760 research outputs found

    A representation learning model based on variational inference and graph autoencoder for predicting lncRNA‑disease associations

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    Background: Numerous studies have demonstrated that long non-coding RNAs are related to plenty of human diseases. Therefore, it is crucial to predict potential lncRNAdisease associations for disease prognosis, diagnosis and therapy. Dozens of machine learning and deep learning algorithms have been adopted to this problem, yet it is still challenging to learn efficient low-dimensional representations from high-dimensional features of lncRNAs and diseases to predict unknown lncRNA-disease associations accurately. Results: We proposed an end-to-end model, VGAELDA, which integrates variational inference and graph autoencoders for lncRNA-disease associations prediction. VGAELDA contains two kinds of graph autoencoders. Variational graph autoencoders (VGAE) infer representations from features of lncRNAs and diseases respectively, while graph autoencoders propagate labels via known lncRNA-disease associations. These two kinds of autoencoders are trained alternately by adopting variational expectation maximization algorithm. The integration of both the VGAE for graph representation learning, and the alternate training via variational inference, strengthens the capability of VGAELDA to capture efficient low-dimensional representations from high-dimensional features, and hence promotes the robustness and preciseness for predicting unknown lncRNA-disease associations. Further analysis illuminates that the designed co-training framework of lncRNA and disease for VGAELDA solves a geometric matrix completion problem for capturing efficient low-dimensional representations via a deep learning approach. Conclusion: Cross validations and numerical experiments illustrate that VGAELDA outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods in lncRNA-disease association prediction. Case studies indicate that VGAELDA is capable of detecting potential lncRNAdisease associations. The source code and data are available at https:// github. com/ zhang labNKU/ VGAEL DA

    DSL: Discriminative Subgraph Learning via Sparse Self-Representation

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    The goal in network state prediction (NSP) is to classify the global state (label) associated with features embedded in a graph. This graph structure encoding feature relationships is the key distinctive aspect of NSP compared to classical supervised learning. NSP arises in various applications: gene expression samples embedded in a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network, temporal snapshots of infrastructure or sensor networks, and fMRI coherence network samples from multiple subjects to name a few. Instances from these domains are typically ``wide'' (more features than samples), and thus, feature sub-selection is required for robust and generalizable prediction. How to best employ the network structure in order to learn succinct connected subgraphs encompassing the most discriminative features becomes a central challenge in NSP. Prior work employs connected subgraph sampling or graph smoothing within optimization frameworks, resulting in either large variance of quality or weak control over the connectivity of selected subgraphs. In this work we propose an optimization framework for discriminative subgraph learning (DSL) which simultaneously enforces (i) sparsity, (ii) connectivity and (iii) high discriminative power of the resulting subgraphs of features. Our optimization algorithm is a single-step solution for the NSP and the associated feature selection problem. It is rooted in the rich literature on maximal-margin optimization, spectral graph methods and sparse subspace self-representation. DSL simultaneously ensures solution interpretability and superior predictive power (up to 16% improvement in challenging instances compared to baselines), with execution times up to an hour for large instances.Comment: 9 page

    An Analytical Performance Evaluation on Multiview Clustering Approaches

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    The concept of machine learning encompasses a wide variety of different approaches, one of which is called clustering. The data points are grouped together in this approach to the problem. Using a clustering method, it is feasible, given a collection of data points, to classify each data point as belonging to a specific group. This can be done if the algorithm is given the collection of data points. In theory, data points that constitute the same group ought to have attributes and characteristics that are equivalent to one another, however data points that belong to other groups ought to have properties and characteristics that are very different from one another. The generation of multiview data is made possible by recent developments in information collecting technologies. The data were collected from à variety of sources and were analysed using a variety of perspectives. The data in question are what are known as multiview data. On a single view, the conventional clustering algorithms are applied. In spite of this, real-world data are complicated and can be clustered in a variety of different ways, depending on how the data are interpreted. In practise, the real-world data are messy. In recent years, Multiview Clustering, often known as MVC, has garnered an increasing amount of attention due to its goal of utilising complimentary and consensus information derived from different points of view. On the other hand, the vast majority of the systems that are currently available only enable the single-clustering scenario, whereby only makes utilization of a single cluster to split the data. This is the case since there is only one cluster accessible. In light of this, it is absolutely necessary to carry out investigation on the multiview data format. The study work is centred on multiview clustering and how well it performs compared to these other strategies
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