453 research outputs found

    GPU-Accelerated Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flows

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    High performance computing clusters that are augmented with cost and power efficient graphics processing unit (GPU) provide new opportunities to broaden the use of large-eddy simulation technique to study high Reynolds number turbulent flows in fluids engineering applications. In this paper, we extend our earlier work on multi-GPU acceleration of an incompressible Navier-Stokes solver to include a large-eddy simulation (LES) capability. In particular, we implement the Lagrangian dynamic subgrid scale model and compare our results against existing direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of a turbulent channel flow at Reτ = 180. Overall, our LES results match fairly well with the DNS data. Our results show that the Reτ = 180 case can be entirely simulated on a single GPU, whereas higher Reynolds cases can benefit from a GPU cluster

    Toward a GPU-Accelerated Immersed Boundary Method for Wind Forecasting Over Complex Terrain

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    A short-term wind power forecasting capability can be a valuable tool in the renewable energy industry to address load-balancing issues that arise from intermittent wind fields. Although numerical weather prediction models have been used to forecast winds, their applicability to micro-scale atmospheric boundary layer flows and ability to predict wind speeds at turbine hub height with a desired accuracy is not clear. To address this issue, we develop a multi-GPU parallel flow solver to forecast winds over complex terrain at the micro-scale, where computational domain size can range from meters to several kilometers. In the solver, we adopt the immersed boundary method and the Lagrangian dynamic large-eddy simulation model and extend them to atmospheric flows. The computations are accelerated on GPU clusters with a dual-level parallel implementation that interleaves MPI with CUDA. We evaluate the flow solver components against test problems and obtain preliminary results of flow over Bolund Hill, a coastal hill in Denmark

    STREAmS: a high-fidelity accelerated solver for direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flow

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    We present STREAmS, an in-house high-fidelity solver for large-scale, massively parallel direct numerical simulations (DNS) of compressible turbulent flows on graphical processing units (GPUs). STREAmS is written in the Fortran 90 language and it is tailored to carry out DNS of canonical compressible wall-bounded flows, namely turbulent plane channel, zero-pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer and supersonic oblique shock-wave/boundary layer interactions. The solver incorporates state-of-the-art numerical algorithms, specifically designed to cope with the challenging problems associated with the solution of high-speed turbulent flows and can be used across a wide range of Mach numbers, extending from the low subsonic up to the hypersonic regime. The use of cuf automatic kernels allowed an easy and efficient porting on the GPU architecture minimizing the changes to the original CPU code, which is also maintained. We discuss a memory allocation strategy based on duplicated arrays for host and device which carefully minimizes the memory usage making the solver suitable for large scale computations on the latest GPU cards. Comparison between different CPUs and GPUs architectures strongly favor the latter, and executing the solver on a single NVIDIA Tesla P100 corresponds to using approximately 330 Intel Knights Landing CPU cores. STREAmS shows very good strong scalability and essentially ideal weak scalability up to 2048 GPUs, paving the way to simulations in the genuine high-Reynolds number regime, possibly at friction Reynolds number Reτ>104Re_{\tau} > 10^4. The solver is released open source under GPLv3 license and is available at https://github.com/matteobernardini/STREAmS.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    STREAmS: A high-fidelity accelerated solver for direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows

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    We present STREAmS, an in-house high-fidelity solver for direct numerical simulations (DNS) of canonical compressible wall-bounded flows, namely turbulent plane channel, zero-pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer and supersonic oblique shock-wave/boundary layer interaction. The solver incorporates state-of-the-art numerical algorithms, specifically designed to cope with the challenging problems associated with the solution of high-speed turbulent flows and can be used across a wide range of Mach numbers, extending from the low subsonic up to the hypersonic regime. From the computational viewpoint, STREAmS is oriented to modern HPC platforms thanks to MPI parallelization and the ability to run on multi-GPU architectures. This paper discusses the main implementation strategies, with particular reference to the CUDA paradigm, the management of a single code for traditional and multi-GPU architectures, and the optimization process to take advantage of the latest generation of NVIDIA GPUs. Performance measurements show that single-GPU optimization more than halves the computing time as compared to the baseline version. At the same time, the asynchronous patterns implemented in STREAmS for MPI communications guarantee very good parallel performance especially in the weak scaling spirit, with efficiency exceeding 97% on 1024 GPUs. For overall evaluation of STREAmS with respect to other compressible solvers, comparison with a recent GPU-enabled community solver is presented. It turns out that, although STREAmS is much more limited in terms of flow configurations that can be addressed, the advantage in terms of accuracy, computing time and memory occupation is substantial, which makes it an ideal candidate for large-scale simulations of high-Reynolds number, compressible wall-bounded turbulent flows. The solver is released open source under GPLv3 license. Program summary: Program Title: STREAmS CPC Library link to program files: https://doi.org/10.17632/hdcgjpzr3y.1 Developer's repository link: https://github.com/matteobernardini/STREAmS Code Ocean capsule: https://codeocean.com/capsule/8931507/tree/v2 Licensing provisions: GPLv3 Programming language: Fortran 90, CUDA Fortran, MPI Nature of problem: Solving the three-dimensional compressible Navier–Stokes equations for low and high Mach regimes in a Cartesian domain configured for channel, boundary layer or shock-boundary layer interaction flows. Solution method: The convective terms are discretized using a hybrid energy-conservative shock-capturing scheme in locally conservative form. Shock-capturing capabilities rely on the use of Lax–Friedrichs flux vector splitting and weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) reconstruction. The system is advanced in time using a three-stage, third-order RK scheme. Two-dimensional pencil distributed MPI parallelization is implemented alongside different patterns of GPU (CUDA Fortran) accelerated routines

    The role of forcing and eddy viscosity variation on the log-layer mismatch observed in wall-modeled large-eddy simulations

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    We investigate the role of eddy viscosity variation and the effect of zonal enforcement of the mass flow rate on the log-layer mismatch problem observed in turbulent channel flows. An analysis of the mean momentum balance shows that it lacks a degree-of-freedom (DOF) when eddy viscosity is large, and the mean velocity conforms to an incorrect profile. Zonal enforcement of the target flow rate introduces an additional degree-of-freedom to the mean momentum balance, similar to an external stochastic forcing term, leading to a significant reduction in the log-layer mismatch. We simulate turbulent channel flows at friction Reynolds numbers of 2000 and 5200 on coarse meshes that do not resolve the viscous sublayer. The second-order turbulence statistics agree well with the direct numerical simulation benchmark data when results are normalized by the velocity scale extracted from the filtered velocity field. Zonal enforcement of the flow rate also led to significant improvements in skin friction coefficients

    High performance scientific computing in applications with direct finite element simulation

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    xiii, 133 p.La predicción del flujo separado, incluida la pérdida de un avión completo mediantela dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD) se considera uno de los grandes desaf¿¿os que seresolverán en 2030, según NASA. Las ecuaciones no lineales de Navier-Stokes proporcionan laformulación matemática para flujo de fluidos en espacios tridimensionales. Sin embargo, todaviafaltan soluciones clásicas, existencia y singularidad. Ya que el cálculo de la fuerza bruta esintratable para realizar simulación predictiva para un avión completo, uno puede usar la simulaciónnumérica directa (DNS); sin embargo, prohibitivamente caro ya que necesita resolver laturbulencia a escala de magnitud Re power (9/4). Considerando otros métodos como el estad¿¿sticopromedio Reynolds¿s Average Navier Stokes (RANS), spatial average Large Eddy Simulation(LES), y Hybrid Detached Eddy Simulation (DES), que requieren menos cantidad de grados delibertad. Todos estos métodos deben ajustarse a los problemas de referencia y, además, cerca las paredes, la malla tieneque ser muy fina para resolver las capas l¿¿mite (lo cual significa que el costo computacional es muycostoso). Por encima de todo, los resultados son sensibles a, por ejemplo, parámetros expl¿¿citos enel método, la malla, etc.Como una solución al desaf¿¿o, aqu¿¿ presentamos la adaptación Metodolog¿¿a de solución directa deFEM (DFS) con resolución numérica disparo, como una familia predictiva, libre de parámetros demétodos para flujo turbulento. Resolvimos el modelo de avión JAXA Standard Model (JSM) ennúmero realista de Reynolds, presentado como parte del High Lift Taller de predicción 3.Predijimos un aumento de Cl dentro de un error de 5 % vs experimento, arrastre Cd dentro de 10 %error y detenga 1 ¿ dentro del ángulo de ataque.El taller identificó un probable experimento error depedido 10 % para los resultados de arrastre. La simulación es 10 veces más rápido y más barato encomparación con CFD tradicional o existente enfoques. La eficiencia proviene principalmente dell¿¿mite de deslizamiento condición que permite mallas gruesas cerca de las paredes, orientada aobjetivos control de error adaptativo que refina la malla solo donde es necesario y grandes pasos detiempo utilizando un método de iteración de punto fijo tipo Schur, sin comprometer la precisión delos resultados de la simulación.También presentamos una generalización de DFS a densidad variable y validado contra el problemade referencia MARIN bien establecido. los Los resultados muestran un buen acuerdo con losresultados experimentales en forma de sensores de presión. Más tarde, usamos esta metodolog¿¿apara resolver dos aplicaciones en problemas de flujo multifásico. Uno tiene que ver con un flashtanque de almacenamiento de agua de lluvia (consorcio de agua de Bilbao), y el segundo es sobre eldiseño de una boquilla para impresión 3D. En el agua de lluvia tanque de almacenamiento,predijimos que la altura del agua en el tanque tiene un influencia significativa sobre cómo secomporta el flujo aguas abajo de la puerta del tanque (válvula). Para la impresión 3D,desarrollamos un diseño eficiente con El flujo de chorro enfocado para evitar la oxidación y elcalentamiento en la punta del boquilla durante un proceso de fusión.Finalmente, presentamos aqu¿¿ el paralelismo en múltiples GPU y el incrustado sistema dearquitectura Kalray. Casi todas las supercomputadoras de hoy tienen arquitecturas heterogéneas,1 See the UNESCO Internacional Standard nomenclature for fields of Science and Technologyacomo CPU+GPU u otros aceleradores, y, por lo tanto, es esencial desarrollar marcoscomputacionales para aprovecha de ellos. Como lo hemos visto antes, se comienza a desarrollar eseCFD más tarde en la década de 1060 cuando podemos tener poder computacional, por lo tanto, Esesencial utilizar y probar estos aceleradores para los cálculos de CFD. Las GPU tienen unaarquitectura diferente en comparación con las CPU tradicionales. Técnicamente, la GPU tienemuchos núcleos en comparación con las CPU que hacen de la GPU una buena opción para elcómputo paralelo.Para múltiples GPU, desarrollamos un cálculo de plantilla, aplicado a simulación depliegues geológicos. Exploramos la computación de halo y utilizamos Secuencias CUDA paraoptimizar el tiempo de computación y comunicación. La ganancia de rendimiento resultante fue de23 % para cuatro GPU con arquitectura Fermi, y la mejora correspondiente obtenida en cuatro LasGPU Kepler fueron de 47 %.This research was carried out at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) within the CFD Computational Technology (CFDCT) and also at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(Royal Institue of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). Which is suported by Fundacion Obra Social “la Caixa“, Severo Ochoa Excellence research centre 2014-2018 SEV-2013-0323, Severo Ochoa Excellence research centre 2018-2022 SEV-2017-0718, BERC program 2014-2017, BERC program 2018-2021, MSO4SC European project, Elkartek. This work has been performed using the computing infrastructure from SNIC (Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing)

    High Performance Scientific Computing in Applications with Direct Finite Element Simulation

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    To predict separated flow including stall of a full aircraft with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is considered one of the problems of the grand challenges to be solved by 2030, according to NASA [1]. The nonlinear Navier- Stokes equations provide the mathematical formulation for fluid flow in 3- dimensional spaces. However, classical solutions, existence, and uniqueness are still missing. Since brute-force computation is intractable, to perform predictive simulation for a full aircraft, one can use Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS); however, it is prohibitively expensive as it needs to resolve the turbulent scales of order Re4 . Considering other methods such as statistical average Reynolds’s Average Navier Stokes (RANS), spatial average Large Eddy Simulation (LES), and hybrid Detached Eddy Simulation (DES), which require less number of degrees of freedom. All of these methods have to be tuned to benchmark problems, and moreover, near the walls, the mesh has to be very fine to resolve boundary layers (which means the computational cost is very expensive). Above all, the results are sensitive to, e.g. explicit parameters in the method, the mesh, etc. As a resolution to the challenge, here we present the adaptive time- resolved Direct FEM Solution (DFS) methodology with numerical tripping, as a predictive, parameter-free family of methods for turbulent flow. We solved the JAXA Standard Model (JSM) aircraft model at realistic Reynolds number, presented as part of the High Lift Prediction Workshop 3. We predicted lift Cl within 5% error vs. experiment, drag Cd within 10% error and stall 1◦ within the angle of attack. The workshop identified a likely experimental error of order 10% for the drag results. The simulation is 10 times faster and cheaper when compared to traditional or existing CFD approaches. The efficiency mainly comes from the slip boundary condition that allows coarse meshes near walls, goal-oriented adaptive error control that refines the mesh only where needed and large time steps using a Schur-type fixed-point iteration method, without compromising the accuracy of the simulation results. As a follow-up, we were invited to the Fifth High Order CFD Workshop, where the approach was validated for a tandem sphere problem (low Reynolds number turbulent flow) wherein a second sphere is placed a certain distance downstream from a first sphere. The results capture the expected slipstream phenomenon, with appx. 2% error. A comparison with the higher-order frameworks Nek500 and PyFR was done. The PyFR framework has demonstrated high effectiveness for GPUs with an unstructured mesh, which is a hard problem in this field. This is achieved by an explicit time-stepping approach. Our study showed that our large time step approach enabled appx. 3 orders of magnitude larger time steps than the explicit time steps in PyFR, which made our method more effective for solving the whole problem. We also presented a generalization of DFS to variable density and validated against the well-established MARIN benchmark problem. The results show good agreement with experimental results in the form of pressure sensors. Later, we used this methodology to solve two applications in multiphase flow problems. One has to do with a flash rainwater storage tank (Bilbao water consortium), and the second is about designing a nozzle for 3D printing. In the flash rainwater storage tank, we predicted that the water height in the tank has a significant influence on how the flow behaves downstream of the tank door (valve). For the 3D printing, we developed an efficient design with the focused jet flow to prevent oxidation and heating at the tip of the nozzle during a melting process. Finally, we presented here the parallelism on multiple GPUs and the embedded system Kalray architecture. Almost all supercomputers today have heterogeneous architectures, such as CPU+GPU or other accelerators, and it is, therefore, essential to develop computational frameworks to take advantage of them. For multiple GPUs, we developed a stencil computation, applied to geological folds simulation. We explored halo computation and used CUDA streams to optimize computation and communication time. The resulting performance gain was 23% for four GPUs with Fermi architecture, and the corresponding improvement obtained on four Kepler GPUs were 47%. The Kalray architecture is designed to have low energy consumption. Here we tested the Jacobi method with different communication strategies. Additionally, visualization is a crucial area when we do scientific simulations. We developed an automated visualization framework, where we could see that task parallelization is more than 10 times faster than data parallelization. We have also used our DFS in the cloud computing setting to validate the simulation against the local cluster simulation. Finally, we recommend the easy pre-processing tool to support DFS simulation.La Caixa 201
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