2,924 research outputs found

    Phononic Rogue Waves

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    We present a theoretical study of extreme events occurring in phononic lattices. In particular, we focus on the formation of rogue or freak waves, which are characterized by their localization in both spatial and temporal domains. We consider two examples. The first one is the prototypical nonlinear mass-spring system in the form of a homogeneous Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) lattice with a polynomial potential. By deriving an approximation based on the nonlinear Schroedinger (NLS) equation, we are able to initialize the FPUT model using a suitably transformed Peregrine soliton solution of the NLS, obtaining dynamics that resembles a rogue wave on the FPUT lattice. We also show that Gaussian initial data can lead to dynamics featuring rogue wave for sufficiently wide Gaussians. The second example is a diatomic granular crystal exhibiting rogue wave like dynamics, which we also obtain through an NLS reduction and numerical simulations. The granular crystal (a chain of particles that interact elastically) is a widely studied system that lends itself to experimental studies. This study serves to illustrate the potential of such dynamical lattices towards the experimental observation of acoustic rogue waves.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions and Applications to Percolation

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    It is shown that a large class of events in a product probability space are highly sensitive to noise, in the sense that with high probability, the configuration with an arbitrary small percent of random errors gives almost no prediction whether the event occurs. On the other hand, weighted majority functions are shown to be noise-stable. Several necessary and sufficient conditions for noise sensitivity and stability are given. Consider, for example, bond percolation on an n+1n+1 by nn grid. A configuration is a function that assigns to every edge the value 0 or 1. Let ω\omega be a random configuration, selected according to the uniform measure. A crossing is a path that joins the left and right sides of the rectangle, and consists entirely of edges ee with ω(e)=1\omega(e)=1. By duality, the probability for having a crossing is 1/2. Fix an ϵ∈(0,1)\epsilon\in(0,1). For each edge ee, let ω′(e)=ω(e)\omega'(e)=\omega(e) with probability 1−ϵ1-\epsilon, and ω′(e)=1−ω(e)\omega'(e)=1-\omega(e) with probability ϵ\epsilon, independently of the other edges. Let p(τ)p(\tau) be the probability for having a crossing in ω\omega, conditioned on ω′=τ\omega'=\tau. Then for all nn sufficiently large, P{τ:∣p(τ)−1/2∣>ϵ}<ϵP\{\tau : |p(\tau)-1/2|>\epsilon\}<\epsilon.Comment: To appear in Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci. Publ. Mat

    On the Sensitivity Conjecture

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    The sensitivity of a Boolean function f:{0,1}^n -> {0,1} is the maximal number of neighbors a point in the Boolean hypercube has with different f-value. Roughly speaking, the block sensitivity allows to flip a set of bits (called a block) rather than just one bit, in order to change the value of f. The sensitivity conjecture, posed by Nisan and Szegedy (CC, 1994), states that the block sensitivity, bs(f), is at most polynomial in the sensitivity, s(f), for any Boolean function f. A positive answer to the conjecture will have many consequences, as the block sensitivity is polynomially related to many other complexity measures such as the certificate complexity, the decision tree complexity and the degree. The conjecture is far from being understood, as there is an exponential gap between the known upper and lower bounds relating bs(f) and s(f). We continue a line of work started by Kenyon and Kutin (Inf. Comput., 2004), studying the l-block sensitivity, bs_l(f), where l bounds the size of sensitive blocks. While for bs_2(f) the picture is well understood with almost matching upper and lower bounds, for bs_3(f) it is not. We show that any development in understanding bs_3(f) in terms of s(f) will have great implications on the original question. Namely, we show that either bs(f) is at most sub-exponential in s(f) (which improves the state of the art upper bounds) or that bs_3(f) >= s(f){3-epsilon} for some Boolean functions (which improves the state of the art separations). We generalize the question of bs(f) versus s(f) to bounded functions f:{0,1}^n -> [0,1] and show an analog result to that of Kenyon and Kutin: bs_l(f) = O(s(f))^l. Surprisingly, in this case, the bounds are close to being tight. In particular, we construct a bounded function f:{0,1}^n -> [0, 1] with bs(f) n/log(n) and s(f) = O(log(n)), a clear counterexample to the sensitivity conjecture for bounded functions. Finally, we give a new super-quadratic separation between sensitivity and decision tree complexity by constructing Boolean functions with DT(f) >= s(f)^{2.115}. Prior to this work, only quadratic separations, DT(f) = s(f)^2, were known

    SU(2) lattice gluon propagators at finite temperatures in the deep infrared region and Gribov copy effects

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    We study numerically the SU(2) Landau gauge transverse and longitudinal gluon propagators at non-zero temperatures T both in confinement and deconfinement phases. The special attention is paid to the Gribov copy effects in the IR-region. Applying powerful gauge fixing algorithm we find that the Gribov copy effects for the transverse propagator D_T(p) are very strong in the infrared, while the longitudinal propagator D_L(p) shows very weak (if any) Gribov copy dependence. The value D_T(0) tends to decrease with growing lattice size; however, D_T(0) is non-zero in the infinite volume limit, in disagreement with the suggestion made in [1]. We show that in the infrared region D_T(p) is not consistent with the pole-type formula not only in the deconfinement phase but also for T < T_c. We introduce new definition of the magnetic infrared mass scale ('magnetic screening mass') m_M. The electric mass m_E has been determined from the momentum space longitudinal gluon propagator. We study also the (finite) volume and temperature dependence of the propagators as well as discretization errors.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Few minor change
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