94 research outputs found

    Towards Fully Optimized BICM Transceivers

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    Bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) transceivers often use equally spaced constellations and a random interleaver. In this paper, we propose a new BICM design, which considers hierarchical (nonequally spaced) constellations, a bit-level multiplexer, and multiple interleavers. It is shown that this new scheme increases the degrees of freedom that can be exploited in order to improve its performance. Analytical bounds on the bit error rate (BER) of the system in terms of the constellation parameters and the multiplexing rules are developed for the additive white Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and Nakagami-mm fading channels. These bounds are then used to design the BICM transceiver. Numerical results show that, compared to conventional BICM designs, and for a target BER of 10610^{-6}, gains up to 3 dB in the AWGN channel are obtained. For fading channels, the gains depend on the fading parameter, and reach 2 dB for a target BER of 10710^{-7} and m=5m=5.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Communication

    On BICM receivers for TCM transmission

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    Recent results have shown that the performance of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) using convolutional codes in nonfading channels can be significantly improved when the interleaver takes a trivial form (BICM-T), i.e., when it does not interleave the bits at all. In this paper, we give a formal explanation for these results and show that BICM-T is in fact the combination of a TCM transmitter and a BICM receiver. To predict the performance of BICM-T, a new type of distance spectrum for convolutional codes is introduced, analytical bounds based on this spectrum are developed, and asymptotic approximations are also presented. It is shown that the minimum distance of the code is not the relevant optimization criterion for BICM-T. Optimal convolutional codes for different constrain lengths are tabulated and asymptotic gains of about 2 dB are obtained. These gains are found to be the same as those obtained by Ungerboeck's one-dimensional trellis coded modulation (1D-TCM), and therefore, in nonfading channels, BICM-T is shown to be asymptotically as good as 1D-TCM.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Optimization of a Coded-Modulation System with Shaped Constellation

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    Conventional communication systems transmit signals that are selected from a signal constellation with uniform probability. However, information-theoretic results suggest that performance may be improved by shaping the constellation such that lower-energy signals are selected more frequently than higher-energy signals. This dissertation presents an energy efficient approach for shaping the constellations used by coded-modulation systems. The focus is on designing shaping techniques for systems that use a combination of amplitude phase shift keying (APSK) and low-density parity check (LDPC) coding. Such a combination is typical of modern satellite communications, such as the system used by the DVB-S2 standard.;The system implementation requires that a subset of the bits at the output of the LDPC encoder are passed through a nonlinear shaping encoder whose output bits are more likely to be a zero than a one. The constellation is partitioned into a plurality of sub-constellations, each with a different average signal energy, and the shaping bits are used to select the sub-constellation. An iterative receiver exchanges soft information among the demodulator, LDPC decoder, and shaping decoder. Parameters associated with the modulation and shaping code are optimized with respect to information rate, while the design of the LDPC code is optimized for the shaped modulation with the assistance of extrinsic-information transfer (EXIT) charts. The rule for labeling the constellation with bits is optimized using a novel hybrid cost function and a binary switching algorithm.;Simulation results show that the combination of constellation shaping, LDPC code optimization, and optimized bit labeling can achieve a gain in excess of 1 dB in an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel at a rate of 3 bits/symbol compared with a system that adheres directly to the DVB-S2 standard

    Optimization of bit interleaved coded modulation using genetic algorithms

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    Modern wireless communication systems must be optimized with respect to both bandwidth efficiency and energy efficiency. A common approach to achieve these goals is to use multi-level modulation such as quadrature-amplitude modulation (QAM) for bandwidth efficiency and an error-control code for energy efficiency. In benign additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels, Ungerboeck proposed trellis-coded modulation (TCM), which combines modulation and coding into a joint operation. However, in fading channels, it is important to maximize diversity. As shown by Zehavi, diversity is maximized by performing coding and modulation separately and interleaving bits that are passed from the encoder to the modulator. Such systems are termed BICM for bit-interleaved coded modulation. Later, Li and Ritcey proposed a method for improving the performance of BICM systems by iteratively passing information between the demodulator and decoder. Such systems are termed BICM-ID , for BICM with Iterative Decoding. The bit error rate (BER) curve of a typical BICM-ID system is characterized by a steeply sloping waterfall region followed by an error floor with a gradual slope.;This thesis is focused on optimizing BICM-ID systems in the error floor region. The problem of minimizing the error bound is formulated as an instance of the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) and solved using a genetic algorithm. First, an optimization is performed by fixing the modulation and varying the bit-to-symbol mapping. This approach provides the lowest possible error floor for a BICM-ID system using standard QAM and phase-shift keying (PSK) modulations. Next, the optimization is performed by varying not only the bit-to-symbol mapping, but also the location of the signal points within the two-dimensional constellation. This provides an error floor that is lower than that achieved with the best QAM and PSK systems, although at the cost of a delayed waterfall region

    Labeling Diversity for 2x2 WLAN Coded-Cooperative Networks

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    Labelling diversity is an efficient technique recently proposed in the literature and aims to improve the bit error rate(BER) performance of wireless local area network (WLAN) systems with two transmit and two receive antennas without increasing the transmit power and bandwidth requirements. In this paper, we employ labelling diversity with different space-time channel codes such as convolutional, turbo and low density parity check (LDPC) for both point-to-point and coded-cooperative communication scenarios. Joint iterative decoding schemes for distributed turbo and LDPC codes are also presented. BER performance bounds at an error floor (EF) region are derived and verified with the help of numerical simulations for both cooperative and non-cooperative schemes. Numerical simulations show that the coded-cooperative schemes with labelling diversity achieve better BER performances and use of labelling diversity at the source node significantly lowers relay outage probability and hence the overall BER performance of the coded-cooperative scheme is improved manifolds

    Performance Prediction of Nonbinary Forward Error Correction in Optical Transmission Experiments

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    In this paper, we compare different metrics to predict the error rate of optical systems based on nonbinary forward error correction (FEC). It is shown that the correct metric to predict the performance of coded modulation based on nonbinary FEC is the mutual information. The accuracy of the prediction is verified in a detailed example with multiple constellation formats, FEC overheads in both simulations and optical transmission experiments over a recirculating loop. It is shown that the employed FEC codes must be universal if performance prediction based on thresholds is used. A tutorial introduction into the computation of the threshold from optical transmission measurements is also given.Comment: submitted to IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technolog

    Algorithm for Generating All Optimal 16-QAM BI-STCM-ID Labelings

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