414 research outputs found

    Proof Theory, Transformations, and Logic Programming for Debugging Security Protocols

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    We define a sequent calculus to formally specify, simulate, debug and verify security protocols. In our sequents we distinguish between the current knowledge of principals and the current global state of the session. Hereby, we can describe the operational semantics of principals and of an intruder in a simple and modular way. Furthermore, using proof theoretic tools like the analysis of permutability of rules, we are able to find efficient proof strategies that we prove complete for special classes of security protocols including Needham-Schroeder. Based on the results of this preliminary analysis, we have implemented a Prolog meta-interpreter which allows for rapid prototyping and for checking safety properties of security protocols, and we have applied it for finding error traces and proving correctness of practical examples

    Slede: a domain-specific verification framework for sensor network security protocol implementations

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    Finding flaws in security protocol implementations is hard. Finding flaws in the implementations of sensor network security protocols is even harder because they are designed to protect against more system failures compared to traditional protocols. Formal verification techniques such as model checking, theorem proving, etc, have been very successful in the past in detecting faults in security protocol specifications; however, they generally require that a formal description of the protocol, often called model, is developed before the verification can start. There are three factors that make model construction, and as a result, formal verification is hard. First, knowledge of the specialized language used to construct the model is necessary. Second, upfront effort is required to produce an artifact that is only useful during verification, which might be considered wasteful by some, and third, manual model construction is error prone and may lead to inconsistencies between the implementation and the model. The key contribution of this work is an approach for automated formal verification of sensor network security protocols. Technical underpinnings of our approach includes a technique for automatically extracting a model from the nesC implementations of a security protocol, a technique for composing this extracted model with models of intrusion and network topologies, and a technique for translating the results of the verification process to domain terms. Our approach is sound and complete within bounds, i.e. if it reports a fault scenario for a protocol, there is indeed a fault and our framework terminates for a network topology of given size; otherwise no faults in the protocol are present that can be exploited in the network topology of that size or less using the given intrusion model. Our approach also does not require upfront model construction, which significantly decreases the cost of verification

    Attack analysis of cryptographic protocols using strand spaces

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    Security protocols make use of cryptographic techniques to achieve goals such as confidentiality, authentication and integrity. However, the fact that strong cryptographic algorithms exist does not guarantee the security of a communications system. In fact, it is recognised that the engineering of security protocols is a challenging task, since protocols that appear secure can contain subtle flaws that attackers can exploit. A number of techniques exist for the analysis of security protocol specifications. Individually they are not capable of detecting every possible flaw or attack against a protocol. However, when combined, these techniques all complement each other, allowing a protocol engineer to obtain a more accurate overview of the security of a protocol that is being designed. This is the rationale for multi-dimensional security protocol engineering, a concept introduced by previous projects of ours over several years. We propose an attack construction approach to security protocol analysis within a multi-dimensional context. This analysis method complements the existing inference construction analysis tools developed earlier in the group. We give a brief overview of the concepts associated with the project, including a summary of existing security protocol analysis techniques, and a description of the strand space model, which is the intended formalism for the analysis

    State space reduction in the Maude-NRL Protocol Analyzer

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    The Maude-NRL Protocol Analyzer (Maude-NPA) is a tool and inference system for reasoning about the security of cryptographic protocols in which the cryptosystems satisfy different equational properties. It both extends and provides a formal framework for the original NRL Protocol Analyzer, which supported equational reasoning in a more limited way. Maude-NPA supports a wide variety of algebraic properties that includes many crypto-systems of interest such as, for example, one-time pads and Diffie–Hellman. Maude-NPA, like the original NPA, looks for attacks by searching backwards from an insecure attack state, and assumes an unbounded number of sessions. Because of the unbounded number of sessions and the support for different equational theories, it is necessary to develop ways of reducing the search space and avoiding infinite search paths. In order for the techniques to prove useful, they need not only to speed up the search, but should not violate completeness, so that failure to find attacks still guarantees security. In this paper we describe some state space reduction techniques that we have implemented in Maude-NPA. We also provide completeness proofs, and experimental evaluations of their effect on the performance of Maude-NPA.We would like to thank Antonio Gonzalez for his help in providing several protocol specifications in Maude-NPA. S. Escobar and S. Santiago have been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MEC/MICINN under grant TIN 2010-21062-C02-02, and by Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO2011/052. J. Meseguer and S. Escobar have been partially supported by NSF grants CNS 09-04749, and CCF 09-05584.Escobar Román, S.; Meadows, C.; Meseguer, J.; Santiago Pinazo, S. (2014). State space reduction in the Maude-NRL Protocol Analyzer. Information and Computation. 238:157-186. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2014.07.007S15718623

    Verifying sensor network security protocol implementations

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    Verifying sensor network security protocol implementations using testing/simulation might leave some flaws undetected. Formal verification techniques have been very successful in detecting faults in security protocol specifications; however, they generally require building a formal description (model) of the protocol. Building accurate models is hard, thus hindering the application of formal verification. In this work, a framework for automating formal verification of sensor network security protocols is presented. The framework Slede extracts models from protocol implementations and verifies them against generated intruder models. Slede was evaluated by verifying two sensor network security protocol implementations. Security flaws in both protocols were detected

    Performance Evaluations of Cryptographic Protocols Verification Tools Dealing with Algebraic Properties

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    International audienceThere exist several automatic verification tools of cryptographic protocols, but only few of them are able to check protocols in presence of algebraic properties. Most of these tools are dealing either with Exclusive-Or (XOR) and exponentiation properties, so-called Diffie-Hellman (DH). In the last few years, the number of these tools increased and some existing tools have been updated. Our aim is to compare their performances by analysing a selection of cryptographic protocols using XOR and DH. We compare execution time and memory consumption for different versions of the following tools OFMC, CL-Atse, Scyther, Tamarin, TA4SP, and extensions of ProVerif (XOR-ProVerif and DH-ProVerif). Our evaluation shows that in most of the cases the new versions of the tools are faster but consume more memory. We also show how the new tools: Tamarin, Scyther and TA4SP, can be compared to previous ones. We also discover and understand for the protocol IKEv2-DS a difference of modelling by the authors of different tools, which leads to different security results. Finally, for Exclusive-Or and Diffie-Hellman properties, we construct two families of protocols P xori and P dhi that allow us to clearly see for the first time the impact of the number of operators and variables in the tools' performances

    SPEAR II - The Security Protocol Engineering and Analysis Resource

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    Multi-dimensional security protocol engineering is effective in creating cryptographic protocols since it encompasses a variety of analysis techniques, thereby providing a higher security confidence than individual approaches. SPEAR, the Security Protocol Engineering and Analysis Resource, was a protocol engineering tool which focused on cryptographic protocols, with the specific aims of enabling secure and efficient protocol designs and support for the production process of implementing security protocols. The SPEAR II tool is a continuation of the highly successful SPEAR project and aims to build on the foundation laid by SPEAR. SPEAR II provides more advanced multidimensional support than SPEAR, enabling protocol specification via a graphical user interface, automated security analysis that applies a number of well-known analysis methods, performance reporting and evaluation, meta-execution and automated code generation
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