23 research outputs found

    Centrality of Trees for Capacitated k-Center

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    There is a large discrepancy in our understanding of uncapacitated and capacitated versions of network location problems. This is perhaps best illustrated by the classical k-center problem: there is a simple tight 2-approximation algorithm for the uncapacitated version whereas the first constant factor approximation algorithm for the general version with capacities was only recently obtained by using an intricate rounding algorithm that achieves an approximation guarantee in the hundreds. Our paper aims to bridge this discrepancy. For the capacitated k-center problem, we give a simple algorithm with a clean analysis that allows us to prove an approximation guarantee of 9. It uses the standard LP relaxation and comes close to settling the integrality gap (after necessary preprocessing), which is narrowed down to either 7, 8 or 9. The algorithm proceeds by first reducing to special tree instances, and then solves such instances optimally. Our concept of tree instances is quite versatile, and applies to natural variants of the capacitated k-center problem for which we also obtain improved algorithms. Finally, we give evidence to show that more powerful preprocessing could lead to better algorithms, by giving an approximation algorithm that beats the integrality gap for instances where all non-zero capacities are uniform.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    LP-Based Algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location

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    Linear programming has played a key role in the study of algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. In the field of approximation algorithms, this is well illustrated by the uncapacitated facility location problem. A variety of algorithmic methodologies, such as LP-rounding and primal-dual method, have been applied to and evolved from algorithms for this problem. Unfortunately, this collection of powerful algorithmic techniques had not yet been applicable to the more general capacitated facility location problem. In fact, all of the known algorithms with good performance guarantees were based on a single technique, local search, and no linear programming relaxation was known to efficiently approximate the problem. In this paper, we present a linear programming relaxation with constant integrality gap for capacitated facility location. We demonstrate that the fundamental theories of multi-commodity flows and matchings provide key insights that lead to the strong relaxation. Our algorithmic proof of integrality gap is obtained by finally accessing the rich toolbox of LP-based methodologies: we present a constant factor approximation algorithm based on LP-rounding.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures; minor revision

    Optimal Design of Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are cost-effective and provide an appealing answer to connectivity issues of ubiquitous computing. Unfortunately, wireless networks are known for strong waste of capacity when their size in- creases. Thus, a key challenge for network operators is to provide guaranteed quality of service. Maximizing network capacity requires to optimize jointly the gateways placement, the routing and the link scheduling taking interferences into account. We present MILP models for computing an optimal 802.11a or 802.16 WMN design providing max-min bandwidth guarantee

    Sherali-Adams gaps, flow-cover inequalities and generalized configurations for capacity-constrained Facility Location

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    Metric facility location is a well-studied problem for which linear programming methods have been used with great success in deriving approximation algorithms. The capacity-constrained generalizations, such as capacitated facility location (CFL) and lower-bounded facility location (LBFL), have proved notorious as far as LP-based approximation is concerned: while there are local-search-based constant-factor approximations, there is no known linear relaxation with constant integrality gap. According to Williamson and Shmoys devising a relaxation-based approximation for \cfl\ is among the top 10 open problems in approximation algorithms. This paper advances significantly the state-of-the-art on the effectiveness of linear programming for capacity-constrained facility location through a host of impossibility results for both CFL and LBFL. We show that the relaxations obtained from the natural LP at Ω(n)\Omega(n) levels of the Sherali-Adams hierarchy have an unbounded gap, partially answering an open question of \cite{LiS13, AnBS13}. Here, nn denotes the number of facilities in the instance. Building on the ideas for this result, we prove that the standard CFL relaxation enriched with the generalized flow-cover valid inequalities \cite{AardalPW95} has also an unbounded gap. This disproves a long-standing conjecture of \cite{LeviSS12}. We finally introduce the family of proper relaxations which generalizes to its logical extreme the classic star relaxation and captures general configuration-style LPs. We characterize the behavior of proper relaxations for CFL and LBFL through a sharp threshold phenomenon.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.599

    Online Mixed Packing and Covering

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    Recent work has shown that the classical framework of solving optimization problems by obtaining a fractional solution to a linear program (LP) and rounding it to an integer solution can be extended to the online setting using primal-dual techniques. The success of this new framework for online optimization can be gauged from the fact that it has led to progress in several longstanding open questions. However, to the best of our knowledge, this framework has previously been applied to LPs containing only packing or only covering constraints, or minor variants of these. We extend this framework in a fundamental way by demonstrating that it can be used to solve mixed packing and covering LPs online, where packing constraints are given offline and covering constraints are received online. The objective is to minimize the maximum multiplicative factor by which any packing constraint is violated, while satisfying the covering constraints. Our results represent the first algorithm that obtains a polylogarithmic competitive ratio for solving mixed LPs online. We then consider two canonical examples of mixed LPs: unrelated machine scheduling with startup costs, and capacity constrained facility location. We use ideas generated from our result for mixed packing and covering to obtain polylogarithmic-competitive algorithms for these problems. We also give lower bounds to show that the competitive ratios of our algorithms are nearly tight