118 research outputs found

    Lattice-Based Group Signatures: Achieving Full Dynamicity (and Deniability) with Ease

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    In this work, we provide the first lattice-based group signature that offers full dynamicity (i.e., users have the flexibility in joining and leaving the group), and thus, resolve a prominent open problem posed by previous works. Moreover, we achieve this non-trivial feat in a relatively simple manner. Starting with Libert et al.'s fully static construction (Eurocrypt 2016) - which is arguably the most efficient lattice-based group signature to date, we introduce simple-but-insightful tweaks that allow to upgrade it directly into the fully dynamic setting. More startlingly, our scheme even produces slightly shorter signatures than the former, thanks to an adaptation of a technique proposed by Ling et al. (PKC 2013), allowing to prove inequalities in zero-knowledge. Our design approach consists of upgrading Libert et al.'s static construction (EUROCRYPT 2016) - which is arguably the most efficient lattice-based group signature to date - into the fully dynamic setting. Somewhat surprisingly, our scheme produces slightly shorter signatures than the former, thanks to a new technique for proving inequality in zero-knowledge without relying on any inequality check. The scheme satisfies the strong security requirements of Bootle et al.'s model (ACNS 2016), under the Short Integer Solution (SIS) and the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumptions. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to equip the obtained group signature scheme with the deniability functionality in a simple way. This attractive functionality, put forward by Ishida et al. (CANS 2016), enables the tracing authority to provide an evidence that a given user is not the owner of a signature in question. In the process, we design a zero-knowledge protocol for proving that a given LWE ciphertext does not decrypt to a particular message

    How to avoid repetitions in lattice-based deniable zero-knowledge proofs

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    Interactive zero-knowledge systems are a very important cryptographic primitive, used in many applications, especially when deniability (also known as non-transferability) is desired. In the lattice-based setting, the currently most efficient interactive zero-knowledge systems employ the technique of rejection sampling, which implies that the interaction does not always finish correctly in the first execution; the whole interaction must be re-run until abort does not happen. While repetitions due to aborts are acceptable in theory, in some practical applications it is desirable to avoid re-runs for usability reasons. In this work we present a generic technique that departs from an interactive zero-knowledge system (that might require multiple re-runs to complete the protocol) and obtains a 3-moves zero-knowledge system (without re-runs). The transformation combines the well-known Fiat-Shamir technique with a couple of initially exchanged messages. The resulting 3-moves system enjoys honest-verifier zero-knowledge and can be easily turned into a fully deniable proof using standard techniques. We show some practical scenarios where our transformation can be beneficial and we also discuss the results of an implementation of our transformation.Preprin

    Concept and Construction of Group Signature with self-proof capacity for confirming and denying

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    With privacy-preserving and traceability properties, group signature is a cryptosystem with central role in cryptography. And there are lots of application scenarios. A new extension concept of group signature is presented, namely group signature with self-proof capacity. For a legitimate group signature, the real signer can prove that the signature is indeed signed by him/her. While for the other members of the group, they can prove that the signature is not signed by him/her. The former can be used for claiming money reward from the police, while the latter can be used for proving one's innocent in a criminal investigation

    Group Signature with Deniability: How to Disavow a Signature

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    Group signatures are a class of digital signatures with enhanced privacy. By using this type of signature, a user can sign a message on behalf of a specific group without revealing his identity, but in the case of a dispute, an authority can expose the identity of the signer. However, in some situations it is only required to know whether a specific user is the signer of a given signature. In this case, the use of a standard group signature may be problematic since the specified user might not be the signer of the given signature, and hence, the identity of the actual signer will be exposed. Inspired by this problem, we propose the notion of a deniable group signature, where, with respect to a signature and a user, the authority can issue a proof showing that the specified user is NOT the signer of the signature, without revealing the actual signer. We also describe a fairly practical construction by extending the Groth group signature scheme (ASIACRYPT 2007). In particular, a denial proof in our scheme consists of 96 group elements, which is about twice the size of a signature in the Groth scheme. The proposed scheme is provably secure under the same assumptions as those of the Groth scheme

    Deniable Key Establishment Resistance against eKCI Attacks

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    In extended Key Compromise Impersonation (eKCI) attack against authenticated key establishment (AKE) protocols the adversary impersonates one party, having the long term key and the ephemeral key of the other peer party. Such an attack can be mounted against variety of AKE protocols, including 3-pass HMQV. An intuitive countermeasure, based on BLS (Boneh–Lynn–Shacham) signatures, for strengthening HMQV was proposed in literature. The original HMQV protocol fulfills the deniability property: a party can deny its participation in the protocol execution, as the peer party can create a fake protocol transcript indistinguishable from the real one. Unfortunately, the modified BLS based version of HMQV is not deniable. In this paper we propose a method for converting HMQV (and similar AKE protocols) into a protocol resistant to eKCI attacks but without losing the original deniability property. For that purpose, instead of the undeniable BLS, we use a modification of Schnorr authentication protocol, which is deniable and immune to ephemeral key leakages

    K-Waay: Fast and Deniable Post-Quantum X3DH without Ring Signatures

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    The Signal protocol and its X3DH key exchange core are regularly used by billions of people in applications like WhatsApp but are unfortunately not quantum-secure. Thus, designing an efficient and post-quantum secure X3DH alternative is paramount. Notably, X3DH supports asynchronicity, as parties can immediately derive keys after uploading them to a central server, and deniability, allowing parties to plausibly deny having completed key exchange. To satisfy these constraints, existing post-quantum X3DH proposals use ring signatures (or equivalently a form of designated-verifier signatures) to provide authentication without compromising deniability as regular signatures would. Existing ring signature schemes, however, have some drawbacks. Notably, they are not generally proven secure in the quantum random oracle model (QROM) and so the quantum security of parameters that are proposed is unclear and likely weaker than claimed. In addition, they are generally slower than standard primitives like KEMs. In this work, we propose an efficient, deniable and post-quantum X3DH-like protocol that we call K-Waay, that does not rely on ring signatures. At its core, K-Waay uses a split-KEM, a primitive introduced by Brendel et al. [SAC 2020], to provide Diffie-Hellman-like implicit authentication and secrecy guarantees. Along the way, we revisit the formalism of Brendel et al. and identify that additional security properties are required to prove a split-KEM-based protocol secure. We instantiate split-KEM by building a protocol based on the Frodo key exchange protocol relying on the plain LWE assumption: our proofs might be of independent interest as we show it satisfies our novel unforgeability and deniability security notions. Finally, we complement our theoretical results by thoroughly benchmarking both K-Waay and existing X3DH protocols. Our results show even when using plain LWE and a conservative choice of parameters that K-Waay is significantly faster than previous work

    Frontiers in Lattice Cryptography and Program Obfuscation

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    In this dissertation, we explore the frontiers of theory of cryptography along two lines. In the first direction, we explore Lattice Cryptography, which is the primary sub-area of post-quantum cryptographic research. Our first contribution is the construction of a deniable attribute-based encryption scheme from lattices. A deniable encryption scheme is secure against not only eavesdropping attacks as required by semantic security, but also stronger coercion attacks performed after the fact. An attribute-based encryption scheme allows ``fine-grained'' access to ciphertexts, allowing for a decryption access policy to be embedded in ciphertexts and keys. We achieve both properties simultaneously for the first time from lattices. Our second contribution is the construction of a digital signature scheme that enjoys both short signatures and a completely tight security reduction from lattices. As a matter of independent interest, we give an improved method of randomized inversion of the G gadget matrix, which reduces the noise growth rate in homomorphic evaluations performed in a large number of lattice-based cryptographic schemes, without incurring the high cost of sampling discrete Gaussians. In the second direction, we explore Cryptographic Program Obfuscation. A program obfuscator is a type of cryptographic software compiler that outputs executable code with the guarantee that ``whatever can be hidden about the internal workings of program code, is hidden.'' Indeed, program obfuscation can be viewed as a ``universal and cryptographically-complete'' tool. Our third contribution is the first, full-scale implementation of secure program obfuscation in software. Our toolchain takes code written in a C-like programming language, specialized for cryptography, and produces secure, obfuscated software. Our fourth contribution is a new cryptanalytic attack against a variety of ``early'' program obfuscation candidates. We provide a general, efficiently-testable property for any two branching programs, called partial inequivalence, which we show is sufficient for launching an ``annihilation attack'' against several obfuscation candidates based on Garg-Gentry-Halevi multilinear maps

    SoK: Privacy-Preserving Signatures

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    Modern security systems depend fundamentally on the ability of users to authenticate their communications to other parties in a network. Unfortunately, cryptographic authentication can substantially undermine the privacy of users. One possible solution to this problem is to use privacy-preserving cryptographic authentication. These protocols allow users to authenticate their communications without revealing their identity to the verifier. In the non-interactive setting, the most common protocols include blind, ring, and group signatures, each of which has been the subject of enormous research in the security and cryptography literature. These primitives are now being deployed at scale in major applications, including Intel\u27s SGX software attestation framework. The depth of the research literature and the prospect of large-scale deployment motivate us to systematize our understanding of the research in this area. This work provides an overview of these techniques, focusing on applications and efficiency

    An Efficient and Generic Construction for Signal\u27s Handshake (X3DH): Post-Quantum, State Leakage Secure, and Deniable

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    The Signal protocol is a secure instant messaging protocol that underlies the security of numerous applications such as WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook Messenger among many others. The Signal protocol consists of two sub-protocols known as the X3DH protocol and the double ratchet protocol, where the latter has recently gained much attention. For instance, Alwen, Coretti, and Dodis (Eurocrypt\u2719) provided a concrete security model along with a generic construction based on simple building blocks that are instantiable from versatile assumptions, including post-quantum ones. In contrast, as far as we are aware, works focusing on the X3DH protocol seem limited. In this work, we cast the X3DH protocol as a specific type of authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocol, which we call a Signal-conforming AKE protocol, and formally define its security model based on the vast prior works on AKE protocols. We then provide the first efficient generic construction of a Signal-conforming AKE protocol based on standard cryptographic primitives such as key encapsulation mechanisms (KEM) and signature schemes. Specifically, this results in the first post-quantum secure replacement of the X3DH protocol on well-established assumptions. Similar to the X3DH protocol, our Signal-conforming AKE protocol offers a strong (or stronger) flavor of security, where the exchanged key remains secure even when all the non-trivial combinations of the long-term secrets and session-specific secrets are compromised. Moreover, our protocol has a weak flavor of deniability and we further show how to progressively strengthen it using ring signatures and/or non-interactive zero-knowledge proof systems. Finally, we provide a full-fledged, generic C implementation of our (weakly deniable) protocol. We instantiate it with several Round 3 candidates (finalists and alternates) to the NIST post-quantum standardization process and compare the resulting bandwidth and computation performances. Our implementation is publicly available

    Sanitization of FHE ciphertexts

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    By definition, fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes support homomorphic decryption, and all known FHE constructions are bootstrapped from a Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE) scheme via this technique. Additionally, when a public key is provided, ciphertexts are also re-randomizable, e.g., by adding to them fresh encryptions of 0. From those two operations we devise an algorithm to sanitize a ciphertext, by making its distribution canonical. In particular, the distribution of the ciphertext does not depend on the circuit that led to it via homomorphic evaluation, thus providing circuit privacy in the honest-but-curious model. Unlike the previous approach based on noise flooding, our approach does not degrade much the security/efficiency trade-off of the underlying FHE. The technique can be applied to all lattice-based FHE proposed so far, without substantially affecting their concrete parameters
