that are used in the project constitute an important part of the literature, they have not been included in the review since they are the subject of another section.N/
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