221 research outputs found

    Leakage-resilient coin tossing

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    Proceedings 25th International Symposium, DISC 2011, Rome, Italy, September 20-22, 2011.The ability to collectively toss a common coin among n parties in the presence of faults is an important primitive in the arsenal of randomized distributed protocols. In the case of dishonest majority, it was shown to be impossible to achieve less than 1 r bias in O(r) rounds (Cleve STOC ’86). In the case of honest majority, in contrast, unconditionally secure O(1)-round protocols for generating common unbiased coins follow from general completeness theorems on multi-party secure protocols in the secure channels model (e.g., BGW, CCD STOC ’88). However, in the O(1)-round protocols with honest majority, parties generate and hold secret values which are assumed to be perfectly hidden from malicious parties: an assumption which is crucial to proving the resulting common coin is unbiased. This assumption unfortunately does not seem to hold in practice, as attackers can launch side-channel attacks on the local state of honest parties and leak information on their secrets. In this work, we present an O(1)-round protocol for collectively generating an unbiased common coin, in the presence of leakage on the local state of the honest parties. We tolerate t ≀ ( 1 3 − )n computationallyunbounded Byzantine faults and in addition a Ω(1)-fraction leakage on each (honest) party’s secret state. Our results hold in the memory leakage model (of Akavia, Goldwasser, Vaikuntanathan ’08) adapted to the distributed setting. Additional contributions of our work are the tools we introduce to achieve the collective coin toss: a procedure for disjoint committee election, and leakage-resilient verifiable secret sharing.National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate FellowshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF-1018064

    Secure certification of mixed quantum states with application to two-party randomness generation

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    We investigate sampling procedures that certify that an arbitrary quantum state on nn subsystems is close to an ideal mixed state φ⊗n\varphi^{\otimes n} for a given reference state φ\varphi, up to errors on a few positions. This task makes no sense classically: it would correspond to certifying that a given bitstring was generated according to some desired probability distribution. However, in the quantum case, this is possible if one has access to a prover who can supply a purification of the mixed state. In this work, we introduce the concept of mixed-state certification, and we show that a natural sampling protocol offers secure certification in the presence of a possibly dishonest prover: if the verifier accepts then he can be almost certain that the state in question has been correctly prepared, up to a small number of errors. We then apply this result to two-party quantum coin-tossing. Given that strong coin tossing is impossible, it is natural to ask "how close can we get". This question has been well studied and is nowadays well understood from the perspective of the bias of individual coin tosses. We approach and answer this question from a different---and somewhat orthogonal---perspective, where we do not look at individual coin tosses but at the global entropy instead. We show how two distrusting parties can produce a common high-entropy source, where the entropy is an arbitrarily small fraction below the maximum (except with negligible probability)

    Quantum Cryptography Beyond Quantum Key Distribution

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    Quantum cryptography is the art and science of exploiting quantum mechanical effects in order to perform cryptographic tasks. While the most well-known example of this discipline is quantum key distribution (QKD), there exist many other applications such as quantum money, randomness generation, secure two- and multi-party computation and delegated quantum computation. Quantum cryptography also studies the limitations and challenges resulting from quantum adversaries---including the impossibility of quantum bit commitment, the difficulty of quantum rewinding and the definition of quantum security models for classical primitives. In this review article, aimed primarily at cryptographers unfamiliar with the quantum world, we survey the area of theoretical quantum cryptography, with an emphasis on the constructions and limitations beyond the realm of QKD.Comment: 45 pages, over 245 reference

    Secure multi-party protocols under a modern lens

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematics, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 263-272).A secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol for computing a function f allows a group of parties to jointly evaluate f over their private inputs, such that a computationally bounded adversary who corrupts a subset of the parties can not learn anything beyond the inputs of the corrupted parties and the output of the function f. General MPC completeness theorems in the 1980s showed that every efficiently computable function can be evaluated securely in this fashion [Yao86, GMW87, CCD87, BGW88] using the existence of cryptography. In the following decades, progress has been made toward making MPC protocols efficient enough to be deployed in real-world applications. However, recent technological developments have brought with them a slew of new challenges, from new security threats to a question of whether protocols can scale up with the demand of distributed computations on massive data. Before one can make effective use of MPC, these challenges must be addressed. In this thesis, we focus on two lines of research toward this goal: " Protocols resilient to side-channel attacks. We consider a strengthened adversarial model where, in addition to corrupting a subset of parties, the adversary may leak partial information on the secret states of honest parties during the protocol. In presence of such adversary, we first focus on preserving the correctness guarantees of MPC computations. We then proceed to address security guarantees, using cryptography. We provide two results: an MPC protocol whose security provably "degrades gracefully" with the amount of leakage information obtained by the adversary, and a second protocol which provides complete security assuming a (necessary) one-time preprocessing phase during which leakage cannot occur. * Protocols with scalable communication requirements. We devise MPC protocols with communication locality: namely, each party only needs to communicate with a small (polylog) number of dynamically chosen parties. Our techniques use digital signatures and extend particularly well to the case when the function f is a sublinear algorithm whose execution depends on o(n) of the n parties' inputs.by Elette Chantae Boyle.Ph.D

    Moving Participants Turtle Consensus

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    We present Moving Participants Turtle Consensus (MPTC), an asynchronous consensus protocol for crash and Byzantine-tolerant distributed systems. MPTC uses various moving target defense strategies to tolerate certain Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks issued by an adversary capable of compromising a bounded portion of the system. MPTC supports on the fly reconfiguration of the consensus strategy as well as of the processes executing this strategy when solving the problem of agreement. It uses existing cryptographic techniques to ensure that reconfiguration takes place in an unpredictable fashion thus eliminating the adversary's advantage on predicting protocol and execution-specific information that can be used against the protocol. We implement MPTC as well as a State Machine Replication protocol and evaluate our design under different attack scenarios. Our evaluation shows that MPTC approximates best case scenario performance even under a well-coordinated DoS attack.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures, OPODI

    Secure certification of mixed quantum states with application to two-party randomness generation

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    We investigate sampling procedures that certify that an arbitrary quantum state on n subsystems is close to an ideal mixed state ⊗ for a given reference state , up to errors on a few positions. This task makes no sense classically: it would correspond to certifying that a given bitstring was generated according to some desired probability distribution. However, in the quantum case, this is possible if one has access to a prover who can supply a purification of the mixed state. In this work, we introduce the concept of mixed-state certification, and we show that a natural sampling protocol offers secure certification in the presence of a possibly dishonest prover: if the verifier accepts then he can be almost certain that the state in question has been correctly prepared, up to a small number of errors. We then apply this result to two-party quantum coin-tossing. Given that strong coin tossing is impossible, it is natural to ask “how close can we get”. This question has been well studied and is nowadays well understood from the perspective of the bias of individual coin tosses. We approach and answer this question from a different—and somewhat orthogonal—perspective, where we do not look at individual coin tosses but at the global entropy instead. We show how two distrusting parties can produce a common high-entropy source, where the entropy is an arbitrarily small fraction below the maximum

    Constant-Round Leakage-Resilient Zero-Knowledge Arguments of Knowledge for NP

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    Garg, Jain, and Sahai first consider zero knowledge proofs in the presence of leakage on the local state of the prover, and present a leakage-resilient-zero-knowledge proof system for HC (Hamiltonian Cycle) problem. Their construction is called (1+Δ)(1+\varepsilon)-leakage-resilient zero-knowledge, for any constant Δ>0\varepsilon>0, because the total length of the leakage the simulator needs is (1+Δ)(1+\varepsilon) times as large as that of the leakage received by the verifier. In recent, Pandey provides a constant-round leakage-resilient zero-knowledge argument satisfying the ideal requirement of Δ=0\varepsilon=0. Whether there exist constant round leakage-resilient zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge for all NP languages is an interesting problem. This paper focuses on this problem and presents a constant-round construction of leakage-resilient zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge for the HC problem

    Constant-round Leakage-resilient Zero-knowledge from Collision Resistance

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    In this paper, we present a constant-round leakage-resilient zero-knowledge argument system for NP under the assumption of the existence of collision-resistant hash function family. That is, using collision-resistant hash functions, we construct a constant-round zero-knowledge argument system that has the following zero-knowledge property: Even against any cheating verifier that obtains arbitrary amount of leakage on the prover\u27s internal secret state, a simulator can simulate the verifier\u27s view by obtaining the same amount of leakage on the witness. Previously, leakage-resilient zero-knowledge proofs/arguments for NP were constructed only under a relaxed security definition (Garg, Jain, and Sahai, CRYPTO\u2711) or under the DDH assumption (Pandey, TCC\u2714). Our leakage-resilient zero-knowledge argument system satisfies an additional property that it is simultaneously leakage-resilient zero-knowledge, meaning that both zero-knowledgeness and soundness hold in the presence of leakage

    On the Non-malleability of the Fiat-Shamir Transform

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    The Fiat-Shamir transform is a well studied paradigm for removing interaction from public-coin protocols. We investigate whether the resulting non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems also exhibit non-malleability properties that have up to now only been studied for NIZK proof systems in the common reference string model: first, we formally define simulation soundness and a weak form of simulation extraction in the random oracle model (ROM). Second, we show that in the ROM the Fiat-Shamir transform meets these properties under lenient conditions. A consequence of our result is that, in the ROM, we obtain truly efficient non malleable NIZK proof systems essentially for free. Our definitions are sufficient for instantiating the Naor-Yung paradigm for CCA2-secure encryption, as well as a generic construction for signature schemes from hard relations and simulation-extractable NIZK proof systems. These two constructions are interesting as the former preserves both the leakage resilience and key-dependent message security of the underlying CPA-secure encryption scheme, while the latter lifts the leakage resilience of the hard relation to the leakage resilience of the resulting signature scheme
