38,415 research outputs found

    Lane formation by side-stepping

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    In this paper we study a system of nonlinear partial differential equations, which describes the evolution of two pedestrian groups moving in opposite direction. The pedestrian dynamics are driven by aversion and cohesion, i.e. the tendency to follow individuals from the own group and step aside in the case of contraflow. We start with a 2D lattice based approach, in which the transition rates reflect the described dynamics, and derive the corresponding PDE system by formally passing to the limit in the spatial and temporal discretization. We discuss the existence of special stationary solutions, which correspond to the formation of directional lanes and prove existence of global in time bounded weak solutions. The proof is based on an approximation argument and entropy inequalities. Furthermore we illustrate the behavior of the system with numerical simulations

    Particle interactions and lattice dynamics: Scenarios for efficient bidirectional stochastic transport?

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    Intracellular transport processes driven by molecular motors can be described by stochastic lattice models of self-driven particles. Here we focus on bidirectional transport models excluding the exchange of particles on the same track. We explore the possibility to have efficient transport in these systems. One possibility would be to have appropriate interactions between the various motors' species, so as to form lanes. However, we show that the lane formation mechanism based on modified attachment/detachment rates as it was proposed previously is not necessarily connected to an efficient transport state and is suppressed when the diffusivity of unbound particles is finite. We propose another interaction mechanism based on obstacle avoidance that allows to have lane formation for limited diffusion. Besides, we had shown in a separate paper that the dynamics of the lattice itself could be a key ingredient for the efficiency of bidirectional transport. Here we show that lattice dynamics and interactions can both contribute in a cooperative way to the efficiency of transport. In particular, lattice dynamics can decrease the interaction threshold beyond which lanes form. Lattice dynamics may also enhance the transport capacity of the system even when lane formation is suppressed.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figures, 2 table

    Intracellular transport driven by cytoskeletal motors: General mechanisms and defects

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    Cells are strongly out-of-equilibrium systems driven by continuous energy supply. They carry out many vital functions requiring active transport of various ingredients and organelles, some being small, others being large. The cytoskeleton, composed of three types of filaments, determines the shape of the cell and plays a role in cell motion. It also serves as a road network for the so-called cytoskeletal motors. These molecules can attach to a cytoskeletal filament, perform directed motion, possibly carrying along some cargo, and then detach. It is a central issue to understand how intracellular transport driven by molecular motors is regulated, in particular because its breakdown is one of the signatures of some neuronal diseases like the Alzheimer. We give a survey of the current knowledge on microtubule based intracellular transport. We first review some biological facts obtained from experiments, and present some modeling attempts based on cellular automata. We start with background knowledge on the original and variants of the TASEP (Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process), before turning to more application oriented models. After addressing microtubule based transport in general, with a focus on in vitro experiments, and on cooperative effects in the transportation of large cargos by multiple motors, we concentrate on axonal transport, because of its relevance for neuronal diseases. It is a challenge to understand how this transport is organized, given that it takes place in a confined environment and that several types of motors moving in opposite directions are involved. We review several features that could contribute to the efficiency of this transport, including the role of motor-motor interactions and of the dynamics of the underlying microtubule network. Finally, we discuss some still open questions.Comment: 74 pages, 43 figure

    A model for bidirectional traffic of cytoskeletal motors

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    We introduce a stochastic lattice gas model including two particle species and two parallel lanes. One lane with exclusion interaction and directed motion and the other lane without exclusion and unbiased diffusion, mimicking a micotubule filament and the surrounding solution. For a high binding affinity to the filament, jam-like situations dominate the system's behaviour. The fundamental process of position exchange of two particles is approximated. In the case of a many-particle system, we were able to identify a regime in which the system is rather homogenous presenting only small accumulations of particles and a regime in which an important fraction of all particles accumulates in the same cluster. Numerical data proposes that this cluster formation will occur at all densities for large system sizes. Coupling of several filaments leads to an enhanced cluster formation compared to the uncoupled system, suggesting that efficient bidirectional transport on one-dimensional filaments relies on long-ranged interactions and track formation.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Дослідження та обґрунтування ефективності відпрацювання уступу драглайном з одного положення з переміщення грунту на кут до 220 градусів при відпрацюванні пологих родовищ

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    Визначено оптимальні параметри елементів системи розробки пологих родовищ вогнетривких глин із застосуванням драглайна ЕШ 10/70 (ЕШ 11/70) з одного робочого положення при підготовці пласта корисної копалини до виймання. Наведено результати експериментальних спостережень роботи ЕШ 10/70 на кар'єрі Західний-1 Андріївського родовища вогнетривких глин. Встановлено залежність площі підготовлених до виймання запасів від параметрів виробки.Определены оптимальные параметры элементов системы разработки пологих месторождений огнеупорных глин с применением драглайна ЭШ 10/70 (ЭШ 11/70) с одного рабочего положения при подготовке пласта полезного ископаемого к выемке. Приведены результаты экспериментальных наблюдений работы ЭШ 10/70 на карьере Западный-1 Андреевского месторождения огнеупорных глин. Установлена зависимость площади подготовленных к выемке запасов от параметров выработки.The optimum parameters of elements of the system of development of flat deposits of refractory clay with the use of dragline ESH 10/70 (ESH 11/70) from one working position in the preparation of a reservoir of minerals for extraction have been determined. The results of experimental observations of the work of ES 10/70 on the career of West-1 Andreevsky deposit of fire extinguishers and the production of natural clay are given. The dependence of the area prepared for the removal of stocks from the parameter is established

    Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of S106 Cluster-Forming Region with SIRPOL

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    We present the results of wide-field JHKs polarimetry toward the HII region S106 using the IRSF (Infrared Survey Facility) telescope. Our polarimetry data revealed an extended (up to ~ 5') polarized nebula over S106. We confirmed the position of the illuminating source of most of the nebula as consistent with S106 IRS4 through an analysis of polarization vectors. The bright portion of the polarized intensity is consistent with the red wing component of the molecular gas. Diffuse polarized intensity emission is distributed along the north--south molecular gas lanes. We found the interaction region between the radiation from S106 IRS4 and the dense gas. In addition, we also discovered two small polarization nebulae, SIRN1 and SIRN2, associated with a young stellar objects (YSO). Aperture polarimetry of point-like sources in this region was carried out for the first time. The regional magnetic field structures were derived using point-like source aperture polarimetry, and the magnetic field structure position angle around the cluster region in S106 was found to be ~ 120\arcdeg. The magnetic fields in the cluster region, however, have three type position angles: ~ 20\arcdeg, ~ 80\arcdeg, and ~ 120\arcdeg. The present magnetic field structures are consistent with results obtained by submillimeter continuum observations. We found that the magnetic field direction in the dense gas region is not consistent with that of the low density gas region.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Emerging robot swarm traffic

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    We discuss traffic patterns generated by swarms of robots while commuting to and from a base station. The overall question is whether to explicitly organise the traffic or whether a certain regularity develops `naturally'. Human driven motorized traffic is rigidly structured in two lanes. However, army ants develop a three-lane pattern in their traffic, while human pedestrians generate a main trail and secondary trials in either direction. Our robot swarm approach is bottom-up: designing individual agents we first investigate the mathematics of cases occurring when applying the artificial potential field method to three 'perfect' robots. We show that traffic lane pattern will not be disturbed by the internal system of forces. Next, we define models of sensor designs to account for the practical fact that robots (and ants) have limited visibility and compare the sensor models in groups of three robots. In the final step we define layouts of a highway: an unbounded open space, a trail with surpassable edges and a hard defined (walled) highway. Having defined the preliminaries we run swarm simulations and look for emerging traffic patterns. Apparently, depending on the initial situation a variety of lane patterns occurs, however, high traffic densities do delay the emergence of traffic lanes considerably. Overall we conclude that regularities do emerge naturally and can be turned into an advantage to obtain efficient robot traffic