206 research outputs found

    Terra and Aqua MODIS TEB Inter-Comparison Using Himawari-8/AHI as Reference

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    Intercomparison between the two MODIS instruments is very useful for both the instrument calibration and its uncertainty assessment. Terra and Aqua MODIS have almost identical relative spectral response, spatial resolution, and dynamic range for each band, so the site-dependent effect from spectral mismatch for their comparison is negligible. Major challenges in cross-sensor comparison of instruments on different satellites include differences in observation time and view angle over selected pseudoinvariant sites. The simultaneous nadir overpasses (SNO) between the two satellites are mostly applied for comparison and the scene under SNO varies. However, there is a dearth of SNO between the Terra and Aqua. This work focuses on an intercomparison method for MODIS thermal emissive bands using Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) as a reference. Eleven thermal emissive bands on MODIS are at least to some degree spectrally matched to the AHI bands. The sites selected for the comparison are an ocean area around the Himawari-8 suborbital point and the Strzelecki Desert located south of the Himawari-8 suborbital point. The time difference between the measurements from AHI and MODIS is <5 min. The comparison is performed using 2017 collection 6.1 L1B data for MODIS. The MODISAHI difference is corrected to remove the view angle dependence. The TerraAqua MODIS difference for the selected TEB is up to 0.6 K with the exception of band 30. Band 30 has the largest difference, which is site dependent, most likely due to a crosstalk effect. Over the ocean, the band 30 difference between the two MODIS instruments is around 1.75 K, while over the desert; the difference is around 0.68 K. The MODIS precision is also compared from the Gaussian regression of the double difference. Terra bands 27 to 30 have significant extra noise due to crosstalk effects on these bands. These TerraAqua comparison results are used for MODIS calibration assessments and are beneficial for future calibration algorithm improvement. The impact of daytime measurements and the scene dependence are also discussed

    A Machine Learning Algorithm for Himawari-8 Total Suspended Solids Retrievals in the Great Barrier Reef

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    Remote sensing of ocean colour has been fundamental to the synoptic-scale monitoring of marine water quality in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). However, ocean colour sensors onboard low orbit satellites, such as the Sentinel-3 constellation, have insufficient revisit capability to fully resolve diurnal variability in highly dynamic coastal environments. To overcome this limitation, this work presents a physics-based coastal ocean colour algorithm for the Advanced Himawari Imager onboard the Himawari-8 geostationary satellite. Despite being designed for meteorological applications, Himawari-8 offers the opportunity to estimate ocean colour features every 10 min, in four broad visible and near-infrared spectral bands, and at 1 km2 spatial resolution. Coupled ocean–atmosphere radiative transfer simulations of the Himawari-8 bands were carried out for a realistic range of in-water and atmospheric optical properties of the GBR and for a wide range of solar and observation geometries. The simulated data were used to develop an inverse model based on artificial neural network techniques to estimate total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations directly from the Himawari-8 top-of-atmosphere spectral reflectance observations. The algorithm was validated with concurrent in situ data across the coastal GBR and its detection limits were assessed. TSS retrievals presented relative errors up to 75% and absolute errors of 2 mg L−1 within the validation range of 0.14 to 24 mg L−1, with a detection limit of 0.25 mg L−1. We discuss potential applications of Himawari-8 diurnal TSS products for improved monitoring and management of water quality in the GBR

    Dust detection and intensity estimation using Himawari-8/AHI observation.

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    In this study, simple dust detection and intensity estimation methods using Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) data are developed. Based on the differences of thermal radiation characteristics between dust and other typical objects, brightness temperature difference (BTD) among four channels (BT11–BT12, BT8–BT11, and BT3–BT11) are used together for dust detection. When considering the thermal radiation variation of dust particles over different land cover types, a dynamic threshold scheme for dust detection is adopted. An enhanced dust intensity index (EDII) is developed based on the reflectance of visible/near-infrared bands, BT of thermal-infrared bands, and aerosol optical depth (AOD), and is applied to the detected dust area. The AOD is retrieved using multiple temporal AHI observations by assuming little surface change in a short time period (i.e., 1–2 days) and proved with high accuracy using the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) and cross-compared with MODIS AOD products. The dust detection results agree qualitatively with the dust locations that were revealed by AHI true color images. The results were also compared quantitatively with dust identification results from the AERONET AOD and Ångström exponent, achieving a total dust detection accuracy of 84%. A good agreement is obtained between EDII and the visibility data from National Climatic Data Center ground measurements, with a correlation coefficient of 0.81, indicating the effectiveness of EDII in dust monitoring.N/

    Retrieval of total precipitable water from Himawari-8 AHI data: A comparison of random forest, extreme gradient boosting, and deep neural network

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    Total precipitable water (TPW), a column of water vapor content in the atmosphere, provides information on the spatial distribution of moisture. The high-resolution TPW, together with atmospheric stability indices such as convective available potential energy (CAPE), is an effective indicator of severe weather phenomena in the pre-convective atmospheric condition. With the advent of high performing imaging instrument onboard geostationary satellites such as Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) onboard Himawari-8 of Japan and Advanced Meteorological Imager (AMI) onboard GeoKompsat-2A of Korea, it is expected that unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution data (e.g., AMI plans to provide 2 km resolution data at every 2 min over the northeast part of East Asia) will be provided. To derive TPW from such high-resolution data in a timely fashion, an efficient algorithm is highly required. Here, machine learning approaches-random forest (RF), extreme gradient boosting (XGB), and deep neural network (DNN)-are assessed for the TPW retrieved from AHI over the clear sky in Northeast Asia area. For the training dataset, the nine infrared brightness temperatures (BT) of AHI (BT8 to 16 centered at 6.2, 6.9, 7.3, 8.6, 9.6, 10.4, 11.2, 12.4, and 13.3 ??m, respectively), six dual channel differences and observation conditions such as time, latitude, longitude, and satellite zenith angle for two years (September 2016 to August 2018) are used. The corresponding TPW is prepared by integrating the water vapor profiles from InterimEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Re-Analysis data (ERA-Interim). The algorithm performances are assessed using the ERA-Interim and radiosonde observations (RAOB) as the reference data. The results show that the DNN model performs better than RF and XGB with a correlation coefficient of 0.96, a mean bias of 0.90 mm, and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 4.65 mm when compared to the ERA-Interim. Similarly, DNN results in a correlation coefficient of 0.95, a mean bias of 1.25 mm, and an RMSE of 5.03 mm when compared to RAOB. Contributing variables to retrieve the TPW in each model and the spatial and temporal analysis of the retrieved TPW are carefully examined and discussed. ?? 2019 by the authors

    Monitoring the Agung (Indonesia) ash plume of November 2017 by means of infrared Himawari 8 data

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    The Agung volcano (Bali; Indonesia) erupted in later November 2017 after several years of quiescence. Because of ash emissions, hundreds of flights were cancelled, causing an important air traffic disruption in Indonesia. We investigate those ash emissions from space by applying the RSTASH algorithm for the first time to Himawari-8 data and using an ad hoc implementation scheme to reduce the time of the elaboration processes. Himawari-8 is a new generation Japanese geostationary meteorological satellite, whose AHI (Advanced Himawari Imager) sensor offers improved features, in terms of spectral, spatial and temporal resolution, in comparison with the previous imagers of the MTSAT (Multi-Functional Transport Satellite) series. Those features should guarantee further improvements in monitoring rapidly evolving weather/environmental phenomena. Results of this work show that RSTASH was capable of successfully detecting and tracking the Agung ash plume, despite some limitations (e.g., underestimation of ash coverage under certain conditions; generation of residual artefacts). Moreover, estimates of ash cloud-top height indicate that the monitored plume extended up to an altitude of about 9.3 km above sea level during the period 25 November at 21:10 UTC-26 November at 00:50 UTC. The study demonstrates that RSTASH may give a useful contribution for the operational monitoring of ash clouds over East Asia and the Western Pacific region, well exploiting the 10 min temporal resolution and the spectral features of the Himawari-8 data

    Detection of vegetation drying signals using diurnal variation of land surface temperature: Application to the 2018 East Asia heatwave

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    Satellite-based vegetation monitoring provides important insights regarding spatiotemporal variations in vegetation growth from a regional to continental scale. Most current vegetation monitoring methodologies rely on spectral vegetation indices (VIs) observed by polar-orbiting satellites, which provide one or a few observations per day. This study proposes a new methodology based on diurnal changes in land surface temperatures (LSTs) using Japan's geostationary satellite, Himawari-8/Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI). AHI thermal infrared observation provides LSTs at 10-min frequencies and ∼ 2 km spatial resolution. The DTC parameters that summarize the diurnal cycle waveform were obtained by fitting a diurnal temperature cycle (DTC) model to the time-series LST information for each day. To clarify the applicability of DTC parameters in detecting vegetation drying under humid climates, DTC parameters from in situ LSTs observed at vegetation sites, as well as those from Himawari-8 LSTs, were evaluated for East Asia. Utilizing the record-breaking heat wave that occurred in East Asia in 2018 as a case study, the anomalies of DTC parameters from the Himawari-8 LSTs were compared with the drying signals indicated by VIs, latent heat fluxes (LE), and surface soil moisture (SM). The results of site-based and satellite-based analyses revealed that DTR (diurnal temperature range) correlates with the evaporative fraction (EF) and SM, whereas Tmax (daily maximum LST) correlates with LE and VIs. Regarding other temperature-related parameters, T0 (LST around sunrise), Ta (temperature rise during daytime), and δT (temperature fall during nighttime) are unstable in quantification by DTC model. Moreover, time-related parameters, such as tm (time reaching Tmax), are more sensitive to topographic slope and geometric conditions than surface thermal properties at humid sites in East Asia, although they correlate with EF and SM at a semi-arid site in Australia. Additionally, the spatial distribution of the DTR anomaly during the 2018 heat wave corresponds with the drying signals indicated as negative SM anomalies. Regions with large positive anomalies in Tmax and DTR correspond to area with visible damage to vegetation, as indicated by negative VI anomalies. Hence, combined Tmax and DTR potentially detects vegetation drying indetectable by VIs, thereby providing earlier and more detailed vegetation monitoring in both humid and semi-arid climates

    Icing detection over East Asia from geostationary satellite data using machine learning approaches

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    Even though deicing or airframe coating technologies continue to develop, aircraft icing is still one of the critical threats to aviation. While the detection of potential icing clouds has been conducted using geostationary satellite data in the US and Europe, there is not yet a robust model that detects potential icing areas in East Asia. In this study, we proposed machine-learning-based icing detection models using data from two geostationary satellites—the Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) Meteorological Imager (MI) and the Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI)—over Northeast Asia. Two machine learning techniques—random forest (RF) and multinomial log-linear (MLL) models—were evaluated with quality-controlled pilot reports (PIREPs) as the reference data. The machine-learning-based models were compared to the existing models through five-fold cross-validation. The RF model for COMS MI produced the best performance, resulting in a mean probability of detection (POD) of 81.8%, a mean overall accuracy (OA) of 82.1%, and mean true skill statistics (TSS) of 64.0%. One of the existing models, flight icing threat (FIT), produced relatively poor performance, providing a mean POD of 36.4%, a mean OA of 61.0, and a mean TSS of 9.7%. The Himawari-8 based models also produced performance comparable to the COMS models. However, it should be noted that very limited PIREP reference data were available especially for the Himawari-8 models, which requires further evaluation in the future with more reference data. The spatio-temporal patterns of the icing areas detected using the developed models were also visually examined using time-series satellite data

    Determining ground-level composition and concentration of particulate matter across regional areas using the Himawari-8 satellite

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    Speciated ground-level aerosol concentrations are required to understand and mitigate health impacts from dust storms, wildfires and other aerosol emissions. Globally, surface monitoring is limited due to cost and infrastructure demands. While remote sensing can help estimate respirable (i.e. ground level) concentrations, current observations are restricted by inadequate spatiotemporal resolution, uncertainty in aerosol type, particle size, and vertical profile. One key issue with current remote sensing datasets is that they are derived from reflectances observed by polar orbiting imagers, which means that aerosol is only derived during the daytime, and only once or twice per day. Sub-hourly, infrared (IR), geostationary data, such as the ten-minute data from Himawari-8, are required to monitor these events to ensure that sporadic dust events can be continually observed and quantified. Newer quantification methods using geostationary data have focussed on detecting the presence, or absence, of a dust event. However, limited attention has been paid to the determination of composition, and particle size, using IR wavelengths exclusively. More appropriate IR methods are required to quantify and classify aerosol composition in order to improve the understanding of source impacts. The primary research objectives were investigated through a series of scientific papers centred on aspects deemed critical to successfully determining ground-level concentrations. A literature review of surface particulate monitoring of dust events using geostationary satellite remote sensing was undertaken to understand the theory and limitations in the current methodology. The review identified (amongst other findings) the reliance on visible wavelengths and the lack of temporal resolution in polar-orbiting satellite data. As a result of this, a duststorm was investigated to determine how rapidly the storm passed and what temporal data resolution is required to monitor these and other similar events. Various IR dust indices were investigated to determine which are optimum for determining spectral change. These indices were then used to qualify and quantitate dust events, and the methodology was validated against three severe air quality events of a dust storm; smoke from prescribed burns; and an ozone smog incident. The study identified that continuous geostationary temporal resolution is critical in the determination of concentration. The Himawari-8 spatial resolution of 2 km is slightly coarse and further spatial aggregation or cloud masking would be detrimental to determining concentrations. Five dual-band BTD combinations, using all IR wavelengths, maximises the identification of compositional differences, atmospheric stability, and cloud cover and this improves the estimated accuracy. Preliminary validation suggests that atmospheric stability, cloud height, relative humidity, PM2.5, PM10, NO, NO2, and O3 appear to produce plausible plumes but that aerosol speciation (soil, sea-spray, fires, vehicles, and secondary sulfates) and SO2 require further investigation. The research described in the thesis details the processes adopted for the development and implementation of an integrated approach to using geostationary remote sensing data to quantify population exposure (who), qualify the concentration and composition (what), assess the temporal (when) and spatial (where) concentration distributions, to determine the source (why) of aerosols contribution to resulting ground-level concentration

    Exploring Himawari-8 geostationary observations for the advanced coastal monitoring of the Great Barrier Reef

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    Larissa developed an algorithm to enable water-quality assessment within the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) using weather satellite observations collected every 10 minutes. This unprecedented temporal resolution records the dynamic nature of water quality fluctuations for the entire GBR, with applications for improved monitoring and management

    Multi-Channel Spectral Band Adjustment Factors for Thermal Infrared Measurements of Geostationary Passive Imagers

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    The newest and upcoming geostationary passive imagers have thermal infrared channels comparable to those of more established instruments, but their spectral response functions still differ significantly. Therefore, retrievals developed for a certain type of radiometer cannot simply be applied to another imager. Here, a set of spectral band adjustment factors is determined for MSG/SEVIRI, Himawari-8/AHI, and MTG1/FCI from a training dataset based on MetOp/IASI hyperspectral observations. These correction functions allow to turn the observation of one sensor into an analogue observation of another sensor. This way, the same satellite retrieval—that has been usually developed for a specific instrument with a specific spectral response function—can be applied to produce long time series that go beyond one single satellite/satellite series or to cover the entire geostationary ring in a consistent way. It is shown that the mean uncorrected brightness temperature differences between corresponding channels of two imagers can be >1 K, in particular for the channels centered around 13.4 μm in the carbon dioxide absorption band and even when comparing different imager realizations of the same series, such as the four SEVIRI sensors aboard MSG1 to MSG4. The spectral band adjustment factors can remove the bias and even reduce the standard deviation in the brightness temperature difference by more than 80%, with the effect being dependent on the spectral channel and the complexity of the correction function. Further tests include the application of the spectral band adjustment factors in combination with (a) a volcanic ash cloud retrieval to Himawari-8/AHI observations of the Raikoke eruption 2019 and a comparison to an ICON-ART model simulation, and (b) an ice cloud retrieval to simulated MTG1/FCI test data with the outcome compared to the retrieval results using real MSG3/SEVIRI measurements for the same scene