16 research outputs found

    Precipitation and Separation of Salts from Aqueous Solutions

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    Civil Engineerin

    Reports to the President

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    A compilation of annual reports for the 1985-1986 academic year, including a report from the President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as reports from the academic and administrative units of the Institute. The reports outline the year's goals, accomplishments, honors and awards, and future plans

    Second Aerospace Environmental Technology Conference

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    The mandated elimination of CFC'S, Halons, TCA, and other ozone depleting chemicals and specific hazardous materials has required changes and new developments in aerospace materials and processes. The aerospace industry has been involved for several years in providing product substitutions, redesigning entire production processes, and developing new materials that minimize or eliminate damage to the environment. These activities emphasize replacement cleaning solvents and their application, verification, compliant coatings including corrosion protection system and removal techniques, chemical propulsion effects on the environment, and the initiation of modifications to relevant processing and manufacturing specifications and standards

    Presence 2005: the eighth annual international workshop on presence, 21-23 September, 2005 University College London (Conference proceedings)

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    OVERVIEW (taken from the CALL FOR PAPERS) Academics and practitioners with an interest in the concept of (tele)presence are invited to submit their work for presentation at PRESENCE 2005 at University College London in London, England, September 21-23, 2005. The eighth in a series of highly successful international workshops, PRESENCE 2005 will provide an open discussion forum to share ideas regarding concepts and theories, measurement techniques, technology, and applications related to presence, the psychological state or subjective perception in which a person fails to accurately and completely acknowledge the role of technology in an experience, including the sense of 'being there' experienced by users of advanced media such as virtual reality. The concept of presence in virtual environments has been around for at least 15 years, and the earlier idea of telepresence at least since Minsky's seminal paper in 1980. Recently there has been a burst of funded research activity in this area for the first time with the European FET Presence Research initiative. What do we really know about presence and its determinants? How can presence be successfully delivered with today's technology? This conference invites papers that are based on empirical results from studies of presence and related issues and/or which contribute to the technology for the delivery of presence. Papers that make substantial advances in theoretical understanding of presence are also welcome. The interest is not solely in virtual environments but in mixed reality environments. Submissions will be reviewed more rigorously than in previous conferences. High quality papers are therefore sought which make substantial contributions to the field. Approximately 20 papers will be selected for two successive special issues for the journal Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. PRESENCE 2005 takes place in London and is hosted by University College London. The conference is organized by ISPR, the International Society for Presence Research and is supported by the European Commission's FET Presence Research Initiative through the Presencia and IST OMNIPRES projects and by University College London

    Japan and Taiwan in the wake of bio-globalization : drugs, race and standards

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    Thesis (Ph. D. in History and Social Study of Science and Technology (HASTS))--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Science, Technology and Society, 2005.Also issued in a 2 v. set, printed in leaves.MIT Dewey Library copy: 2 v. set.Includes bibliographical references (p. 518-545).This is a study of Japan and Taiwan's different responses to the expansion of the global drug industry. The thesis focuses on the problematic of "voicing," of how a state can make its interests heard in the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). The ICH is a unique project that facilitates the formation of a single global market by creating universal standards for clinical trials and drug approvals. Tracing, through "slow motion" ethnography, step by step, why Japan claims a racial difference requires additional local clinical trials with "Asian bodies," this thesis rejects conventional interpretations of protectionism for Japan's resistance to globalization. It argues that more than protectionism is involved, and that a rich ethnographic understanding of Japan's medical infrastructure is required to understand the claim of biological, cultural, and national differences, as well as biostatistical arguments about the ambiguities of "extrapolation" of clinical data from one place to another.(cont.) The inherent ambiguities of efforts to create "bridging" studies as a temporary solution to these problematics created a deadlock in the ICH, and provided an opening for Taiwan, another Asian state, which does not enjoy formal recognition from the world, to speak for itself to this conference, and to create the fragile, but politically critical, possibility of becoming a clinical trial center for Asian populations. The language of genomics and biostatistics become in the more recent period the vehicles for both Japanese and Taiwanese efforts at "voicing" their concerns. Both genomics and biostatistics look different in these contexts than they do from the United States or European Union. In sum, (1) Japan's and Taiwan's response, as well as "global ethnographic objects" such as the ICH, provide important tools to rethink the comparative method as well as universalizing claims of harmonization. (2) Race, culture, and the nation-state are transformed as categories through the contemporary reworkings of genomics and biostatistics. (3) The thesis demonstrates that abstract accounts of the spread of clinical trials and resistance in various parts of the world are not to be trusted unless they include detailed probings of local understandings, identity issues, and problems of voicing.by Wen-Hua Kuo.Ph.D.in History and Social Study of Science and Technology (HAST

    Kenyon College Catalog 2017-2018

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    Kenyon College Catalog 2013-2014

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    Cognition and consciousness : developing a conceptual framework

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    English: The role of consciousness within the process of cognition has been very unclear to date. On the one hand, the phenomenological experience of consciousness is very real but on the other hand, theories of cognition seem to struggle to account for consciousness. Consciousness and related mentalistic phenomena have been neglected to a great extent in the past. It is only recently that cognitive theorists voiced their concern about the neglect of consciousness within cognitive studies and psychology. This study assumed that the difficulty to account for consciousness within cognition is due to the inadequacy of theoretical perspectives. The aim of this study was then to develop a conceptual framework within which the relationship between cognition and consciousness can be viewed, which can also open avenues for theory construction and empirical investigation. To obtain this goal, a particular strategy was followed. The assumption from which the argument in this study originated was that cognition and consciousness must be viewed from a systemic emergentist perspective. From this assumption certain systemic emergentist principles followed which include emergence, structure, function, the fusion between structure and function, the constitution of systemic wholes, and interaction. Two principles, or perspectives, namely structure and function, were used in an heuristic fashion to discuss approaches to consciousness. These two perspectives need to be incorporated in an understanding and definition of consciousness. The same strategy was followed with the analysis of four mainstream approaches to cognition, namely the information processing approach, the move beyond information processing, symbolicism and connectionism. It was hypothesised that the ability to account for the systemic emergentist principles within a particular approach determines its ability to incorporate consciousness within the process of cognition. The nature of structure, function and emergence was clarified from the perspective of General Systems Theory and Emergent lnteractionism. The various approaches to cognition contributed in different ways to the understanding of the systemic emergentist principles. A conceptual model, namely the systemic emergentist model, was developed, based on a principle of a fused function and structure. This means that a system has a microstructure consisting of active and functional elements. The concept of a fused function and structure overcomes the traditional separation of structure and function/process. This fusion enables emergence to take place. Due to the configuration of elements (processes) a system as a whole and its properties emerge. Systems form subsystems in a hierarchical fashion which allows for interaction between levels of systems. Emergents cannot be reduced to the elements of a system. The model was evaluated against the characteristics of cognition and consciousness determined on the psychological and phenomenological levels of analysis. This showed that consciousness is functional and an integral part of the process of cognition. In terms of the requirements for a conceptual model as a rudimentary explanatory and heuristic device, it was found that the systemic emergentist model was able to satisfy these requirements to a large extent. The model was also able to indicate further avenues for research and point out certain deficiencies in itself.Afrikaans: Tot op hede was die rol van bewussyn in die proses van kognisie onduidelik. Aan die een kant word bewussyn fenomenologies as werklik ervaar, maar aan die ander kant is dit vir kognitiewe teoriee moeilik om vir bewussyn verantwoording te doen. Bewussyn en verwante verstandelike verskynsels is in die verlede tot 'n groat mate afgeskeep. Dit is egter slegs onlangs dat kognitiewe teoretici hul besorgdheid oor die verwaarlosing van bewussyn in kognitiewe studies en sielkunde uitgespreek het. Hierdie studie neem aan dat ontoereikende teoretiese perspektiewe verantwoordelik is vir die onvermoe om rekenskap te gee van bewussyn in kognisie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n konseptuele raamwerk te ontwikkel waarbinne die verwantskap tussen kognisie en bewussyn beskou kan word en waarmee nuwe rigtings vir teoriekonstruksie en empiriese ondersoek aangedui kan word. 'n Spesifieke strategie is gevolg om hierdie doel te bereik. Hierdie studie vertrek van die aanname dat kognisie en bewussyn vanuit 'n sistemiese verskynings- (emergentist) perspektief beskou moet word. Vanuit hierdie perspektief kom sekere sistemiese verskyningsbeginsels na vore wat verskyning, struktuur, funksie, die samesmelting van struktuur en funksie, die konstituering van sistemiese gehele, en interaksie insluit. Twee beginsels of perspektiewe, naamlik struktuur en funksie, is op 'n heuristiese wyse gebruik om benaderings tot bewussyn te bespreek. Hierdie twee perspektiewe behoort in die begrip en definiering van bewussyn ingesluit te word. Dieselfde strategie is gevolg met die ontleding van vier hoofstroombenaderings tot kognisie, naamlik die informasieverwerkingsbenadering, die beweging verby informasieverwerking, simbolisisme, en konneksionisme. Dit is gehipotetiseer dat 'n spesifieke benadering se vermoe om verantwoording te doen vir die sistemiese verskyningsbeginsels, die vermoe om bewussyn in die proses van kognisie in te sluit, bepaal. Die aard van struktuur, funksie en verskyning is verhelder deur 'n bespreking van Algemene Sisteemteorie en Verskynings-lnteraksionisme. Die verskillende benaderings tot kognisie het op verskillende wyses tot die begrip van die sistemiese verskyningsbeginsels bygedra. 'n Konseptuele model, naamlik die sistemiese verskyningsmodel, is ontwikkel wat gebaseer is op die beginsel van 'n verenigde struktuur en funksie. Dit beteken dat 'n sisteem 'n mikrostruktuur het wat uit aktiewe en funksionele elemente bestaan. Die beginsel van 'n verenigde struktuur en funksie oorbrug die tradisionele skeiding tussen struktuur en funksiejproses. Die samesmelting het verskyning tot gevolg. Weens die konfigurasie van elemente (prosesse), verskyn 'n sisteem as geheel met sy eienskappe. Sisteme vorm subsisteme op hierargiese wyse wat wisselwerking tussen vlakke van sisteme bewerkstellig. Verskynings kan nie tot die elemente van 'n sisteem gereduseer word nie. Die model is geevalueer met die kenmerke van kognisie en bewussyn wat op 'n sielkundige en fenomenologiese vlak van ontleding bepaal is. Dit het aangetoon dat bewussyn funksioneel is en integraal is tot kognisie. Dit is bevind dat die sistemiese verskynsingsmodel die meeste van die vereistes van 'n konseptuele model as 'n rudimentere verklarings- en heuristiese meganisme kon bevredig. Die model was ook in staat om verdere rigtings vir navorsing aan te dui, asook om sekere gebreke in die model self aan te dui.Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1995.PsychologyDPhilUnrestricte