47 research outputs found

    Temporal Diffeomorphic Free-Form Deformation for Strain Quantification in 3D-US Images

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new diffeomorphic temporal registration algorithm and its application to motion and strain quantification from a temporal sequence of 3D images. The displacement field is computed by forward eulerian integration of a non-stationary velocity field. The originality of our approach resides in enforcing time consistency by representing the velocity field as a sum of continuous spatiotemporal B-Spline kernels. The accuracy of the developed diffeomorphic technique was first compared to a simple pairwise strategy on synthetic US images with known ground truth motion and with several noise levels, being the proposed algorithm more robust to noise than the pairwise case. Our algorithm was then applied to a database of cardiac 3D+t Ultrasound (US) images of the left ventricle acquired from height healthy volunteers and three Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) patients. On healthy cases, the measured regional strain curves provided uniform strain patterns over all myocardial segments in accordance with clinical literature. On CRT patients, the obtained normalization of the strain pattern after CRT agreed with clinical outcome for the three cases

    Septal Flash Assessment on CRT Candidates Based on Statistical Atlases of Motion

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a complete framework for the automatic detection and quantification of abnormal heart motion patterns using Statistical Atlases of Motion built from healthy populations. The method is illustrated on CRT patients with identified cardiac dyssyn-chrony and abnormal septal motion on 2D ultrasound (US) sequences. The use of the 2D US modality guarantees that the temporal resolution of the image sequences is high enough to work under a small displacements hypothesis. Under this assumption, the computed displacement fields can be directly considered as cardiac velocities. Comparison of subjects acquired with different spatiotemporal resolutions implies the reorientation and temporal normalization of velocity fields in a common space of coordinates. Statistics are then performed on the reoriented vector fields. Results show the ability of the method to correctly detect abnormal motion patterns and quantify their distance to normality. The use of local p-values for quantifying abnormal motion patterns is believed to be a promising strategy for computing new markers of cardiac dyssynchrony for better characterizing CRT candidates

    Atlas construction and image analysis using statistical cardiac models

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    International audienceThis paper presents a brief overview of current trends in the construction of population and multi-modal heart atlases in our group and their application to atlas-based cardiac image analysis. The technical challenges around the construction of these atlases are organized around two main axes: groupwise image registration of anatomical, motion and fiber images and construction of statistical shape models. Application-wise, this paper focuses on the extraction of atlas-based biomarkers for the detection of local shape or motion abnormalities, addressing several cardiac applications where the extracted information is used to study and grade different pathologies. The paper is concluded with a discussion about the role of statistical atlases in the integration of multiple information sources and the potential this can bring to in-silico simulations

    Sufficient Condition for Local Invertibility of Spatio-Temporal 4D B-Spline Deformations

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    Recent advances in medical imaging technologies have made 4D image sequences available in clinical routine. As a consequence, image registration techniques are evolving from alignment of pairs of static volumetric images to spatio-temporal registration of dynamic (4D) images. Since the elastic image registration problem is ill-posed, additional prior information or constraints are usually required to regularize the problem. This work proposes to enforce local invertibility (diffeomorphism) of 4D deformations. A novel sufficient condition for local invertibility over continuous space and time is proposed and a practical regularization prior is designed from the theory. The method has been applied to an image registration (motion tracking) of a dynamic 4D CT image sequence. Results show that using proposed regularizer leads to deformations that are more plausible for respiratory motion than the standard approach without additional temporal regularization.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/85901/1/Fessler246.pd

    Influence of ultrasound speckle tracking strategies for motion and strain estimation

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    Speckle Tracking is one of the most prominent techniques used to estimate the regional movement of the heart based on ultrasound acquisitions. Many different approaches have been proposed, proving their suitability to obtain quantitative and qualitative information regarding myocardial deformation, motion and function assessment. New proposals to improve the basic algorithm usually focus on one of these three steps: (1) the similarity measure between images and the speckle model; (2) the transformation model, i.e. the type of motion considered between images; (3) the optimization strategies, such as the use of different optimization techniques in the transformation step or the inclusion of structural information. While many contributions have shown their good performance independently, it is not always clear how they perform when integrated in a whole pipeline. Every step will have a degree of influence over the following and hence over the final result. Thus, a Speckle Tracking pipeline must be analyzed as a whole when developing novel methods, since improvements in a particular step might be undermined by the choices taken in further steps. This work presents two main contributions: (1) We provide a complete analysis of the influence of the different steps in a Speckle Tracking pipeline over the motion and strain estimation accuracy. (2) The study proposes a methodology for the analysis of Speckle Tracking systems specifically designed to provide an easy and systematic way to include other strategies. We close the analysis with some conclusions and recommendations that can be used as an orientation of the degree of influence of the models for speckle, the transformation models, interpolation schemes and optimization strategies over the estimation of motion features. They can be further use to evaluate and design new strategy into a Speckle Tracking system

    An image segmentation and registration approach to cardiac function analysis using MRI

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are one of the major causes of death in the world. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the care and treatment of patients with such diseases. A crucial factor for this progress has been the development of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging which makes it possible to diagnose and assess the cardiovascular function of the patient. The ability to obtain high-resolution, cine volume images easily and safely has made it the preferred method for diagnosis of CVDs. MRI is also unique in its ability to introduce noninvasive markers directly into the tissue being imaged(MR tagging) during the image acquisition process. With the development of advanced MR imaging acquisition technologies, 3D MR imaging is more and more clinically feasible. This recent development has allowed new potentially 3D image analysis technologies to be deployed. However, quantitative analysis of cardiovascular system from the images remains a challenging topic. The work presented in this thesis describes the development of segmentation and motion analysis techniques for the study of the cardiac anatomy and function in cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images. The first main contribution of the thesis is the development of a fully automatic cardiac segmentation technique that integrates and combines a series of state-of-the-art techniques. The proposed segmentation technique is capable of generating an accurate 3D segmentation from multiple image sequences. The proposed segmentation technique is robust even in the presence of pathological changes, large anatomical shape variations and locally varying contrast in the images. Another main contribution of this thesis is the development of motion tracking techniques that can integrate motion information from different sources. For example, the radial motion of the myocardium can be tracked easily in untagged MR imaging since the epi- and endocardial surfaces are clearly visible. On the other hand, tagged MR imaging allows easy tracking of both longitudinal and circumferential motion. We propose a novel technique based on non-rigid image registration for the myocardial motion estimation using both untagged and 3D tagged MR images. The novel aspect of our technique is its simultaneous use of complementary information from both untagged and 3D tagged MR imaging. The similarity measure is spatially weighted to maximise the utility of information from both images. The thesis also proposes a sparse representation for free-form deformations (FFDs) using the principles of compressed sensing. The sparse free-form deformation (SFFD) model can capture fine local details such as motion discontinuities without sacrificing robustness. We demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed framework to accurately estimate smooth as well as discontinuous deformations in 2D and 3D CMR image sequences. Compared to the standard FFD approach, a significant increase in registration accuracy can be observed in datasets with discontinuous motion patterns. Both the segmentation and motion tracking techniques presented in this thesis have been applied to clinical studies. We focus on two important clinical applications that can be addressed by the techniques proposed in this thesis. The first clinical application aims at measuring longitudinal changes in cardiac morphology and function during the cardiac remodelling process. The second clinical application aims at selecting patients that positively respond to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). The final chapter of this thesis summarises the main conclusions that can be drawn from the work presented here and also discusses possible avenues for future research

    Non-rigid medical image registration with extended free form deformations: modelling general tissue transitions

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    Image registration seeks pointwise correspondences between the same or analogous objects in different images. Conventional registration methods generally impose continuity and smoothness throughout the image. However, there are cases in which the deformations may involve discontinuities. In general, the discontinuities can be of different types, depending on the physical properties of the tissue transitions involved and boundary conditions. For instance, in the respiratory motion the lungs slide along the thoracic cage following the tangential direction of their interface. In the normal direction, however, the lungs and the thoracic cage are constrained to be always in contact but they have different material properties producing different compression or expansion rates. In the literature, there is no generic method, which handles different types of discontinuities and considers their directional dependence. The aim of this thesis is to develop a general registration framework that is able to correctly model different types of tissue transitions with a general formalism. This has led to the development of the eXtended Free Form Deformation (XFFD) registration method. XFFD borrows the concept of the interpolation method from the eXtended Finite Element method (XFEM) to incorporate discontinuities by enriching B-spline basis functions, coupled with extra degrees of freedom. XFFD can handle different types of discontinuities and encodes their directional-dependence without any additional constraints. XFFD has been evaluated on digital phantoms, publicly available 3D liver and lung CT images. The experiments show that XFFD improves on previous methods and that it is important to employ the correct model that corresponds to the discontinuity type involved at the tissue transition. The effect of using incorrect models is more evident in the strain, which measures mechanical properties of the tissues

    Efficient dense non-rigid registration using the free-form deformation framework

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    Medical image registration consists of finding spatial correspondences between two images or more. It is a powerful tool which is commonly used in various medical image processing tasks. Even though medical image registration has been an active topic of research for the last two decades, significant challenges in the field remain to be solved. This thesis addresses some of these challenges through extensions to the Free-Form Deformation (FFD) registration framework, which is one of the most widely used and well-established non-rigid registration algorithm. Medical image registration is a computationally expensive task because of the high degrees of freedom of the non-rigid transformations. In this work, the FFD algorithm has been re-factored to enable fast processing, while maintaining the accuracy of the results. In addition, parallel computing paradigms have been employed to provide near real-time image registration capabilities. Further modifications have been performed to improve the registration robustness to artifacts such as tissues non-uniformity. The plausibility of the generated deformation field has been improved through the use of bio-mechanical models based regularization. Additionally, diffeomorphic extensions to the algorithm were also developed. The work presented in this thesis has been extensively validated using brain magnetic resonance imaging of patients diagnosed with dementia or patients undergoing brain resection. It has also been applied to lung X-ray computed tomography and imaging of small animals. Alongside with this thesis an open-source package, NiftyReg, has been developed to release the presented work to the medical imaging community

    A novel hierarchical template matching model for cardiac motion estimation

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    Cardiovascular disease diagnosis and prognosis can be improved by measuring patient-specific in-vivo local myocardial strain using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Local myocardial strain can be determined by tracking the movement of sample muscles points during cardiac cycle using cardiac motion estimation model. The tracking accuracy of the benchmark Free Form Deformation (FFD) model is greatly affected due to its dependency on tunable parameters and regularisation function. Therefore, Hierarchical Template Matching (HTM) model, which is independent of tunable parameters, regularisation function, and image-specific features, is proposed in this article. HTM has dense and uniform points correspondence that provides HTM with the ability to estimate local muscular deformation with a promising accuracy of less than half a millimetre of cardiac wall muscle. As a result, the muscles tracking accuracy has been significantly (p<0.001) improved (30%) compared to the benchmark model. Such merits of HTM provide reliably calculated clinical measures which can be incorporated into the decision-making process of cardiac disease diagnosis and prognosis

    Estimation of smooth growth trajectories with controlled acceleration from time series shape data

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    pre-printLongitudinal shape analysis often relies on the estimation of a realistic continuous growth scenario from data sparsely distributed in time. In this paper, we propose a new type of growth model para-meterized by acceleration, whereas standard methods typically control the velocity. This mimics the behavior of biological tissue as a mechanical system driven by external forces. The growth trajectories are estimated as smooth flows of deformations, which are twice differentiable. This differs from piecewise geodesic regression, for which the velocity may be discontinuous. We evaluate our approach on a set of anatomical structures of the same subject, scanned 16 times between 4 and 8 years of age. We show our acceleration based method estimates smooth growth, demonstrating improved regularity compared to piecewise geodesic regression. Leave-several-out experiments show that our method is robust to missing observations, as well as being less sensitive to noise, and is therefore more likely to capture the underlying biological growth