18 research outputs found

    Leaderless deterministic chemical reaction networks

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    This paper answers an open question of Chen, Doty, and Soloveichik [1], who showed that a function f:N^k --> N^l is deterministically computable by a stochastic chemical reaction network (CRN) if and only if the graph of f is a semilinear subset of N^{k+l}. That construction crucially used "leaders": the ability to start in an initial configuration with constant but non-zero counts of species other than the k species X_1,...,X_k representing the input to the function f. The authors asked whether deterministic CRNs without a leader retain the same power. We answer this question affirmatively, showing that every semilinear function is deterministically computable by a CRN whose initial configuration contains only the input species X_1,...,X_k, and zero counts of every other species. We show that this CRN completes in expected time O(n), where n is the total number of input molecules. This time bound is slower than the O(log^5 n) achieved in [1], but faster than the O(n log n) achieved by the direct construction of [1] (Theorem 4.1 in the latest online version of [1]), since the fast construction of that paper (Theorem 4.4) relied heavily on the use of a fast, error-prone CRN that computes arbitrary computable functions, and which crucially uses a leader.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1204.417

    How Many Cooks Spoil the Soup?

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    In this work, we study the following basic question: "How much parallelism does a distributed task permit?" Our definition of parallelism (or symmetry) here is not in terms of speed, but in terms of identical roles that processes have at the same time in the execution. We initiate this study in population protocols, a very simple model that not only allows for a straightforward definition of what a role is, but also encloses the challenge of isolating the properties that are due to the protocol from those that are due to the adversary scheduler, who controls the interactions between the processes. We (i) give a partial characterization of the set of predicates on input assignments that can be stably computed with maximum symmetry, i.e., Θ(Nmin)\Theta(N_{min}), where NminN_{min} is the minimum multiplicity of a state in the initial configuration, and (ii) we turn our attention to the remaining predicates and prove a strong impossibility result for the parity predicate: the inherent symmetry of any protocol that stably computes it is upper bounded by a constant that depends on the size of the protocol.Comment: 19 page

    Computational Complexity of Atomic Chemical Reaction Networks

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    Informally, a chemical reaction network is "atomic" if each reaction may be interpreted as the rearrangement of indivisible units of matter. There are several reasonable definitions formalizing this idea. We investigate the computational complexity of deciding whether a given network is atomic according to each of these definitions. Our first definition, primitive atomic, which requires each reaction to preserve the total number of atoms, is to shown to be equivalent to mass conservation. Since it is known that it can be decided in polynomial time whether a given chemical reaction network is mass-conserving, the equivalence gives an efficient algorithm to decide primitive atomicity. Another definition, subset atomic, further requires that all atoms are species. We show that deciding whether a given network is subset atomic is in NP\textsf{NP}, and the problem "is a network subset atomic with respect to a given atom set" is strongly NP\textsf{NP}-Complete\textsf{Complete}. A third definition, reachably atomic, studied by Adleman, Gopalkrishnan et al., further requires that each species has a sequence of reactions splitting it into its constituent atoms. We show that there is a polynomial-time algorithm\textbf{polynomial-time algorithm} to decide whether a given network is reachably atomic, improving upon the result of Adleman et al. that the problem is decidable\textbf{decidable}. We show that the reachability problem for reachably atomic networks is Pspace\textsf{Pspace}-Complete\textsf{Complete}. Finally, we demonstrate equivalence relationships between our definitions and some special cases of another existing definition of atomicity due to Gnacadja

    Composable computation in discrete chemical reaction networks

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    We study the composability of discrete chemical reaction networks (CRNs) that stably compute (i.e., with probability 0 of error) integer-valued functions f:NdNf:\mathbb{N}^d\to\mathbb{N}. We consider output-oblivious CRNs in which the output species is never a reactant (input) to any reaction. The class of output-oblivious CRNs is fundamental, appearing in earlier studies of CRN computation, because it is precisely the class of CRNs that can be composed by simply renaming the output of the upstream CRN to match the input of the downstream CRN. Our main theorem precisely characterizes the functions ff stably computable by output-oblivious CRNs with an initial leader. The key necessary condition is that for sufficiently large inputs, ff is the minimum of a finite number of nondecreasing quilt-affine functions. (An affine function is linear with a constant offset; a quilt-affine function is linear with a periodic offset)

    Efficient size estimation and impossibility of termination in uniform dense population protocols

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    We study uniform population protocols: networks of anonymous agents whose pairwise interactions are chosen at random, where each agent uses an identical transition algorithm that does not depend on the population size nn. Many existing polylog(n)(n) time protocols for leader election and majority computation are nonuniform: to operate correctly, they require all agents to be initialized with an approximate estimate of nn (specifically, the exact value logn\lfloor \log n \rfloor). Our first main result is a uniform protocol for calculating log(n)±O(1)\log(n) \pm O(1) with high probability in O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) time and O(log4n)O(\log^4 n) states (O(loglogn)O(\log \log n) bits of memory). The protocol is converging but not terminating: it does not signal when the estimate is close to the true value of logn\log n. If it could be made terminating, this would allow composition with protocols, such as those for leader election or majority, that require a size estimate initially, to make them uniform (though with a small probability of failure). We do show how our main protocol can be indirectly composed with others in a simple and elegant way, based on the leaderless phase clock, demonstrating that those protocols can in fact be made uniform. However, our second main result implies that the protocol cannot be made terminating, a consequence of a much stronger result: a uniform protocol for any task requiring more than constant time cannot be terminating even with probability bounded above 0, if infinitely many initial configurations are dense: any state present initially occupies Ω(n)\Omega(n) agents. (In particular, no leader is allowed.) Crucially, the result holds no matter the memory or time permitted. Finally, we show that with an initial leader, our size-estimation protocol can be made terminating with high probability, with the same asymptotic time and space bounds.Comment: Using leaderless phase cloc

    On the Runtime of Chemical Reaction Networks Beyond Idealized Conditions

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    This paper studies the (discrete) chemical reaction network (CRN) computational model that emerged in the last two decades as an abstraction for molecular programming. The correctness of CRN protocols is typically established under one of two possible schedulers that determine how the execution advances: (1) a stochastic scheduler that obeys the (continuous time) Markov process dictated by the standard model of stochastic chemical kinetics; or (2) an adversarial scheduler whose only commitment is to maintain a certain fairness condition. The latter scheduler is justified by the fact that the former one crucially assumes "idealized conditions" that more often than not, do not hold in real wet-lab experiments. However, when it comes to analyzing the runtime of CRN protocols, the existing literature focuses strictly on the stochastic scheduler, thus raising the research question that drives this work: Is there a meaningful way to quantify the runtime of CRNs without the idealized conditions assumption? The main conceptual contribution of the current paper is to answer this question in the affirmative, formulating a new runtime measure for CRN protocols that does not rely on idealized conditions. This runtime measure is based on an adapted (weaker) fairness condition as well as a novel scheme that enables partitioning the execution into short rounds and charging the runtime for each round individually (inspired by definitions for the runtime of asynchronous distributed algorithms). Following that, we turn to investigate various fundamental computational tasks and establish (often tight) bounds on the runtime of the corresponding CRN protocols operating under the adversarial scheduler. This includes an almost complete chart of the runtime complexity landscape of predicate decidability tasks

    Output Stability and Semilinear Sets in Chemical Reaction Networks and Deciders

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    Abstract. We study the set of output stable configurations of chemical reaction deciders (CRDs). It turns out that CRDs with only bimolecular reactions (which are almost equivalent to population protocols) have a special structure that allows for an algorithm to efficiently calculate the (finite) set of minimal output stable configurations. As a consequence, a relatively large sequence of configurations may be efficiently checked for output stability. We also provide a number of observations regarding the semilinearity result of Angluin et al. [Distrib. Comput., 2007] from the context of population protocols (which is a central result for output stable CRDs). In particular, we observe that the computation-friendly class of totally stable CRDs has equal expressive power as the larger class of output stable CRDs.