19 research outputs found

    Two is the fastest prime: lambda coordinates for binary elliptic curves

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    In this work, we present new arithmetic formulas for a projective version of the affine point representation (x,x+y/x),(x,x+y/x), for x≠0,x\ne 0, which leads to an efficient computation of the scalar multiplication operation over binary elliptic curves.A software implementation of our formulas applied to a binary Galbraith-Lin-Scott elliptic curve defined over the field F2254\mathbb{F}_{2^{254}} allows us to achieve speed records for protected/unprotected single/multi-core random-point elliptic curve scalar multiplication at the 127-bit security level. When executed on a Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Intel Xeon processor, our software is able to compute a single/multi-core unprotected scalar multiplication in 69,50069,500 and 47,90047,900 clock cycles, respectively; and a protected single-core scalar multiplication in 114,800114,800 cycles. These numbers are improved by around 2\% and 46\% on the newer Ivy Bridge and Haswell platforms, respectively, achieving in the latter a protected random-point scalar multiplication in 60,000 clock cycles

    Point compression for the trace zero subgroup over a small degree extension field

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    Using Semaev's summation polynomials, we derive a new equation for the Fq\mathbb{F}_q-rational points of the trace zero variety of an elliptic curve defined over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Using this equation, we produce an optimal-size representation for such points. Our representation is compatible with scalar multiplication. We give a point compression algorithm to compute the representation and a decompression algorithm to recover the original point (up to some small ambiguity). The algorithms are efficient for trace zero varieties coming from small degree extension fields. We give explicit equations and discuss in detail the practically relevant cases of cubic and quintic field extensions.Comment: 23 pages, to appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptograph

    Optimal software-implemented Itoh--Tsujii inversion for GF(2m2^m)

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    Field inversion in GF(2m2^m) dominates the cost of modern software implementations of certain elliptic curve cryptographic operations, such as point encoding/hashing into elliptic curves. Itoh--Tsujii inversion using a polynomial basis and precomputed table-based multi-squaring has been demonstrated to be highly effective for software implementations, but the performance and memory use depend critically on the choice of addition chain and multi-squaring tables, which in prior work have been determined only by suboptimal ad-hoc methods and manual selection. We thoroughly investigated the performance/memory tradeoff for table-based linear transforms used for efficient multi-squaring. Based upon the results of that investigation, we devised a comprehensive cost model for Itoh--Tsujii inversion and a corresponding optimization procedure that is empirically fast and provably finds globally-optimal solutions. We tested this method on 8 binary fields commonly used for elliptic curve cryptography; our method found lower-cost solutions than the ad-hoc methods used previously, and for the first time enables a principled exploration of the time/memory tradeoff of inversion implementations

    Fast Scalar Multiplication for Elliptic Curves over Binary Fields by Efficiently Computable Formulas

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    This paper considers efficient scalar multiplication of elliptic curves over binary fields with a twofold purpose. Firstly, we derive the most efficient 3P3P formula in λ\lambda-projective coordinates and 5P5P formula in both affine and λ\lambda-projective coordinates. Secondly, extensive experiments have been conducted to test various multi-base scalar multiplication methods (e.g., greedy, ternary/binary, multi-base NAF, and tree-based) by integrating our fast formulas. The experiments show that our 3P3P and 5P5P formulas had an important role in speeding up the greedy, the ternary/binary, the multi-base NAF, and the tree-based methods over the NAF method. We also establish an efficient 3P3P formula for Koblitz curves and use it to construct an improved set for the optimal pre-computation of window TNAF

    Batch Binary Weierstrass

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    Bitslicing is a programming technique that offers several attractive features, such as timing attack resistance, high amortized performance in batch computation, and architecture independence. On the symmetric crypto side, this technique sees wide real-world deployment, in particular for block ciphers with naturally parallel modes. However, the asymmetric side lags in application, seemingly due to the rigidity of the batch computation requirement. In this paper, we build on existing bitsliced binary field arithmetic results to develop a tool that optimizes performance of binary fields at any size on a given architecture. We then provide an ECC layer, with support for arbitrary binary curves. Finally, we integrate into our novel dynamic OpenSSL engine, transparently exposing the batch results to the OpenSSL library and linking applications to achieve significant performance and security gains for key pair generation, ECDSA signing, and (half of) ECDH across a wide range of curves, both standardized and non-standard

    Faster Unbalanced Private Set Intersection

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    Protocols for Private Set Intersection (PSI) are important cryptographic primitives that perform joint operations on datasets in a privacy-preserving way. They allow two parties to compute the intersection of their private sets without revealing any additional information beyond the intersection itself. Unfortunately, PSI implementations in the literature do not usually employ the best possible cryptographic implementation techniques. This results in protocols presenting computational and communication complexities that are prohibitive, particularly in the case when one of the participants is a low-powered device and there are bandwidth restrictions. This paper builds on modern cryptographic engineering techniques and proposes optimizations for a promising one-way PSI protocol based on public-key cryptography. For the case when one of the parties holds a set much smaller than the other (a realistic assumption in many scenarios) we show that our improvements and optimizations yield a protocol that outperforms the communication complexity and the run time of previous proposals by around one thousand times

    A Novel Pre-Computation Scheme of Window Ï„\tauNAF for Koblitz Curves

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    Let Ea:y2+xy=x3+ax2+1/F2mE_a: y^2+xy=x^3+ax^2+1/ \mathbb{F}_{2^m} be a Koblitz curve. The window τ\tau-adic nonadjacent-form (window τ\tauNAF) is currently the standard representation system to perform scalar multiplications on EaE_a by utilizing the Frobenius map τ\tau. Pre-computation is an important part for the window τ\tauNAF. In this paper, we first introduce μτˉ\mu\bar{\tau}-operations in lambda coordinates (μ=(−1)1−a\mu=(-1)^{1-a} and τˉ\bar{\tau} is the complex conjugate of the complex representation of τ\tau). Efficient formulas of μτˉ\mu\bar{\tau}-operations are then derived and used in a novel pre-computation scheme to improve the efficiency of scalar multiplications using window τ\tauNAF. Our pre-computation scheme costs 77M+5+5S, 2626M+16+16S, and 6666M+36+36S for window τ\tauNAF with width 44, 55, and 66 respectively whereas the pre-computation with the state-of-the-art technique costs 1111M+8+8S, 4343M+18+18S, and 107107M+36+36S. Experimental results show that our pre-computation is about 60%60\% faster, compared to the best pre-computation in the literature. It also shows that we can save from 2.5%2.5\% to 4.9%4.9\% on the scalar multiplications using window τ\tauNAF with our pre-computation

    Fast Scalar Multiplication for Elliptic Curves over Prime Fields by Efficiently Computable Formulas

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    This paper addresses fast scalar multiplication for elliptic curves over finite fields. In the first part of the paper, we obtain several efficiently computable formulas for basic elliptic curves arithmetic in the family of twisted Edwards curves over prime fields. Our 2Q+P2Q+P formula saves about 2.82.8 field multiplications, and our 5P5P formula saves about 4.24.2 field multiplications in standard projective coordinate systems, compared to the latest existing results. In the second part of the paper, we formulate bucket methods for the DAG-based and the tree-based abstract ideas. We propose systematically finding a near optimal chain for multi-base number systems (MBNS). These proposed bucket methods take significantly less time to find a near optimal chain, compared to an optimal chain. We conducted extensive experiments to compare the performance of the MBNS methods (e.g., greedy, ternary/binary, multi-base NAF, tree-based, rDAG-based, and bucket). Our proposed formulas were integrated in these methods. Our results show our work had an important role in advancing the efficiency of scalar multiplication