1,248 research outputs found

    Multispectral Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection

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    Multispectral pedestrian detection is essential for around-the-clock applications, e.g., surveillance and autonomous driving. We deeply analyze Faster R-CNN for multispectral pedestrian detection task and then model it into a convolutional network (ConvNet) fusion problem. Further, we discover that ConvNet-based pedestrian detectors trained by color or thermal images separately provide complementary information in discriminating human instances. Thus there is a large potential to improve pedestrian detection by using color and thermal images in DNNs simultaneously. We carefully design four ConvNet fusion architectures that integrate two-branch ConvNets on different DNNs stages, all of which yield better performance compared with the baseline detector. Our experimental results on KAIST pedestrian benchmark show that the Halfway Fusion model that performs fusion on the middle-level convolutional features outperforms the baseline method by 11% and yields a missing rate 3.5% lower than the other proposed architectures.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, BMVC 2016 ora

    Fusion of Multispectral Data Through Illumination-aware Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection

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    Multispectral pedestrian detection has received extensive attention in recent years as a promising solution to facilitate robust human target detection for around-the-clock applications (e.g. security surveillance and autonomous driving). In this paper, we demonstrate illumination information encoded in multispectral images can be utilized to significantly boost performance of pedestrian detection. A novel illumination-aware weighting mechanism is present to accurately depict illumination condition of a scene. Such illumination information is incorporated into two-stream deep convolutional neural networks to learn multispectral human-related features under different illumination conditions (daytime and nighttime). Moreover, we utilized illumination information together with multispectral data to generate more accurate semantic segmentation which are used to boost pedestrian detection accuracy. Putting all of the pieces together, we present a powerful framework for multispectral pedestrian detection based on multi-task learning of illumination-aware pedestrian detection and semantic segmentation. Our proposed method is trained end-to-end using a well-designed multi-task loss function and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on KAIST multispectral pedestrian dataset

    LIDAR-Camera Fusion for Road Detection Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks

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    In this work, a deep learning approach has been developed to carry out road detection by fusing LIDAR point clouds and camera images. An unstructured and sparse point cloud is first projected onto the camera image plane and then upsampled to obtain a set of dense 2D images encoding spatial information. Several fully convolutional neural networks (FCNs) are then trained to carry out road detection, either by using data from a single sensor, or by using three fusion strategies: early, late, and the newly proposed cross fusion. Whereas in the former two fusion approaches, the integration of multimodal information is carried out at a predefined depth level, the cross fusion FCN is designed to directly learn from data where to integrate information; this is accomplished by using trainable cross connections between the LIDAR and the camera processing branches. To further highlight the benefits of using a multimodal system for road detection, a data set consisting of visually challenging scenes was extracted from driving sequences of the KITTI raw data set. It was then demonstrated that, as expected, a purely camera-based FCN severely underperforms on this data set. A multimodal system, on the other hand, is still able to provide high accuracy. Finally, the proposed cross fusion FCN was evaluated on the KITTI road benchmark where it achieved excellent performance, with a MaxF score of 96.03%, ranking it among the top-performing approaches

    RGB-T salient object detection via fusing multi-level CNN features

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    RGB-induced salient object detection has recently witnessed substantial progress, which is attributed to the superior feature learning capability of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, such detections suffer from challenging scenarios characterized by cluttered backgrounds, low-light conditions and variations in illumination. Instead of improving RGB based saliency detection, this paper takes advantage of the complementary benefits of RGB and thermal infrared images. Specifically, we propose a novel end-to-end network for multi-modal salient object detection, which turns the challenge of RGB-T saliency detection to a CNN feature fusion problem. To this end, a backbone network (e.g., VGG-16) is first adopted to extract the coarse features from each RGB or thermal infrared image individually, and then several adjacent-depth feature combination (ADFC) modules are designed to extract multi-level refined features for each single-modal input image, considering that features captured at different depths differ in semantic information and visual details. Subsequently, a multi-branch group fusion (MGF) module is employed to capture the cross-modal features by fusing those features from ADFC modules for a RGB-T image pair at each level. Finally, a joint attention guided bi-directional message passing (JABMP) module undertakes the task of saliency prediction via integrating the multi-level fused features from MGF modules. Experimental results on several public RGB-T salient object detection datasets demonstrate the superiorities of our proposed algorithm over the state-of-the-art approaches, especially under challenging conditions, such as poor illumination, complex background and low contrast

    Box-level Segmentation Supervised Deep Neural Networks for Accurate and Real-time Multispectral Pedestrian Detection

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    Effective fusion of complementary information captured by multi-modal sensors (visible and infrared cameras) enables robust pedestrian detection under various surveillance situations (e.g. daytime and nighttime). In this paper, we present a novel box-level segmentation supervised learning framework for accurate and real-time multispectral pedestrian detection by incorporating features extracted in visible and infrared channels. Specifically, our method takes pairs of aligned visible and infrared images with easily obtained bounding box annotations as input and estimates accurate prediction maps to highlight the existence of pedestrians. It offers two major advantages over the existing anchor box based multispectral detection methods. Firstly, it overcomes the hyperparameter setting problem occurred during the training phase of anchor box based detectors and can obtain more accurate detection results, especially for small and occluded pedestrian instances. Secondly, it is capable of generating accurate detection results using small-size input images, leading to improvement of computational efficiency for real-time autonomous driving applications. Experimental results on KAIST multispectral dataset show that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in terms of both accuracy and speed

    Multi-View 3D Object Detection Network for Autonomous Driving

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    This paper aims at high-accuracy 3D object detection in autonomous driving scenario. We propose Multi-View 3D networks (MV3D), a sensory-fusion framework that takes both LIDAR point cloud and RGB images as input and predicts oriented 3D bounding boxes. We encode the sparse 3D point cloud with a compact multi-view representation. The network is composed of two subnetworks: one for 3D object proposal generation and another for multi-view feature fusion. The proposal network generates 3D candidate boxes efficiently from the bird's eye view representation of 3D point cloud. We design a deep fusion scheme to combine region-wise features from multiple views and enable interactions between intermediate layers of different paths. Experiments on the challenging KITTI benchmark show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art by around 25% and 30% AP on the tasks of 3D localization and 3D detection. In addition, for 2D detection, our approach obtains 10.3% higher AP than the state-of-the-art on the hard data among the LIDAR-based methods.Comment: To appear in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 201
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