4 research outputs found

    Innovative navigation artificial intelligence for motor racing games

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science by ResearchMotor racing games are pushing the boundaries of realism and player experience. Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows developers to create believable opponents. By getting their AI to follow a racing line that is similar to that taken by real racing drivers, developers are able to create a sense that the AI racers are trained drivers. This paper identifies two methods used in the field: the sector based system and the sensor based system. The sector based approach offers two or more predetermined lines for the AI to follow, with added logic allowing the AI to judge when to switch between lines. The sensor method is able to guide AI vehicles around tracks with sensors, offering more possible behaviours and lines. After implementation, the strengths and weaknesses of both methods are realised. The planning and development of a hybrid system was based on these findings. The resulting system is able to produce a more believable line for the AI. With the setting up process of a race track the sector method taking a long time, exploration into tool development is conducted to reduce the process. The subsequent tool reduced the time needed to set up a track, providing results similar to the old method

    TORCS Training Interface : uma ferramenta auxiliar ao desenvolvimento de pilotos do TORCS

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2013.A ineficiente maneira como os pilotos são testados e desenvolvidos para jogo e simulador de corrida TORCS é um problema relevante por conta das limitações impostas sobre trabalhos de desenvolvimento de pilotos, i.e., algoritmos que determinam o comportamento dos carros não controlados por jogadores humanos. Porque este software tem um papel de plataforma para benchmark de diferentes abordagens de Inteligência Articial, é importante que se procure mitigar tal problema. Aqui desenvolveu-se a TORCS Training Interface, uma ferramenta que oferece automatizações para melhorar a eficiência das chamadas desimulações e retornar dados mais completos – ambos fatores importantes para as necessárias avaliações que têm como objetivo estimar habilidades de pilotos. Os resultados dos testes comparativos realizados indicam que ousoda ferramenta é uma alternativa viável às abordagens observadas na literatura, apresentando vantagens que podem torná-la a forma mais adequada para processos similares aos considerados neste trabalho. _____________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The inefficient manner in which drivers are tested and developed for the racing game and simulator TORCS is a relevant problem because of the limitations imposed over projects of development of drivers, i.e., algorith ms that determine the behavior of cars that are not controlled by human players. Because this software has a role of benchmark for different techniques of Articial Intelligence, it is important to work on mitigating this problem. The TORCS Training Interface was developed, a tool that offers automatizations in order to improve the efficiency of simulation calls and return more complete data-both of which are important for the necessary evaluations that have as a goal estimating the fitness of drivers. Results of the comparative tests performed indicate that the use of the tool is a viable alternative to the approaches seen in the literature, presentin g advantages that can make it the most fitting to processes that are similar to the ones considered here

    Learning, evolution and adaptation in racing games.

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