33,421 research outputs found

    Thermophysical Phenomena in Metal Additive Manufacturing by Selective Laser Melting: Fundamentals, Modeling, Simulation and Experimentation

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    Among the many additive manufacturing (AM) processes for metallic materials, selective laser melting (SLM) is arguably the most versatile in terms of its potential to realize complex geometries along with tailored microstructure. However, the complexity of the SLM process, and the need for predictive relation of powder and process parameters to the part properties, demands further development of computational and experimental methods. This review addresses the fundamental physical phenomena of SLM, with a special emphasis on the associated thermal behavior. Simulation and experimental methods are discussed according to three primary categories. First, macroscopic approaches aim to answer questions at the component level and consider for example the determination of residual stresses or dimensional distortion effects prevalent in SLM. Second, mesoscopic approaches focus on the detection of defects such as excessive surface roughness, residual porosity or inclusions that occur at the mesoscopic length scale of individual powder particles. Third, microscopic approaches investigate the metallurgical microstructure evolution resulting from the high temperature gradients and extreme heating and cooling rates induced by the SLM process. Consideration of physical phenomena on all of these three length scales is mandatory to establish the understanding needed to realize high part quality in many applications, and to fully exploit the potential of SLM and related metal AM processes

    Some comments on particle image displacement velocimetry

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    Laser speckle velocimetry (LSV) or particle image displacement velocimetry, is introduced. This technique provides the simultaneous visualization of the two-dimensional streamline pattern in unsteady flows as well as the quantification of the velocity field over an entire plane. The advantage of this technique is that the velocity field can be measured over an entire plane of the flow field simultaneously, with accuracy and spatial resolution. From this the instantaneous vorticity field can be easily obtained. This constitutes a great asset for the study of a variety of flows that evolve stochastically in both space and time. The basic concept of LSV; methods of data acquisition and reduction, examples of its use, and parameters that affect its utilization are described

    Current methods for characterising mixing and flow in microchannels

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    This article reviews existing methods for the characterisation of mixing and flow in microchannels, micromixers and microreactors. In particular, it analyses the current experimental techniques and methods available for characterising mixing and the associated phenomena in single and multiphase flow. The review shows that the majority of the experimental techniques used for characterising mixing and two-phase flow in microchannels employ optical methods, which require optical access to the flow, or off-line measurements. Indeed visual measurements are very important for the fundamental understanding of the physics of these flows and the rapid advances in optical measurement techniques, like confocal scanning laser microscopy and high resolution stereo micro particle image velocimetry, are now making full field data retrieval possible. However, integration of microchannel devices in industrial processes will require on-line measurements for process control that do not necessarily rely on optical techniques. Developments are being made in the areas of non-intrusive sensors, magnetic resonance techniques, ultrasonic spectroscopy and on-line flow through measurement cells. The advances made in these areas will certainly be of increasing interest in the future as microchannels are more frequently employed in continuous flow equipment for industrial applications

    Laser induced strong-field ionization gas jet tomography

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    We introduce a novel in-situ strong field ionization tomography approach for characterizing the spatial density distribution of gas jets. We show that for typical intensities in high harmonic generation experiments, the strong field ionization mechanism used in our approach provides an improvement in the resolution close to factor of 2 (resolving about 8 times smaller voxel volume), when compared to linear/single-photon imaging modalities. We find, that while the depth of scan in linear tomography is limited by resolution loss due to the divergence of the driving laser beam, in the proposed approach the depth of focus is localized due to the inherent physical nature of strong-field interaction and discuss implications of these findings. We explore key aspects of the proposed method and compare it with commonly used single- and multi-photon imaging mechanisms. The proposed method will be particularly useful for strong field and attosecond science experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Conceptual design of an airborne laser Doppler velocimeter system for studying wind fields associated with severe local storms

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    An airborne laser Doppler velocimeter was evaluated for diagnostics of the wind field associated with an isolated severe thunderstorm. Two scanning configurations were identified, one a long-range (out to 10-20 km) roughly horizontal plane mode intended to allow probing of the velocity field around the storm at the higher altitudes (4-10 km). The other is a shorter range (out to 1-3 km) mode in which a vertical or horizontal plane is scanned for velocity (and possibly turbulence), and is intended for diagnostics of the lower altitude region below the storm and in the out-flow region. It was concluded that aircraft flight velocities are high enough and severe storm lifetimes are long enough that a single airborne Doppler system, operating at a range of less than about 20 km, can view the storm area from two or more different aspects before the storm characteristics change appreciably

    Anomalous transport in the crowded world of biological cells

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    A ubiquitous observation in cell biology is that diffusion of macromolecules and organelles is anomalous, and a description simply based on the conventional diffusion equation with diffusion constants measured in dilute solution fails. This is commonly attributed to macromolecular crowding in the interior of cells and in cellular membranes, summarising their densely packed and heterogeneous structures. The most familiar phenomenon is a power-law increase of the MSD, but there are other manifestations like strongly reduced and time-dependent diffusion coefficients, persistent correlations, non-gaussian distributions of the displacements, heterogeneous diffusion, and immobile particles. After a general introduction to the statistical description of slow, anomalous transport, we summarise some widely used theoretical models: gaussian models like FBM and Langevin equations for visco-elastic media, the CTRW model, and the Lorentz model describing obstructed transport in a heterogeneous environment. Emphasis is put on the spatio-temporal properties of the transport in terms of 2-point correlation functions, dynamic scaling behaviour, and how the models are distinguished by their propagators even for identical MSDs. Then, we review the theory underlying common experimental techniques in the presence of anomalous transport: single-particle tracking, FCS, and FRAP. We report on the large body of recent experimental evidence for anomalous transport in crowded biological media: in cyto- and nucleoplasm as well as in cellular membranes, complemented by in vitro experiments where model systems mimic physiological crowding conditions. Finally, computer simulations play an important role in testing the theoretical models and corroborating the experimental findings. The review is completed by a synthesis of the theoretical and experimental progress identifying open questions for future investigation.Comment: review article, to appear in Rep. Prog. Phy