7 research outputs found

    Utilização da simulação a eventos discretos no planejamento e avaliação dos resultados esperados pela proposta de aplicação do pensamento enxuto no setor de registro escolar em um Instituto Federal de Ensino Superior

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    Lean Manufacturing, an approach that emerged in Japan as a Toyota Production System, seeks to increase productivity and quality, while reducing waste, and is being increasingly applied in administrative environments. However, this application still faces difficulties, either due to its limited knowledge, or due to the difficulty in visualizing the expected results. In order to minimize these difficulties and increase the chances of success in the implementation, an increasingly used technique is computer simulation, since the expected results for the real system can be previously visualized in the virtual system. In this context, the general objective of this work is to employ the Modeling and Simulation method, through the Discrete Events Simulation (DES) in the evaluation of the results expected by the proposal of implementing lean thinking in the administrative environments of a Federal Institution of Higher Education (FIHE), more precisely, in the Management of School Records of Technical Courses and High School of IFMG, Campus Bambuí. The specific objective is to develop a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to understand how lean thinking has been applied in administrative environments, particularly in those audiences, highlighting the contributions and difficulties pointed out by the existing literature, as well as the way in which the Simulation Discrete Events comes and can be used to leverage contributions and minimize the difficulties of implementing these concepts in these environments. The Value Stream Mapping was integrated with the Simulation steps, where the current and future value stream maps of the selected service families were modeled and simulated, obtaining as a result, through the elimination of waste, a reduction in Leads Times from the families mapped 93.5%, 47.4% and 59.6%, comparing simulated current and future states, and 92.8%, 45.0% and 61.0%, comparing current and future states drawn. First, such sets of values prove the significant reductions. Second, they also prove the coherence between the drawn maps, which are static and deterministic, and the simulated ones, which are dynamic and stochastic. With the general objective restricted to the use of Discrete Events Simulation to evaluate in advance the results expected by the proposed implementation of lean thinking to the object of study, the effective application of these concepts and their tools remains a natural proposal for future work.A Manufatura Enxuta, abordagem surgida no Japão como Sistema Toyota de Produção, busca aumentar a produtividade e qualidade, enquanto reduz os desperdícios, e está sendo cada vez mais aplicada em ambientes administrativos. Porém, essa aplicação ainda encontra dificuldades, seja pelo conhecimento limitado, seja pela dificuldade em visualizar os resultados esperados. Para minimizar essas dificuldades e aumentar as chances de sucesso na implementação, uma técnica cada vez mais utilizada é a simulação computacional, uma vez que os resultados esperados para o sistema real podem ser visualizados previamente no sistema virtual. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é empregar o método de Modelagem e Simulação, por meio da Simulação a Eventos Discretos (SED) na avaliação dos resultados esperados pela proposta de implementação do pensamento enxuto nos ambientes administrativos de uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior (IFES), mais precisamente, na Gerência de Registros Escolares de Cursos Técnicos e Ensino Médio do IFMG, Campus Bambuí. Já o objetivo específico é desenvolver uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL) para entender como o pensamento enxuto vem sendo aplicado nos ambientes administrativos, em particular naqueles públicos, destacando as contribuições e dificuldades apontadas pela literatura existente, bem como a maneira na qual a Simulação a Eventos Discretos vem e pode ser utilizada para alavancar as contribuições e minimizar as dificuldades da implementação desses conceitos nesses ambientes. O Mapeamento de Fluxo de Valor foi integrado às etapas da Simulação, onde os mapas de fluxo de valor atuais e futuros das famílias de serviços selecionadas foram modelados e simulados, obtendo-se como resultados, por meio da eliminação de desperdícios, uma redução dos Lead Times das famílias mapeadas de 93,5%, 47,4% e 59,6%, comparando-se estados atuais e futuros simulados, e de 92,8%, 45,0% e 61,0%, comparando-se estados atuais e futuros desenhados. Primeiro, tais conjuntos de valores comprovam as significativas reduções. Segundo, comprovam também a coerência entre os mapas desenhados, que são estáticos e determinísticos, e os simulados, que são dinâmicos e estocásticos. Com o objetivo geral restrito à utilização da Simulação a Eventos Discretos para avaliar antecipadamente os resultados esperados pela proposta de implementação do pensamento enxuto ao objeto de estudo, a aplicação efetiva desses conceitos e ferramentas fica como proposta natural para trabalhos futuros

    Utilização da simulação em avaliação de proposta de aplicação do pensamento enxuto em ambiente administrativo de uma instituição federal de ensino superior

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    Lean Manufacturing focuses on eliminating waste by improving its processes, however, waste is not just concentrated production processes, but also on administrative activities. The adaptation and application of lean concepts in administrative environments is called Lean Office and favors companies to become more organized and competitive. However, it still presents complexities to predict the results of changes. In this sense, the simulation can be used to facilitate the analysis of impacts in advance, allowing the visualization of changes in processes without changing reality. In this context, this work proposes the use of simulation in an integrated way with lean concepts, through the Value Stream Mapping, to evaluate in advance the results expected by the proposal of implementing lean concepts in administrative environments, analyzing the impact of document replacement by fingerprints on an object of study. This, is characterized as an administrative environment of a Federal Institution of Higher Education (IFES), which performs financial and accounting activities and was chosen for presenting difficulties in meeting its demand. In order to identify in the works already published, with regard to the adaptation and application of lean concepts in administrative environments, results achieved, difficulties identified and solutions implemented, as well as whether the Discrete Events Simulation has been used to reduce resistance of people to the implementation of lean concepts in these environments a Systematic Literature Review was conducted. The results achieved showed not only a reduction in the average lead time from the current state to the simulated future state, but also a significant gain in capacity. The average lead time in the current state, which was above 270.000 seconds, or 75 effective hours of work, was reduced in the future state to somewhere around 180.000 seconds, or 50 effective hours of work. That is, a reduction of 33.33%. The amount of notes paid, which was a maximum of 145 per month, according to actual data from the current state, was increased in the future state to above 320. That is, an increase above 120%.Agência 1A Manufatura Enxuta concentra-se na eliminação dos desperdícios por meio da melhoria dos processos, entretanto, os desperdícios não se acumulam somente nos processos produtivos, mas, também, nas atividades administrativas. A adaptação e aplicação dos conceitos enxutos nos ambientes administrativos recebe o nome de Lean Office e favorece as empresas a tornarem-se mais organizadas e competitivas. Porém, ainda assim apresenta complexidades para prever os resultados decorrentes das mudanças. Nesse sentido, a simulação pode ser utilizada para facilitar a análise dos impactos de maneira antecipada, permitindo a visualização das mudanças nos processos sem alterar a realidade. Neste contexto, este trabalho propõe a utilização da simulação de modo integrado aos conceitos enxutos, por meio do Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor, para avaliar antecipadamente os resultados esperados pela proposta de implementação dos conceitos enxutos em ambientes administrativos, analisando o impacto da substituição de documentos físicos por digitais em um objeto de estudo. Este, caracteriza-se como um ambiente administrativo de uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior (IFES), que realiza atividades financeiras e contábeis e foi escolhido por apresentar dificuldades em atender sua demanda. Com o intuito de identificar nos trabalhos já publicados, no que se refere, à adaptação e aplicação dos conceitos enxutos em ambientes administrativos, resultados alcançados, dificuldades identificadas e soluções implantadas, bem como se a Simulação a Eventos Discretos vem sendo utilizada para diminuir a resistência das pessoas à implantação dos conceitos enxutos nesses ambientes foi conduzida uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura. Os resultados alcançados mostraram não somente uma redução do lead time médio do estado atual para o estado futuro simulado, como também um ganho expressivo de capacidade. O lead time médio do estado atual, que ficou acima dos 270.000 segundos, ou 75 horas efetivas de trabalho, foi reduzido no estado futuro para algo em torno de 180.000 segundos, ou 50 horas efetivas de trabalho. Ou seja, uma redução de 33,33%. Já a quantidade de notas pagas, que era de no máximo 145 por mês, segundo dados reais levantados do estado atual, foi aumentada no estado futuro para acima de 320. Ou seja, um aumento acima de 120%

    Gestión basada en procesos y cumplimiento de buenas prácticas en la Oficina de Participación Ciudadana del Congreso de la República 2019

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la gestión basada en procesos y el cumplimiento de buenas prácticas en la OPC del Congreso de la República 2019, debido a que se detectó que no desarrollan actividades de retroalimentación entre la dirección y los colaboradores de manera formal y periódica, lo que dificulta tomar medidas correctivas durante el ejercicio de las funciones. Tampoco se han realizado actividades para identificar los aspectos a mejorar en la entidad. El estudio fue realizo metodológicamente bajo el enfoque de una investigación cuantitativa de diseño no experimental y nivel correlacional, en el que se aplicó un censo en una población de 30 trabajadores que laboran en la mencionada oficina, para lo cual se redactaron dos cuestionarios para conocer sus opiniones respecto a las dimensiones que conformaban cada una de las variables. Los resultados evidenciaron un nivel de correlación lineal positiva moderada (rho=0.504; p-valor= 0.005) entre la gestión basada en procesos y el cumplimiento de buenas prácticas en la unidad de estudio. Con estos hallazgos se concluyó que existe relación entre la gestión basada en procesos y el cumplimiento de buenas prácticas en la Oficina de Participación Ciudadana del Congreso de la República 2019, y que las dimensiones que más influyen en dicha relación fueron la documentación y transformación de procesos internos, así como el sistema formal de gestión de la informació

    Uncovering the practices of continuous improvement in local government

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    Continuous improvement (CI) is an important methodology adopted by the public sector, including local government, to drive process efficiencies and outcome effectiveness, often in response to financial pressures and increased customer demands driven by both state and federal governments (Burgess & Radnor 2012; Pedersen 2011; Radnor, Z. 2010; Rashman & Radnor 2005; Suarez Barraza et al. 2009). Moreover, the adoption of neoliberal policies to drive such imperatives has resulted in CI being enacted in ways that are often removed from the practice traditions presented by the early quality theorists of Crosby, Juran, Deming and Imai. The decontextualised approach to CI has seen the implementation of a range of quality frameworks, such as Australian Business Excellence or Lean Thinking, being implemented. The introduction and adoption of such frameworks has often been met with cynicism and caution by both CI practitioners and staff, as organisations have not always achieved the sought after gains frequently promised. For local government, CI practices have come to mean the application of a narrow range of tools. Most recently, the traditions, practices and frameworks which have been the foci on improvement have shifted to see the implementation of yet a new framework, which in the context of NSW local government has come to be known as service reviews (see for example: Pepper et al. 2021; University of Technology 2020, 2021) as the gold standard that has worked to reconfigure how CI is enacted within the NSW local government. This research explores ways in which, for NSW local government contexts, the fundamental activity and CI practice of problem definition could be reconfigured in ways which bring it closer to practice traditions of seminal theorists such as Deming and Imai. In this thesis the literatures of action learning sets (Anderson and Thorpe 2004; Bird and Duffy 2021; Norman 2016) and CI are brought together to foreground problem definition statements, action and critical reflection and the essential nature of these in the day-to-day enactment of CI practice within NSW local government (see for example Crosby 1989; Deming 1986; Ghobadian and Speller 1994; Imai 1986; Juran 1995). Through the introduction of action learning set practices at a number of NSW local government sites, this research has foregrounded the relational complexity of CI that enacted neoliberalist policies have ignored. In bringing workers together to enact practices of problem definition, action and reflection, the Action Learning Sets (ALS) have emerged as sites where it is possible to reinstate or indeed reinvigorate the lost practice traditions of CI

    Stakeholder-centric development of performance indicators in a local government context: A multi case study examination of cultural precinct performance measurement

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    Purpose: Senior officers and elected members (internal stakeholders) within Australian local government are taking an active interest in the development of cultural precincts. However, this interest is hampered by the lack of available research or literature on the benefits, value, or performance indicators (PIs) for such facilities. Whilst communities (external stakeholders) are primary consumers of cultural precinct services, genuine community engagement is often lacking in public administrations. As a result, community expectations of cultural precincts and precinct performance is not understood. This thesis considered what relevant PIs (and associated decision-making procedures) could be devised to appropriately gauge the performance of cultural precincts and to effectively engage internal and external stakeholders in this context. Methodology: To progress this study a mixed method approach applied to multiple case studies was pursued. This approach consisted of five distinct research phases involving five case Councils in New South Wales, Australia. These cases were at various stages of cultural precinct development. A literature review examined the study of performance measurement in public administrations, particularly the local government sector, the use of the balanced scorecard and the quadruple bottom line; as well as performance management literature from the fields of public administration, service industries and total quality management. Government reports were reviewed such as master plans, community strategic plans, engagement strategies, and relevant policy documents. Empirical data collection was undertaken utilising semi-structured interviews, focus groups and participative action research (PAR). Analysis was informed and guided by the principles of quality function deployment (QFD) and an enhanced performance indicator “house of quality” (PIHoQ) was developed to execute the needs of this research and to deploy into the field for preliminary testing and refinement of the framework..

    Lean six sigma and the Australian business excellence framework: An exploratory case within local government

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine a contextualized local government case study of the application of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) in conjunction with the Australian Business Excellence Framework (ABEF) to highlight the importance of a good strategic fit between LSS and organizational objectives before implementation. Design/methodology/approach A local government council is used in a case study-based approach. Organizational artefacts and documents were used for data collection in conjunction with interviews from senior executives within the organization. Findings Results indicate that when used in conjunction with the ABEF, LSS provides focus on organizational learning practices embedded within the implementation of continuous improvement. Research limitations/implications The purpose of this paper is to contribute to discourse regarding the effective application and implementation of LLS in local government. Practical implications LSS tools and techniques are known to local government, but are applied in isolation of the overarching LSS framework. This paper emphasizes the importance of comprehensive implementation of these tools, guided by the inclusion of an external contextualized framework (ABEF) in conjunction with the LSS to achieve sustainable continuous improvement. Originality/value Business excellence frameworks are widely used in the public sector as a reference/means for improvement. This paper highlights the importance of LSS in operationalizing strategic direction provided by such frameworks and providing the focus on learning practices critical for sustainable improvements