6 research outputs found

    Large FHE Gates from tensored homomorphic accumulator

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    The main bottleneck of all known Fully Homomorphic Encryption schemes lies in the bootstrapping procedure invented by Gentry (STOC’09). The cost of this procedure can be mitigated either using Homomorphic SIMD techniques, or by performing larger computation per bootstrapping procedure.In this work, we propose new techniques allowing to perform more operations per bootstrapping in FHEW-type schemes (EUROCRYPT’13). While maintaining the quasi-quadratic Õ(n2) complexity of the whole cycle, our new scheme allows to evaluate gates with Ω(log n) input bits, which constitutes a quasi-linear speed-up. Our scheme is also very well adapted to large threshold gates, natively admitting up to Ω(n) inputs. This could be helpful for homomorphic evaluation of neural networks.Our theoretical contribution is backed by a preliminary prototype implementation, which can perform 6-to-6 bit gates in less than 10s on a single core, as well as threshold gates over 63 input bits even faster.<p

    MOSFHET: Optimized Software for FHE over the Torus

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    Homomorphic encryption is one of the most secure solutions for processing sensitive information in untrusted environments, and there have been many recent advances towards its efficient implementation for the evaluation of linear functions and approximated arithmetic. However, the practical performance when evaluating arbitrary (nonlinear) functions is still a major challenge for HE schemes. The TFHE scheme [Chillotti et al., 2016] is the current state-of-the-art for the evaluation of arbitrary functions, and, in this work, we focus on improving its performance. We divide this paper into two parts. First, we review and implement the main techniques to improve performance or error behavior in TFHE proposed so far. For many, this is the first practical implementation. Then, we introduce novel improvements to several of them and new approaches to implement some commonly used procedures. We also show which proposals can be suitably combined to achieve better results. We provide a single library containing all the reviewed techniques as well as our original contributions. Our implementation is up to 1.2 times faster than previous ones with a similar optimization level, and our novel techniques provide speedups of up to 2.83 times on algorithms such as the Full-Domain Functional Bootstrap (FDFB)

    Faster Amortized FHEW bootstrapping using Ring Automorphisms

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    Amortized bootstrapping offers a way to simultaneously refresh many ciphertexts of a fully homomorphic encryption scheme, at a total cost comparable to that of refreshing a single ciphertext. An amortization method for FHEW-style cryptosystems was first proposed by (Micciancio and Sorrell, ICALP 2018), who showed that the amortized cost of bootstrapping n FHEW-style ciphertexts can be reduced from O(n)O(n) basic cryptographic operations to just O(nϵ)O(n^{\epsilon}), for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0. However, despite the promising asymptotic saving, the algorithm was rather inpractical due to a large constant (exponential in 1/ϵ1/\epsilon) hidden in the asymptotic notation. In this work, we propose an alternative amortized boostrapping method with much smaller overhead, still achieving O(nϵ)O(n^\epsilon) asymptotic amortized cost, but with a hidden constant that is only linear in 1/ϵ1/\epsilon, and with reduced noise growth. This is achieved following the general strategy of (Micciancio and Sorrell), but replacing their use of the Nussbaumer transform, with a much more practical Number Theoretic Transform, with multiplication by twiddle factors implemented using ring automorphisms. A key technical ingredient to do this is a new scheme switching technique proposed in this paper which may be of independent interest

    Amortized Bootstrapping Revisited: Simpler, Asymptotically-faster, Implemented

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    Micciancio and Sorrel (ICALP 2018) proposed a bootstrapping algorithm that can refresh many messages at once with sublinearly many homomorphic operations per message. However, despite the attractive asymptotic cost, it is unclear if their algorithm could ever be practical, which reduces the impact of their results. In this work, we follow their general framework, but propose an amortized bootstrapping that is conceptually simpler and asymptotically cheaper. We reduce the number of homomorphic operations per refreshed message from O(3ρn1/ρlogn)O(3^\rho \cdot n^{1/\rho} \cdot \log n) to O(ρn1/ρ)O(\rho \cdot n^{1/\rho}), and the noise overhead from O~(n2+3ρ)\tilde{O}(n^{2 + 3 \cdot \rho}) to O~(n1+ρ)\tilde{O}(n^{1 + \rho}). We also make it more general, by handling non-binary messages and applying programmable bootstrapping. To obtain a concrete instantiation of our bootstrapping algorithm, we propose a double-CRT (aka RNS) version of the GSW scheme, including a new operation, called shrinking, used to speed-up homomorphic operations by reducing the dimension and ciphertext modulus of the ciphertexts. We also provide a C++ implementation of our algorithm, thus showing for the first time the practicability of the amortized bootstrapping. Moreover, it is competitive with existing bootstrapping algorithms, being even around 3.4 times faster than an equivalent non-amortized version of our bootstrapping

    Vers une arithmétique efficace pour le chiffrement homomorphe basé sur le Ring-LWE

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    Fully homomorphic encryption is a kind of encryption offering the ability to manipulate encrypted data directly through their ciphertexts. In this way it is possible to process sensitive data without having to decrypt them beforehand, ensuring therefore the datas' confidentiality. At the numeric and cloud computing era this kind of encryption has the potential to considerably enhance privacy protection. However, because of its recent discovery by Gentry in 2009, we do not have enough hindsight about it yet. Therefore several uncertainties remain, in particular concerning its security and efficiency in practice, and should be clarified before an eventual widespread use. This thesis deals with this issue and focus on performance enhancement of this kind of encryption in practice. In this perspective we have been interested in the optimization of the arithmetic used by these schemes, either the arithmetic underlying the Ring Learning With Errors problem on which the security of these schemes is based on, or the arithmetic specific to the computations required by the procedures of some of these schemes. We have also considered the optimization of the computations required by some specific applications of homomorphic encryption, and in particular for the classification of private data, and we propose methods and innovative technics in order to perform these computations efficiently. We illustrate the efficiency of our different methods through different software implementations and comparisons to the related art.Le chiffrement totalement homomorphe est un type de chiffrement qui permet de manipuler directement des données chiffrées. De cette manière, il est possible de traiter des données sensibles sans avoir à les déchiffrer au préalable, permettant ainsi de préserver la confidentialité des données traitées. À l'époque du numérique à outrance et du "cloud computing" ce genre de chiffrement a le potentiel pour impacter considérablement la protection de la vie privée. Cependant, du fait de sa découverte récente par Gentry en 2009, nous manquons encore de recul à son propos. C'est pourquoi de nombreuses incertitudes demeurent, notamment concernant sa sécurité et son efficacité en pratique, et devront être éclaircies avant une éventuelle utilisation à large échelle.Cette thèse s'inscrit dans cette problématique et se concentre sur l'amélioration des performances de ce genre de chiffrement en pratique. Pour cela nous nous sommes intéressés à l'optimisation de l'arithmétique utilisée par ces schémas, qu'elle soit sous-jacente au problème du "Ring-Learning With Errors" sur lequel la sécurité des schémas considérés est basée, ou bien spécifique aux procédures de calculs requises par certains de ces schémas. Nous considérons également l'optimisation des calculs nécessaires à certaines applications possibles du chiffrement homomorphe, et en particulier la classification de données privées, de sorte à proposer des techniques de calculs innovantes ainsi que des méthodes pour effectuer ces calculs de manière efficace. L'efficacité de nos différentes méthodes est illustrée à travers des implémentations logicielles et des comparaisons aux techniques de l'état de l'art