3,421 research outputs found

    Physical design algorithms for asynchronous circuits

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    Asynchronous designs have been demonstrated to be able to achieve both higher performance and lower power compared with their synchronous counterparts. It provides a very promising solution to the emerging challenges in advanced technology. However, due to the lack of proper EDA tool support, the design cycle for asynchronous circuits is much longer compared with the one for synchronous circuits. Thus, even with many advantages, asynchronous circuits are still not the mainstream in the industry. In this thesis, we provides several algorithms to resolve the emerging issues for the physical design of asynchronous circuits. Our proposed algorithms optimize asynchronous circuits using placement, gate sizing, repeater insertion and pipeline buffer insertion techniques. An incremental maximum cycle ratio algorithm is also proposed to speed up the timing analysis of asynchronous circuits

    Discrete Gate Sizing Methodologies for Delay, Area and Power Optimization

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    The modeling of an individual gate and the optimization of circuit performance has long been a critical issue in the VLSI industry. In this work, we first study of the gate sizing problem for today\u27s industrial designs, and explore the contributions and limitations of all the existing approaches, which mainly suffer from producing only continuous solutions, using outdated timing models or experiencing performance inefficiency. In this dissertation, we present our new discrete gate sizing technique which optimizes different aspects of circuit performance, including delay, area and power consumption. And our method is fast and efficient as it applies the local search instead of global exhaustive search during gate size selection process, which greatly reduces the search space and improves the computation complexity. In addition to that, it is also flexible with different timing models, and it is able to deal with the constraints of input/output slew and output load capacitance, under which very few previous research works were reported. We then propose a new timing model, which is derived from the classic Elmore delay model, but takes the features of modern timing models from standard cell library. With our new timing model, we are able to formulate the combinatorial discrete sizing problem as a simplified mathematical expression and apply it to existing Lagrangian relaxation method, which is shown to converge to optimal solution. We demonstrate that the classic Elmore delay model based gate sizing approaches can still be valid. Therefore, our work might provide a new look into the numerous Elmore delay model based research works in various areas (such as placement, routing, layout, buffer insertion, timing analysis, etc.)

    Adaptive Integrated Circuit Design for Variation Resilience and Security

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    The past few decades witness the burgeoning development of integrated circuit in terms of process technology scaling. Along with the tremendous benefits coming from the scaling, challenges are also presented in various stages. During the design time, the complexity of developing a circuit with millions to billions of smaller size transistors is extended after the variations are taken into account. The difficulty of analyzing these nondeterministic properties makes the allocation scheme of redundant resource hardly work in a cost-efficient way. Besides fabrication variations, analog circuits are suffered from severe performance degradations owing to their physical attributes which are vulnerable to aging effects. As such, the post-silicon calibration approach gains increasing attentions to compensate the performance mismatch. For the user-end applications, additional system failures result from the pirated and counterfeited devices provided by the untrusted semiconductor supply chain. Again analog circuits show their weakness to this threat due to the shortage of piracy avoidance techniques. In this dissertation, we propose three adaptive integrated circuit designs to overcome these challenges respectively. The first one investigates the variability-aware gate implementation with the consideration of the overhead control of adaptivity assignment. This design improves the variation resilience typically for digital circuits while optimizing the power consumption and timing yield. The second design is implemented as a self-validation system for the calibration of diverse analog circuits. The system is completely integrated on chip to enhance the convenience without external assistance. In the last design, a classic analog component is further studied to establish the configurable locking mechanism for analog circuits. The use of Satisfiability Modulo Theories addresses the difficulty of searching the unique unlocking pattern of non-Boolean variables

    Lagrangian relaxation-based multi-threaded discrete gate sizer

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    In integrated circuit design gate sizing is one of the key optimization techniques which is repeatedly invoked to trade-off delays for area and/or power of the gates during logic design and physical design stages. With increasing design sizes of a million gates and larger, discrete gate sizes and non-convex delay models the gate sizing algorithms that were designed for continuous sizes and convex delay models are slow and timing inaccurate. Of the several published discrete gate sizing algorithms, recent works have shown that Lagrangian relaxation based gate sizers have produced designs with the lowest power on average with high timing accuracy. But they are also very slow due to a large number of expensive timing updates spread across hundreds of iterations of solving the Lagrangian sub-problem. In this thesis we present a Lagrangian relaxation based multi-threaded discrete gate sizer for fast timing and power reduction by swapping the gate sizes and the threshold voltages. We developed two parallelization enabling techniques to reduce the runtime of Lagrangian sub-problem solver, namely, mutual exclusion edge (MEE) assignment and directed acyclic graph (DAG) based netlist traversal. MEEs are dummy edges assigned to reduce computational dependencies among gates sharing one or more common fan-ins. DAG based netlist traversal facilitates simultaneous resizing of gates belonging to different topological levels. We designed a Lagrange multiplier update framework that enables rapid convergence of the timing recovery and power recovery algorithms. To reduce the runtime of timing updates, we proposed a simple and fast-to-compute effective capacitance model and several mechanisms to calibrate the timing models to improve their accuracy. Compared to the state-of-the-art gate sizer, our proposed gate sizer is on average 15x faster and the optimized designs have only 1.7\% higher power. In digital synchronous designs simultaneous gate sizing and clock skew scheduling provides significantly more power saving. We extend the gate sizer to simultaneously schedule the clock skew. It can achieve an average of 18.8\% more reduction in power with only 20\% increase in the runtime

    An Improved Lagrangian Relaxation Method for VLSI Combinational Circuit Optimization

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    Gate sizing and threshold voltage (Vt) assignment are very popular and useful techniques in current very large scale integration (VLSI) design flow for timing and power optimization. Lagrangian relaxation (LR) is a common method for handling multi-objectives and proven to reach optimal solution under continuous solution space. However, it is more complex to use Lagrangian relaxation under discrete solution space. The Lagrangian dual problem is non-convex and previously a sub-gradient method was used to solve it. The sub-gradient method is a greedy approach for substituting gradient method in the deepest descent method, and has room for further improvement. In addition, Lagrangian sub-problem cannot be solved directly by mathematical approaches under discrete solution space. Here we propose a new Lagrangian relaxation-based method for simultaneous gate sizing and Vt assignment under discrete solution space. In this work, some new approaches are provided to solve the Lagrangian dual problem considering not only slack but also the relationship between Lagrangian multipliers and circuit timing. We want to solve the Lagrangian dual problem more precisely than did previous methods, such as the sub-gradient method. In addition, a table-lookup method is provided to replace mathematical approaches for solving the Lagrangian sub-problem under discrete size and Vt options. The experimental results show that our method can lead to about 50 percent and 58 percent power reduction subject to the same timing constraints compared with a Lagrangian relaxation method using sub-gradient method and a state-of-the-art previous work. These two methods are implemented by us for comparison. Our method also results in better circuit timing subject to tight timing constraints

    Resource Management Algorithms for Computing Hardware Design and Operations: From Circuits to Systems

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    The complexity of computation hardware has increased at an unprecedented rate for the last few decades. On the computer chip level, we have entered the era of multi/many-core processors made of billions of transistors. With transistor budget of this scale, many functions are integrated into a single chip. As such, chips today consist of many heterogeneous cores with intensive interaction among these cores. On the circuit level, with the end of Dennard scaling, continuously shrinking process technology has imposed a grand challenge on power density. The variation of circuit further exacerbated the problem by consuming a substantial time margin. On the system level, the rise of Warehouse Scale Computers and Data Centers have put resource management into new perspective. The ability of dynamically provision computation resource in these gigantic systems is crucial to their performance. In this thesis, three different resource management algorithms are discussed. The first algorithm assigns adaptivity resource to circuit blocks with a constraint on the overhead. The adaptivity improves resilience of the circuit to variation in a cost-effective way. The second algorithm manages the link bandwidth resource in application specific Networks-on-Chip. Quality-of-Service is guaranteed for time-critical traffic in the algorithm with an emphasis on power. The third algorithm manages the computation resource of the data center with precaution on the ill states of the system. Q-learning is employed to meet the dynamic nature of the system and Linear Temporal Logic is leveraged as a tool to describe temporal constraints. All three algorithms are evaluated by various experiments. The experimental results are compared to several previous work and show the advantage of our methods

    Numerical simulations of aggregate breakup in bounded and unbounded turbulent flows

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    Breakup of small aggregates in fully developed turbulence is studied by means of direct numerical simulations in a series of typical bounded and unbounded flow configurations, such as a turbulent channel flow, a developing boundary layer and homogeneous isotropic turbulence. The simplest criterion for breakup is adopted, whereas aggregate breakup occurs when the local hydrodynamic stress σ∼ε1/2\sigma\sim \varepsilon^{1/2}, with ε\varepsilon being the energy dissipation at the position of the aggregate, overcomes a given threshold σcr\sigma_\mathrm{cr}, which is characteristic for a given type of aggregates. Results show that the breakup rate decreases with increasing threshold. For small thresholds, it develops a universal scaling among the different flows. For high thresholds, the breakup rates show strong differences between the different flow configurations, highlighting the importance of non-universal mean-flow properties. To further assess the effects of flow inhomogeneity and turbulent fluctuations, theresults are compared with those obtained in a smooth stochastic flow. Furthermore, we discuss the limitations and applicability of a set of independent proxies.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, Refinded discussion in Section 2.1, results unchange

    Bundle-based pruning in the max-plus curse of dimensionality free method

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    Recently a new class of techniques termed the max-plus curse of dimensionality-free methods have been developed to solve nonlinear optimal control problems. In these methods the discretization in state space is avoided by using a max-plus basis expansion of the value function. This requires storing only the coefficients of the basis functions used for representation. However, the number of basis functions grows exponentially with respect to the number of time steps of propagation to the time horizon of the control problem. This so called "curse of complexity" can be managed by applying a pruning procedure which selects the subset of basis functions that contribute most to the approximation of the value function. The pruning procedures described thus far in the literature rely on the solution of a sequence of high dimensional optimization problems which can become computationally expensive. In this paper we show that if the max-plus basis functions are linear and the region of interest in state space is convex, the pruning problem can be efficiently solved by the bundle method. This approach combining the bundle method and semidefinite formulations is applied to the quantum gate synthesis problem, in which the state space is the special unitary group (which is non-convex). This is based on the observation that the convexification of the unitary group leads to an exact relaxation. The results are studied and validated via examples
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