7 research outputs found

    Warped K-Means: An algorithm to cluster sequentially-distributed data

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    [EN] Many devices generate large amounts of data that follow some sort of sequentiality, e.g., motion sensors, e-pens, eye trackers, etc. and often these data need to be compressed for classification, storage, and/or retrieval tasks. Traditional clustering algorithms can be used for this purpose, but unfortunately they do not cope with the sequential information implicitly embedded in such data. Thus, we revisit the well-known K-means algorithm and provide a general method to properly cluster sequentially-distributed data. We present Warped K-Means (WKM), a multi-purpose partitional clustering procedure that minimizes the sum of squared error criterion, while imposing a hard sequentiality constraint in the classification step. We illustrate the properties of WKM in three applications, one being the segmentation and classification of human activity. WKM outperformed five state-of- the-art clustering techniques to simplify data trajectories, achieving a recognition accuracy of near 97%, which is an improvement of around 66% over their peers. Moreover, such an improvement came with a reduction in the computational cost of more than one order of magnitude.This work has been partially supported by Casmacat (FP7-ICT-2011-7, Project 287576), tranScriptorium (FP7-ICT-2011-9, Project 600707), STraDA (MINECO, TIN2012-37475-0O2-01), and ALMPR (GVA, Prometeo/20091014) projects.Leiva Torres, LA.; Vidal, E. (2013). Warped K-Means: An algorithm to cluster sequentially-distributed data. Information Sciences. 237:196-210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2013.02.042S19621023

    Online Devanagari Handwritten Character Recognition

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    This thesis proposes a neural network based framework to classify online Devanagari characters into one of 46 characters in the alphabet set. The uniqueness of this work is three-fold: (1) The feature extraction is just the Discrete Cosine Transform of the temporal sequence of the character points (utilizing the nature of online data input). We show that if it is used right, a simple feature set yielded by the DCT can be very reliable for accurate recognition of Devanagari handwriting, (2) The mode of character input is through a computer mouse - training the system with which will lead to jitter-robustness, and (3) We have built the online handwritten database of Devanagari characters from scratch, and there are some unique features in the way we have built up the database. Lastly, after comprehensive testing of the algorithm on 2760 characters, recognition rates of up to 97.2% are achieved

    Large Vocabulary Recognition of On-line Handwritten Cursive Words

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    This paper presents a writer independent system for large vocabulary recognition of on-line handwritten cursive words. The system first uses a filtering module, based on simple letter features, to quickly reduce a large reference dictionary (lexicon) to a more manageable size; the reduced lexicon is subsequently fed to a recognition module. The recognition module uses a temporal representation of the input, instead of a static 2-dimensional image, thereby preserving the sequential nature of the data and enabling the use of a Time-Delay Neural Network (TDNN); such networks havee been previously successful in the continuous speech recognition domain. Explicit segmentation of the input words into characters is avoided by sequentially presenting the input word representation to the neural network-based recognizer. The outputs of the recognition module are collected and converted into a string of characters that is matched against the reduced lexicon using an extended Damerau-Levenshtein fu..

    Incorporation of relational information in feature representation for online handwriting recognition of Arabic characters

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    Interest in online handwriting recognition is increasing due to market demand for both improved performance and for extended supporting scripts for digital devices. Robust handwriting recognition of complex patterns of arbitrary scale, orientation and location is elusive to date because reaching a target recognition rate is not trivial for most of the applications in this field. Cursive scripts such as Arabic and Persian with complex character shapes make the recognition task even more difficult. Challenges in the discrimination capability of handwriting recognition systems depend heavily on the effectiveness of the features used to represent the data, the types of classifiers deployed and inclusive databases used for learning and recognition which cover variations in writing styles that introduce natural deformations in character shapes. This thesis aims to improve the efficiency of online recognition systems for Persian and Arabic characters by presenting new formal feature representations, algorithms, and a comprehensive database for online Arabic characters. The thesis contains the development of the first public collection of online handwritten data for the Arabic complete-shape character set. New ideas for incorporating relational information in a feature representation for this type of data are presented. The proposed techniques are computationally efficient and provide compact, yet representative, feature vectors. For the first time, a hybrid classifier is used for recognition of online Arabic complete-shape characters based on the idea of decomposing the input data into variables representing factors of the complete-shape characters and the combined use of the Bayesian network inference and support vector machines. We advocate the usefulness and practicality of the features and recognition methods with respect to the recognition of conventional metrics, such as accuracy and timeliness, as well as unconventional metrics. In particular, we evaluate a feature representation for different character class instances by its level of separation in the feature space. Our evaluation results for the available databases and for our own database of the characters' main shapes confirm a higher efficiency than previously reported techniques with respect to all metrics analyzed. For the complete-shape characters, our techniques resulted in a unique recognition efficiency comparable with the state-of-the-art results for main shape characters

    Large vocabulary off-line handwritten word recognition

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    Considerable progress has been made in handwriting recognition technology over the last few years. Thus far, handwriting recognition systems have been limited to small-scale and very constrained applications where the number on different words that a system can recognize is the key point for its performance. The capability of dealing with large vocabularies, however, opens up many more applications. In order to translate the gains made by research into large and very-large vocabulary handwriting recognition, it is necessary to further improve the computational efficiency and the accuracy of the current recognition strategies and algorithms. In this thesis we focus on efficient and accurate large vocabulary handwriting recognition. The main challenge is to speedup the recognition process and to improve the recognition accuracy. However. these two aspects are in mutual conftict. It is relatively easy to improve recognition speed while trading away some accuracy. But it is much harder to improve the recognition speed while preserving the accuracy. First, several strategies have been investigated for improving the performance of a baseline recognition system in terms of recognition speed to deal with large and very-large vocabularies. Next, we improve the performance in terms of recognition accuracy while preserving all the original characteristics of the baseline recognition system: omniwriter, unconstrained handwriting, and dynamic lexicons. The main contributions of this thesis are novel search strategies and a novel verification approach that allow us to achieve a 120 speedup and 10% accuracy improvement over a state-of-art baselinè recognition system for a very-large vocabulary recognition task (80,000 words). The improvements in speed are obtained by the following techniques: lexical tree search, standard and constrained lexicon-driven level building algorithms, fast two-level decoding algorithm, and a distributed recognition scheme. The recognition accuracy is improved by post-processing the list of the candidate N-best-scoring word hypotheses generated by the baseline recognition system. The list also contains the segmentation of such word hypotheses into characters . A verification module based on a neural network classifier is used to generate a score for each segmented character and in the end, the scores from the baseline recognition system and the verification module are combined to optimize performance. A rejection mechanism is introduced over the combination of the baseline recognition system with the verification module to improve significantly the word recognition rate to about 95% while rejecting 30% of the word hypotheses

    An On-Line Cursive Word Recognition System

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    This paper presents a system for large vocabulary recognition of on-line handwritten cursive words. The system first uses a filtering module, based on simple letter features, to quickly reduce a large reference dictionary to a smaller number of candidates; the reduced lexicon along with the original input is subsequently fed to a recognition module. In order to exploit the sequential nature of the temporal data, we employ a TDNNstyle network architecture which has been successfully used in the speech recognition domain. Explicit segmentation of the input words into characters is avoided by using a sliding window concept where the input word representation (a set of frames) is presented to the neural network-based recognizer sequentially. The outputs of the recognition module are collected and converted into a string of characters that can be matched with the candidate words. A description of the complete system and its components is given. 1 Introduction Computer recognition of on-lin..