1,436 research outputs found

    Quantitative Perspectives on Fifty Years of the Journal of the History of Biology

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    Journal of the History of Biology provides a fifty-year long record for examining the evolution of the history of biology as a scholarly discipline. In this paper, we present a new dataset and preliminary quantitative analysis of the thematic content of JHB from the perspectives of geography, organisms, and thematic fields. The geographic diversity of authors whose work appears in JHB has increased steadily since 1968, but the geographic coverage of the content of JHB articles remains strongly lopsided toward the United States, United Kingdom, and western Europe and has diversified much less dramatically over time. The taxonomic diversity of organisms discussed in JHB increased steadily between 1968 and the late 1990s but declined in later years, mirroring broader patterns of diversification previously reported in the biomedical research literature. Finally, we used a combination of topic modeling and nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques to develop a model of multi-article fields within JHB. We found evidence for directional changes in the representation of fields on multiple scales. The diversity of JHB with regard to the representation of thematic fields has increased overall, with most of that diversification occurring in recent years. Drawing on the dataset generated in the course of this analysis, as well as web services in the emerging digital history and philosophy of science ecosystem, we have developed an interactive web platform for exploring the content of JHB, and we provide a brief overview of the platform in this article. As a whole, the data and analyses presented here provide a starting-place for further critical reflection on the evolution of the history of biology over the past half-century.Comment: 45 pages, 14 figures, 4 table

    Dissecting high-dimensional phenotypes with bayesian sparse factor analysis of genetic covariance matrices.

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    Quantitative genetic studies that model complex, multivariate phenotypes are important for both evolutionary prediction and artificial selection. For example, changes in gene expression can provide insight into developmental and physiological mechanisms that link genotype and phenotype. However, classical analytical techniques are poorly suited to quantitative genetic studies of gene expression where the number of traits assayed per individual can reach many thousand. Here, we derive a Bayesian genetic sparse factor model for estimating the genetic covariance matrix (G-matrix) of high-dimensional traits, such as gene expression, in a mixed-effects model. The key idea of our model is that we need consider only G-matrices that are biologically plausible. An organism's entire phenotype is the result of processes that are modular and have limited complexity. This implies that the G-matrix will be highly structured. In particular, we assume that a limited number of intermediate traits (or factors, e.g., variations in development or physiology) control the variation in the high-dimensional phenotype, and that each of these intermediate traits is sparse - affecting only a few observed traits. The advantages of this approach are twofold. First, sparse factors are interpretable and provide biological insight into mechanisms underlying the genetic architecture. Second, enforcing sparsity helps prevent sampling errors from swamping out the true signal in high-dimensional data. We demonstrate the advantages of our model on simulated data and in an analysis of a published Drosophila melanogaster gene expression data set

    A survey of DNA motif finding algorithms

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    Background: Unraveling the mechanisms that regulate gene expression is a major challenge in biology. An important task in this challenge is to identify regulatory elements, especially the binding sites in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) for transcription factors. These binding sites are short DNA segments that are called motifs. Recent advances in genome sequence availability and in high-throughput gene expression analysis technologies have allowed for the development of computational methods for motif finding. As a result, a large number of motif finding algorithms have been implemented and applied to various motif models over the past decade. This survey reviews the latest developments in DNA motif finding algorithms.Results: Earlier algorithms use promoter sequences of coregulated genes from single genome and search for statistically overrepresented motifs. Recent algorithms are designed to use phylogenetic footprinting or orthologous sequences and also an integrated approach where promoter sequences of coregulated genes and phylogenetic footprinting are used. All the algorithms studied have been reported to correctly detect the motifs that have been previously detected by laboratory experimental approaches, and some algorithms were able to find novel motifs. However, most of these motif finding algorithms have been shown to work successfully in yeast and other lower organisms, but perform significantly worse in higher organisms.Conclusion: Despite considerable efforts to date, DNA motif finding remains a complex challenge for biologists and computer scientists. Researchers have taken many different approaches in developing motif discovery tools and the progress made in this area of research is very encouraging. Performance comparison of different motif finding tools and identification of the best tools have proven to be a difficult task because tools are designed based on algorithms and motif models that are diverse and complex and our incomplete understanding of the biology of regulatory mechanism does not always provide adequate evaluation of underlying algorithms over motif models.Peer reviewedComputer Scienc

    Computational Discovery of Gene Regulatory Binding Motifs: A Bayesian Perspective

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    The Bayesian approach together with Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques has provided an attractive solution to many important bioinformatics problems such as multiple sequence alignment, microarray analysis and the discovery of gene regulatory binding motifs. The employment of such methods and, more broadly, explicit statistical modeling, has revolutionized the field of computational biology. After reviewing several heuristics-based computational methods, this article presents a systematic account of Bayesian formulations and solutions to the motif discovery problem. Generalizations are made to further enhance the Bayesian approach. Motivated by the need of a speedy algorithm, we also provide a perspective of the problem from the viewpoint of optimizing a scoring function. We observe that scoring functions resulting from proper posterior distributions, or approximations to such distributions, showed the best performance and can be used to improve upon existing motif-finding programs. Simulation analyses and a real-data example are used to support our observation

    Finding regulatory DNA motifs using alignment-free evolutionary conservation information

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    As an increasing number of eukaryotic genomes are being sequenced, comparative studies aimed at detecting regulatory elements in intergenic sequences are becoming more prevalent. Most comparative methods for transcription factor (TF) binding site discovery make use of global or local alignments of orthologous regulatory regions to assess whether a particular DNA site is conserved across related organisms, and thus more likely to be functional. Since binding sites are usually short, sometimes degenerate, and often independent of orientation, alignment algorithms may not align them correctly. Here, we present a novel, alignment-free approach for using conservation information for TF binding site discovery. We relax the definition of conserved sites: we consider a DNA site within a regulatory region to be conserved in an orthologous sequence if it occurs anywhere in that sequence, irrespective of orientation. We use this definition to derive informative priors over DNA sequence positions, and incorporate these priors into a Gibbs sampling algorithm for motif discovery. Our approach is simple and fast. It requires neither sequence alignments nor the phylogenetic relationships between the orthologous sequences, yet it is more effective on real biological data than methods that do

    Bayesian Clustering of Transcription Factor Binding Motifs

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    Genes are often regulated in living cells by proteins called transcription factors that bind directly to short segments of DNA in close proximity to specific genes. These binding sites have a conserved nucleotide appearance, which is called a motif. Several recent studies of transcriptional regulation require the reduction of a large collection of motifs into clusters based on the similarity of their nucleotide composition. We present a principled approach to this clustering problem based on a Bayesian hierarchical model that accounts for both within- and between-motif variability. We use a Dirichlet process prior distribution that allows the number of clusters to vary and we also present a novel generalization that allows the core width of each motif to vary. This clustering model is implemented, using a Gibbs sampling strategy, on several collections of transcription factor motif matrices. Our stochastic implementation allows us to examine the variability of our results in addition to focusing on a set of best clusters. Our clustering results identify several motif clusters that suggest that several transcription factor protein families are actually mixtures of several smaller groups of highly similar motifs, which provide substantially more refined information compared with the full set of motifs in the family. Our clusters provide a means by which to organize transcription factors based on binding motif similarities and can be used to reduce motif redundancy within large databases such as JASPAR and TRANSFAC, which aides the use of these databases for further motif discovery. Finally, our clustering procedure has been used in combination with discovery of evolutionarily conserved motifs to predict co-regulated genes. An alternative to our Dirichlet process prior distribution is presented that differs substantially in terms of a priori clustering characteristics, but shows no substantive difference in the clustering results for our dataset. Despite our specific application to transcription factor binding motifs, our Bayesian clustering model based on the Dirichlet process has several advantages over traditional clustering methods that could make our procedure appropriate and useful for many clustering applications

    Reference based annotation with GeneMapper

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    We introduce GeneMapper, a program for transferring annotations from a well annotated genome to other genomes. Drawing on high quality curated annotations, GeneMapper enables rapid and accurate annotation of newly sequenced genomes and is suitable for both finished and draft genomes. GeneMapper uses a profile based approach for mapping genes into multiple species, improving upon the standard pairwise approach. GeneMapper is freely available for academic use