402 research outputs found

    A principled approach to programming with nested types in Haskell

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    Initial algebra semantics is one of the cornerstones of the theory of modern functional programming languages. For each inductive data type, it provides a Church encoding for that type, a build combinator which constructs data of that type, a fold combinator which encapsulates structured recursion over data of that type, and a fold/build rule which optimises modular programs by eliminating from them data constructed using the buildcombinator, and immediately consumed using the foldcombinator, for that type. It has long been thought that initial algebra semantics is not expressive enough to provide a similar foundation for programming with nested types in Haskell. Specifically, the standard folds derived from initial algebra semantics have been considered too weak to capture commonly occurring patterns of recursion over data of nested types in Haskell, and no build combinators or fold/build rules have until now been defined for nested types. This paper shows that standard folds are, in fact, sufficiently expressive for programming with nested types in Haskell. It also defines buildcombinators and fold/build fusion rules for nested types. It thus shows how initial algebra semantics provides a principled, expressive, and elegant foundation for programming with nested types in Haskell

    Programs as Data Structures in λSF-Calculus

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    © 2016 The Author(s) Lambda-SF-calculus can represent programs as closed normal forms. In turn, all closed normal forms are data structures, in the sense that their internal structure is accessible through queries defined in the calculus, even to the point of constructing the Goedel number of a program. Thus, program analysis and optimisation can be performed entirely within the calculus, without requiring any meta-level process of quotation to produce a data structure. Lambda-SF-calculus is a confluent, applicative rewriting system derived from lambda-calculus, and the combinatory SF-calculus. Its superior expressive power relative to lambda-calculus is demonstrated by the ability to decide if two programs are syntactically equal, or to determine if a program uses its input. Indeed, there is no homomorphism of applicative rewriting systems from lambda-SF-calculus to lambda-calculus. Program analysis and optimisation can be illustrated by considering the conversion of a programs to combinators. Traditionally, a program p is interpreted using fixpoint constructions that do not have normal forms, but combinatory techniques can be used to block reduction until the program arguments are given. That is, p is interpreted by a closed normal form M. Then factorisation (by F) adapts the traditional account of lambda-abstraction in combinatory logic to convert M to a combinator N that is equivalent to M in the following two senses. First, N is extensionally equivalent to M where extensional equivalence is defined in terms of eta-reduction. Second, the conversion is an intensional equivalence in that it does not lose any information, and so can be reversed by another definable conversion. Further, the standard optimisations of the conversion process are all definable within lambda-SF-calculus, even those involving free variable analysis. Proofs of all theorems in the paper have been verified using the Coq theorem prover

    Axiomatizing the Quote

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    We study reflection in the Lambda Calculus from an axiomatic point of view. Specifically, we consider various properties that the quote operator must satisfy as a function on lambda terms. The most important of these is the existence of a definable left inverse, a so-called evaluator for the quote operator. Usually the quote operator encodes the syntax of a given term, and the evaluator proceeds by analyzing the syntax and reifying all constructors by their actual meaning in the calculus. Working in Combinatory Logic, Raymond Smullyan (1994) investigated which elements of the syntax must be accessible via the quote in order for an evaluator to exist. He asked three specific questions, to which we provide negative answers. On the positive side, we give a characterization of quotes which possess all of the desired properties, equivalently defined as being equitranslatable with a standard quote. As an application, we show that Scott\u27s coding is not complete in this sense, but can be slightly modified to be such. This results in a minimal definition of a complete quoting for Combinatory Logic

    A dependent nominal type theory

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    Nominal abstract syntax is an approach to representing names and binding pioneered by Gabbay and Pitts. So far nominal techniques have mostly been studied using classical logic or model theory, not type theory. Nominal extensions to simple, dependent and ML-like polymorphic languages have been studied, but decidability and normalization results have only been established for simple nominal type theories. We present a LF-style dependent type theory extended with name-abstraction types, prove soundness and decidability of beta-eta-equivalence checking, discuss adequacy and canonical forms via an example, and discuss extensions such as dependently-typed recursion and induction principles