860 research outputs found

    Improving large vocabulary continuous speech recognition by combining GMM-based and reservoir-based acoustic modeling

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    In earlier work we have shown that good phoneme recognition is possible with a so-called reservoir, a special type of recurrent neural network. In this paper, different architectures based on Reservoir Computing (RC) for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition are investigated. Besides experiments with HMM hybrids, it is shown that a RC-HMM tandem can achieve the same recognition accuracy as a classical HMM, which is a promising result for such a fairly new paradigm. It is also demonstrated that a state-level combination of the scores of the tandem and the baseline HMM leads to a significant improvement over the baseline. A word error rate reduction of the order of 20\% relative is possible

    Character-Level Incremental Speech Recognition with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    In real-time speech recognition applications, the latency is an important issue. We have developed a character-level incremental speech recognition (ISR) system that responds quickly even during the speech, where the hypotheses are gradually improved while the speaking proceeds. The algorithm employs a speech-to-character unidirectional recurrent neural network (RNN), which is end-to-end trained with connectionist temporal classification (CTC), and an RNN-based character-level language model (LM). The output values of the CTC-trained RNN are character-level probabilities, which are processed by beam search decoding. The RNN LM augments the decoding by providing long-term dependency information. We propose tree-based online beam search with additional depth-pruning, which enables the system to process infinitely long input speech with low latency. This system not only responds quickly on speech but also can dictate out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words according to pronunciation. The proposed model achieves the word error rate (WER) of 8.90% on the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Nov'92 20K evaluation set when trained on the WSJ SI-284 training set.Comment: To appear in ICASSP 201

    End-to-End Attention-based Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition

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    Many of the current state-of-the-art Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Systems (LVCSR) are hybrids of neural networks and Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). Most of these systems contain separate components that deal with the acoustic modelling, language modelling and sequence decoding. We investigate a more direct approach in which the HMM is replaced with a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) that performs sequence prediction directly at the character level. Alignment between the input features and the desired character sequence is learned automatically by an attention mechanism built into the RNN. For each predicted character, the attention mechanism scans the input sequence and chooses relevant frames. We propose two methods to speed up this operation: limiting the scan to a subset of most promising frames and pooling over time the information contained in neighboring frames, thereby reducing source sequence length. Integrating an n-gram language model into the decoding process yields recognition accuracies similar to other HMM-free RNN-based approaches

    The 1995 ABBOT LVCSR system for multiple unknown microphones

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    ABBOT is a hybrid (connectionist-hidden Markov model) large-vocabulary speech recognition (LVCSR) system, developed at Cambridge University. In this system, a recurrent network maps each acoustic vector to an estimate of the posterior probabilities of the phone classes, which are used as observation probabilities within an HMM. This paper describes the system which participated in the November 1995 ARPA Hub-3 multiple unknown microphones (MUM) evaluation of continuous speech recognition systems, under the guise of the CU-CON system. The emphasis of the paper is on the changes made to the 1994 ABBOT system, specifically to accommodate the H3 task. This includes improved acoustic modelling using limited word-internal context-dependent models, training on the Wall Street Journal secondary channel database, and using the linear input network for speaker and environmental adaptation. Experimental results are reported for various test and development sets from the November 1994 and 1995 ARPA benchmark tests

    Improved training of end-to-end attention models for speech recognition

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    Sequence-to-sequence attention-based models on subword units allow simple open-vocabulary end-to-end speech recognition. In this work, we show that such models can achieve competitive results on the Switchboard 300h and LibriSpeech 1000h tasks. In particular, we report the state-of-the-art word error rates (WER) of 3.54% on the dev-clean and 3.82% on the test-clean evaluation subsets of LibriSpeech. We introduce a new pretraining scheme by starting with a high time reduction factor and lowering it during training, which is crucial both for convergence and final performance. In some experiments, we also use an auxiliary CTC loss function to help the convergence. In addition, we train long short-term memory (LSTM) language models on subword units. By shallow fusion, we report up to 27% relative improvements in WER over the attention baseline without a language model.Comment: submitted to Interspeech 201
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