92 research outputs found

    Layout Design of Human-Machine Interaction Interface of Cabin Based on Cognitive Ergonomics and GA-ACA

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    In order to consider the psychological cognitive characteristics affecting operating comfort and realize the automatic layout design, cognitive ergonomics and GA-ACA (genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm) were introduced into the layout design of human-machine interaction interface. First, from the perspective of cognitive psychology, according to the information processing process, the cognitive model of human-machine interaction interface was established. Then, the human cognitive characteristics were analyzed, and the layout principles of human-machine interaction interface were summarized as the constraints in layout design. Again, the expression form of fitness function, pheromone, and heuristic information for the layout optimization of cabin was studied. The layout design model of human-machine interaction interface was established based on GA-ACA. At last, a layout design system was developed based on this model. For validation, the human-machine interaction interface layout design of drilling rig control room was taken as an example, and the optimization result showed the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method

    Human-in-the-Loop Configurations in Process and Energy Industries: A Systematic Review

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    The human-in-the-loop performance evaluation is an area of growing interest in industries where safety-critical systems are in place. Concerns here are due to the increasing complexity of automation, new technologies for control, and safety. Because, unlike a more traditional approach to evaluating the human and the system they work with, human-in-the-loop gives a holistic view of their interaction (human, automation or artificial intelligence) and dynamics. It also emphasizes adapting the technology or automation to the human, being central, considering certain factors like risk. Therefore, there is a need to identify the relevant factors, novel measures and methods or improvements on existing methods that can be adapted for this field of research. This paper intends to present an overview of human-in-the-loop in the process and energy industries by presenting a literature summary highlighting current factors and measures, methods, gaps, solutions and future work. Experimental (13) and observational (11) studies have been reviewed for results. It was observed that new factors, measures and techniques are currently being explored to fill some of the current gaps for the human-in-the-loop, for example, during performance assessment new methods and modalities have been adopted such as eye tracking and electroencephalography methods. The results and open questions from the papers reviewed and possible future research opportunities are presented and discussed in this paper

    Assessing the Relationships between Task Demand, Task Difficulty and Performance during Physicians' Interaction with EHR systems

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    The study’s aim was to relate task demand, task difficulty with performance during physicians’ interaction with electronic health records (EHR) system. The results indicated that there was a significant effect of task demands on task difficulty and performance; task difficulty was also related to performance. Practically, the results suggest that EHR designers might be able to positively affect physicians’ performance by enhancing usability of interfaces aimed at directing physician’ EHR-related interaction strategies.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    An investigation of the relationships between mental workload, job satisfaction, wage satisfaction, and intention to leave the job

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    Beyaz yakalı çalışanlarda işten ayrılma niyetini oluşturan sebepleri incelemek organizasyonların nitelikli iş gücünü kaybetmemeleri açısından oldukça önemlidir. Alanyazında bu sebepleri ortaya koymaya çalışan araştırmalara rastlanmakla birlikte zihinsel iş yükünün söz konusu çalışmalarda incelenmediği dikkati çekmektedir. Buradan hareketle gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmanın amacı, beyaz yakalı çalışanların zihinsel iş yükü, iş tatmini ve ücret tatmini düzeyleri ile işten ayrılma niyetleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemi, çeşitli sektörlerde ve iş alanlarında çalışan 299 beyaz yakalı çalışandır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek için yapılan korelasyon analizi sonuçlarına göre, işten ayrılma niyeti ile iş tatmini ve ücret tatmini arasında negatif, zihinsel iş yükü ile pozitif yönde anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Ayrıca değişkenlerin cinsiyete göre farklılığı sadece ücret tatmininde anlamlı çıkmış olup, çalışılan sektöre göre farklılık incelendiğinde zihinsel iş yükü hariç diğer tüm değişkenlerde anlamlı bir farklılık gösterdiği görülmüştür. Değişkenlerin işten ayrılma niyetini açıklama düzeyini belirlemek için yapılan aşamalı regresyon (stepwise) analizinin sonuçları, iş ve ücret tatmininin, zihinsel iş yüküyle birlikte işten ayrılma niyetini açıkladığını göstermektedir.Examining the reasons that make up the intention to leave the job in white-collar employees is very important in terms of not losing the qualified workforce of the organizations. Although some studies have attempted to reveal these reasons, it is noteworthy that mental workload has not been examined. The aim of this study, which was conducted from this point of view, is to examine the relationship between the mental workload, job satisfaction, and wage satisfaction levels of white-collar employees and their intention to leave. The sample of the research was 299 white-collar employees working in various sectors and business areas. According to the results of the correlation analysis performed to examine the relationship between the variables, negative significant relationships were found between intention to leave and job satisfaction, and wage satisfaction, and positive correlations with the mental workload. In addition, the difference of the variables according to gender was significant only in wage satisfaction, and when the difference according to the sector was examined, there was a significant difference in all other variables, except mental workload. The results of the stepwise analysis to determine the level of explaining the turnover intention of the variables indicate that job and wage satisfaction, together with mental workload, explain the intention to leave the job

    Flight deck automation: Promises and realities

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    Issues of flight deck automation are multifaceted and complex. The rapid introduction of advanced computer-based technology onto the flight deck of transport category aircraft has had considerable impact both on aircraft operations and on the flight crew. As part of NASA's responsibility to facilitate an active exchange of ideas and information among members of the aviation community, a NASA/FAA/Industry workshop devoted to flight deck automation, organized by the Aerospace Human Factors Research Division of NASA Ames Research Center. Participants were invited from industry and from government organizations responsible for design, certification, operation, and accident investigation of transport category, automated aircraft. The goal of the workshop was to clarify the implications of automation, both positive and negative. Workshop panels and working groups identified issues regarding the design, training, and procedural aspects of flight deck automation, as well as the crew's ability to interact and perform effectively with the new technology. The proceedings include the invited papers and the panel and working group reports, as well as the summary and conclusions of the conference

    Kognitiivisen ergonomian avulla parempaan käytettävyyteen

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    Nykyään on miltei mahdotonta välttää vuorovaikutusta tietotekniikkaan liittyvien välineiden kanssa. Siksi järjestelmiä suunnitellessa olisikin tärkeää ottaa huomioon ihmisten tietojenkäsittelyn kyvyt ja niiden rajoitukset, jotta vältytään tuotantovirheiltä ja ihmisten liialliselta kuormitukselta. Kognitiivisesti kuormittavat työolosuhteet vaikuttavat merkittävästi työntekijöiden tehtävien suorittamiseen ja yleiseen hyvinvointiin. Näihin asioihin puuttumalla voidaan edesauttaa sekä työntekijöitä, että organisaatiota parempaan työhyvinvointiin ja tuottavuuteen. Kognitiivista ergonomiaa voidaan pitää tärkeänä tieteellisenä perustana käyttöliittymäsuunnittelulle. Kognitiivisessa ergonomiassa tutkitaan ihmisen, järjestelmän ja artefaktin vuorovaikutusta keskenään. Tarkoituksena on saada ne toimimaan yhdessä mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Kognitiivisella ergonomialla tavoitellaan tehtäväaikojen lyhentymistä, ihmisten tekemien virheiden vähentymistä, oppimisajan lyhentymistä ja ihmisten parempaa tyytyväisyyttä järjestelmää kohtaan. Kognitiivisen ergonomian avulla käyttöliittymien käytettävyyttä voidaan saada kehitettyä paremmaksi, joka johtaa siihen, että käyttäjät omaksuvat ja ymmärtävät käyttöliittymän toiminnot paremmin. Tämä mahdollistaa sen, että käyttäjä saa tehokkaasti käyttöliittymästä parhaan hyödyn irti. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kognitiivista ergonomiaa parantamalla voidaan vaikuttaa järjestelmän käytettävyyteen. Tämän tavoitteen ilmentymänä syntyi suunnittelutieteellisen tutkimuksen tutkimusmenetelmiä käyttäen IT-artefakti eli suunnitteluohje, jolla saatiin parannettua kohdeyrityksen SAP ME-järjestelmän käytettävyyttä. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä tuodaan esille kognitiivisen ergonomian ja käytettävyyden näkökulmia, joita käytettiin apuna IT-artefakti rakentamisessa. IT-artefaktin avulla rakennettua käyttöliittymää testattiin kahdella kohdeyrityksen tuotantolinjalla, jonka aikana käyttöliittymälle toteutettiin heuristinen arviointi ja käyttäjätestaus. Nämä toimivat hyvinä menetelminä, joilla saatiin kerättyä arvokasta tietoa IT-artefaktin kehittämiseen. Kohdeyrityksenä toimi Danfoss. Käytettävyyden kehittymistä mitattiin kahdella käytettävyyskyselyllä, jossa ensimmäisellä mitattiin nykyisen SAP ME-järjestelmän käytettävyyttä ja toisella IT-artefaktin avulla päivitetyn SAP ME-järjestelmän käytettävyyttä. Ensimmäisen ja toisen käytettävyyskyselyn SUS-tuloksen keskiarvo parani 22,56 pistettä, jota voidaan pitää hyvinkin positiivisena tuloksena. Käytettävyyskysely sisälsi SUS-kyselyn lisäksi omia vaihtoehtoja ja niiden tuloksissa tapahtui myös parannusta nykyisen ja päivitetyn SAP ME-järjestelmän välillä. Selkeimmät parannukset näkyivät siinä, etteivät käyttäjät kokeneet enää painikkeiden ja tekstin kokoa ongelmaksi. Käyttäjät myös kokivat päivitetyn käyttöliittymän kuormittavan heitä vähemmän ja myös sen, että painikkeet löytyivät helpommin päivitetyltä käyttöliittymältä. Tämä tutkimustarjoaa varteenotettavan IT-artefaktin, jota voidaan käyttää parantamaan käyttöliittymien käytettävyyttä