3 research outputs found

    Languages Simultaneously Complete for One-Way and Two-Way Log-Tape Automata

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    In this paper we study languages accepted by nondeterministic logn\log n-tape automata which scan their input only once and relate their computational power to two-way, logn\log n-tape automata. We show that for the one-way, logn\log n-tape automata the nondeterministic model (1-NL) is computationally much more powerful than the deterministic model (1-L); that under one-way, logn\log n-tape reductions there exist natural complete languages for these automata and that the complete languages cannot be sparse. Furthermore, we show that any language complete for nondeterministic one-way logn\log n-tape automata (under 1-L reductions) is also complete for the computationally more powerful nondeterministic two-way, logn\log n-tape reductions. Therefore, for all bounds T(n),T(nlognT(n),T(n \geq \log n, the deterministic and nondeterministic T(n)T(n)-tape bounded computations collapse if the nondeterministic one-way logn\log n-tape computations can be carried out by two-way deterministic logn\log n-tape automata

    DSPACE(n)=<SUP>2</SUP> NSPACE(n): a degree theoretic characterization

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    It is shown that the following are equivalent. 1. DSPACE(n)=NSPACE(n). 2. There is a nontrivial &#8804; 1-NLm-degree that coincides with &#8804;1-Lm-degree. 3. For every class C closed under log-lin reductions, the &#8804;1-NLm-complete degree of C coincides with the &#8804;1-Lm-complete degree of C

    Finite Models of Splicing and Their Complexity

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    Durante las dos últimas décadas ha surgido una colaboración estrecha entre informáticos, bioquímicos y biólogos moleculares, que ha dado lugar a la investigación en un área conocida como la computación biomolecular. El trabajo en esta tesis pertenece a este área, y estudia un modelo de cómputo llamado sistema de empalme (splicing system). El empalme es el modelo formal del corte y de la recombinación de las moléculas de ADN bajo la influencia de las enzimas de la restricción.Esta tesis presenta el trabajo original en el campo de los sistemas de empalme, que, como ya indica el título, se puede dividir en dos partes. La primera parte introduce y estudia nuevos modelos finitos de empalme. La segunda investiga aspectos de complejidad (tanto computacional como descripcional) de los sistema de empalme. La principal contribución de la primera parte es que pone en duda la asunción general que una definición finita, más realista de sistemas de empalme es necesariamente débil desde un punto de vista computacional. Estudiamos varios modelos alternativos y demostramos que en muchos casos tienen más poder computacional. La segunda parte de la tesis explora otro territorio. El modelo de empalme se ha estudiado mucho respecto a su poder computacional, pero las consideraciones de complejidad no se han tratado apenas. Introducimos una noción de la complejidad temporal y espacial para los sistemas de empalme. Estas definiciones son utilizadas para definir y para caracterizar las clases de complejidad para los sistemas de empalme. Entre otros resultados, presentamos unas caracterizaciones exactas de las clases de empalme en términos de clases de máquina de Turing conocidas. Después, usando una nueva variante de sistemas de empalme, que acepta lenguajes en lugar de generarlos, demostramos que los sistemas de empalme se pueden usar para resolver problemas. Por último, definimos medidas de complejidad descriptional para los sistemas de empalme. Demostramos que en este respecto los sistemas de empalme finitos tienen buenas propiedades comparadosOver the last two decades, a tight collaboration has emerged between computer scientists, biochemists and molecular biologists, which has spurred research into an area known as DNAComputing (also biomolecular computing). The work in this thesis belongs to this field, and studies a computational model called splicing system. Splicing is the formal model of the cutting and recombination of DNA molecules under the influence of restriction enzymes.This thesis presents original work in the field of splicing systems, which, as the title already indicates, can be roughly divided into two parts: 'Finite models of splicing' on the onehand and 'their complexity' on the other. The main contribution of the first part is that it challenges the general assumption that a finite, more realistic definition of splicing is necessarily weal from a computational point of view. We propose and study various alternative models and show that in most cases they have more computational power, often reaching computational completeness. The second part explores other territory. Splicing research has been mainly focused on computational power, but complexity considerations have hardly been addressed. Here we introduce notions of time and space complexity for splicing systems. These definitions are used to characterize splicing complexity classes in terms of well known Turing machine classes. Then, using a new accepting variant of splicing systems, we show that they can also be used as problem solvers. Finally, we study descriptional complexity. We define measures of descriptional complexity for splicing systems and show that for representing regular languages they have good properties with respect to finite automata, especially in the accepting variant