20 research outputs found

    Approximate Minimum Diameter

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    We study the minimum diameter problem for a set of inexact points. By inexact, we mean that the precise location of the points is not known. Instead, the location of each point is restricted to a contineus region (\impre model) or a finite set of points (\indec model). Given a set of inexact points in one of \impre or \indec models, we wish to provide a lower-bound on the diameter of the real points. In the first part of the paper, we focus on \indec model. We present an O(21ϵdϵ2dn3)O(2^{\frac{1}{\epsilon^d}} \cdot \epsilon^{-2d} \cdot n^3 ) time approximation algorithm of factor (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) for finding minimum diameter of a set of points in dd dimensions. This improves the previously proposed algorithms for this problem substantially. Next, we consider the problem in \impre model. In dd-dimensional space, we propose a polynomial time d\sqrt{d}-approximation algorithm. In addition, for d=2d=2, we define the notion of α\alpha-separability and use our algorithm for \indec model to obtain (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm for a set of α\alpha-separable regions in time O(21ϵ2.n3ϵ10.sin(α/2)3)O(2^{\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}}\allowbreak . \frac{n^3}{\epsilon^{10} .\sin(\alpha/2)^3} )

    Approximating the Distribution of the Median and other Robust Estimators on Uncertain Data

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    Robust estimators, like the median of a point set, are important for data analysis in the presence of outliers. We study robust estimators for locationally uncertain points with discrete distributions. That is, each point in a data set has a discrete probability distribution describing its location. The probabilistic nature of uncertain data makes it challenging to compute such estimators, since the true value of the estimator is now described by a distribution rather than a single point. We show how to construct and estimate the distribution of the median of a point set. Building the approximate support of the distribution takes near-linear time, and assigning probability to that support takes quadratic time. We also develop a general approximation technique for distributions of robust estimators with respect to ranges with bounded VC dimension. This includes the geometric median for high dimensions and the Siegel estimator for linear regression.Comment: Full version of a paper to appear at SoCG 201

    Largest bounding box, smallest diameter, and related problems on imprecise points

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    We model imprecise points as regions in which one point must be located. We study computing the largest and smallest possible values of various basic geometric measures on sets of imprecise points, such as the diameter, width, closest pair, smallest enclosing circle, and smallest enclosing bounding box. We give efficient algorithms for most of these problems, and identify the hardness of others.

    Delaunay triangulation of imprecise points in linear time after preprocessing

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    An assumption of nearly all algorithms in computational geometry is that the input points are given precisely, so it is interesting to ask what is the value of imprecise information about points. We show how to preprocess a set of disjoint unit disks in the plane in time so that if one point per disk is specified with precise coordinates, the Delaunay triangulation can be computed in linear time. From the Delaunay, one can obtain the Gabriel graph and a Euclidean minimum spanning tree; it is interesting to note the roles that these two structures play in our algorithm to quickly compute the Delaunay