4,822 research outputs found

    Statistical Machine Translation of Japanese

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    The purpose of this research was to find ways to improve the performance of a statistical machine translation system that translates text from Japanese to English. Methods included altering the training and test data by adding a prior linguistic knowledge, altering sentence structures, and looking for better ways to statistically alter the way words align between the two languages. In addition, methods for properly segmenting words in Japanese text through statistical methods were examined. Finally, experiments were conducted on Japanese speech to produce the best text transcription of the speech. The best statistical machine translation methods implemented resulted in improvements that rivaled the best evaluations from the 2005 International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation from which training and test data was used. Recommendations, including how the methods presented may be altered for further improvements for future research, are also discussed

    Mostly-Unsupervised Statistical Segmentation of Japanese Kanji Sequences

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    Given the lack of word delimiters in written Japanese, word segmentation is generally considered a crucial first step in processing Japanese texts. Typical Japanese segmentation algorithms rely either on a lexicon and syntactic analysis or on pre-segmented data; but these are labor-intensive, and the lexico-syntactic techniques are vulnerable to the unknown word problem. In contrast, we introduce a novel, more robust statistical method utilizing unsegmented training data. Despite its simplicity, the algorithm yields performance on long kanji sequences comparable to and sometimes surpassing that of state-of-the-art morphological analyzers over a variety of error metrics. The algorithm also outperforms another mostly-unsupervised statistical algorithm previously proposed for Chinese. Additionally, we present a two-level annotation scheme for Japanese to incorporate multiple segmentation granularities, and introduce two novel evaluation metrics, both based on the notion of a compatible bracket, that can account for multiple granularities simultaneously.Comment: 22 pages. To appear in Natural Language Engineerin

    Autoregressive Kernels For Time Series

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    We propose in this work a new family of kernels for variable-length time series. Our work builds upon the vector autoregressive (VAR) model for multivariate stochastic processes: given a multivariate time series x, we consider the likelihood function p_{\theta}(x) of different parameters \theta in the VAR model as features to describe x. To compare two time series x and x', we form the product of their features p_{\theta}(x) p_{\theta}(x') which is integrated out w.r.t \theta using a matrix normal-inverse Wishart prior. Among other properties, this kernel can be easily computed when the dimension d of the time series is much larger than the lengths of the considered time series x and x'. It can also be generalized to time series taking values in arbitrary state spaces, as long as the state space itself is endowed with a kernel \kappa. In that case, the kernel between x and x' is a a function of the Gram matrices produced by \kappa on observations and subsequences of observations enumerated in x and x'. We describe a computationally efficient implementation of this generalization that uses low-rank matrix factorization techniques. These kernels are compared to other known kernels using a set of benchmark classification tasks carried out with support vector machines

    Online Handwritten Chinese/Japanese Character Recognition

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    Robust ASR using Support Vector Machines

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    The improved theoretical properties of Support Vector Machines with respect to other machine learning alternatives due to their max-margin training paradigm have led us to suggest them as a good technique for robust speech recognition. However, important shortcomings have had to be circumvented, the most important being the normalisation of the time duration of different realisations of the acoustic speech units. In this paper, we have compared two approaches in noisy environments: first, a hybrid HMM–SVM solution where a fixed number of frames is selected by means of an HMM segmentation and second, a normalisation kernel called Dynamic Time Alignment Kernel (DTAK) first introduced in Shimodaira et al. [Shimodaira, H., Noma, K., Nakai, M., Sagayama, S., 2001. Support vector machine with dynamic time-alignment kernel for speech recognition. In: Proc. Eurospeech, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 1841–1844] and based on DTW (Dynamic Time Warping). Special attention has been paid to the adaptation of both alternatives to noisy environments, comparing two types of parameterisations and performing suitable feature normalisation operations. The results show that the DTA Kernel provides important advantages over the baseline HMM system in medium to bad noise conditions, also outperforming the results of the hybrid system.Publicad
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