1,174 research outputs found

    LCL-filter design for robust active damping in grid-connected converters

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    Grid-connected converters employ LCL-filters, instead of simple inductors, because they allow lower inductances while reducing cost and size. Active damping, without dissipative elements, is preferred to passive damping for solving the associated stability problems. However, large variations in the grid inductance may compromise system stability, and this problem is more severe for parallel converters. This situation, typical of rural areas with solar and wind resources, calls for robust LCL-filter design. This paper proposes a design procedure with remarkable results under severe grid inductance variation. The procedure considers active damping using lead-lag network and capacitor current feedback. Passive damping is also discussed. The design flow, with little iteration and no complex algorithms, selects the proper ratios between the switching and resonance frequency, the grid and converter inductance, and the filter capacitance and total inductance. An estimation for the grid current total harmonic distortion (THD) is also proposed. Simulation and experiments validate the proposals

    LMI-based control design to enhance robustness of synchronous power controller

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Synchronous power controller (SPC) has emerged as a suitable technique to equip grid-connected inverters with grid supporting functionalities such as inertial emulation and frequency/voltage support by mimicking the behavior of synchronous machines. Although the feasibility of the SPC has been experimentally verified under various operating conditions, parameter tuning for the SPC to ensure a stable inverter system has not been adequately addressed in the literature. To fill this gap, this paper presents a robust control design for the SPC to ensure its stable operation under the grid impedance variation. The proposed design procedure consists of system modelling and robust optimal parameter selection by using linear matrix inequality approach. The effectiveness of the proposed control design is proven by means of simulations and experiments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Design and Analysis of Robust Active Damping for LCL Filters using Digital Notch Filters

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    Phase Reshaping via All-Pass Filters for Robust LCL-Filter Active Damping

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    Active damping is a common way to stabilize the current control of LCL-filtered converters. In this paper, the stable region of-180° phase crossing is first identified within a predefined range of grid impedance and LCL parameter variations. Once the phase of the current control loop is in the identified region, a stabilization control can be attained. Subsequently, digital filters can be adopted to achieve active damping by reshaping the open-loop phase. Various digital filters are selected and benchmarked in this paper. It is confirmed that the all-pass filter has a unity gain and adjustable lagging phase before the Nyquist frequency, thereby being a promising solution to the phase reshaping. Therefore, the all-pass filter is employed to move the phase of the open-loop control (i.e.,-180° phase crossing) into the targeted region for active damping. Notably, the current controller and the all-pass filter-based active damping can be separately designed, indicating the easy implementation of the active damping. Experimental tests demonstrate that the proposed method can ensure the system stability over a wide range of parameter variations (e.g., grid impedance changes and LCL-filter parameter drifts) while maintaining fast dynamics with the grid-side current control

    All-pass-filter-based active damping for VSCs with LCL filters connected to weak grids

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    LCL filters are commonly used to connect Voltage Sourced Converters (VSCs) to the grid. This type of filter is cheaper than a single inductor for the same current THD, but it generates resonance problems if no active or passive damping method is applied. Active damping methods are becoming popular in the literature because they improve efficiency, but they are sometimes difficult to implement and additional measurements are required. This paper proposes an active damping method for VSCs connected to weak grids that is based on making zero the open-loop phase at the resonance frequency. It will be shown that this strategy provides adequate damping of oscillations and that it can be achieved in two different ways: at the design stage (if the design constraints make it possible) or with an all-pass filter in series with the current controller. Two methods to design the all-pass filter are proposed. Also, the proposed active damping technique is compared with three alternatives already proposed in the literature. All the control algorithms are verified by simulation and in a 15 kW prototype of a three-phase VSC connected to a configurable weak grid via a LCL filter

    Modeling and stability analysis of LCL-type grid-connected inverters:A comprehensive overview

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    Active Disturbance Rejection Control of LCL-Filtered Grid-Connected Inverter Using Pade Approximation

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    In this paper, a simplified robust control is proposed to improve the performance of a three-phase current controlled voltage source inverter connected to the grid through an inductive-capacitive-inductive ( LCL) filter. The presence of the LCL-filter resonance complicates the dynamics of the control system and limits its overall performance, particularly when disturbances and parametric uncertainty are considered. To solve this problem, a robust active damping method based on the linear active disturbance rejection control (LADRC) is proposed. The simplification is made possible by order reduction in the plant transfer function using Padé approximation. Simulation results show that the proposed LADRC-based current controller achieves high power quality and good dynamic performance, in the presence of parameters uncertainties as well as external disturbances. An experimental prototype is built to verify the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed control strategy

    Improvement of Stability of a Grid-Connected Inverter with an LCL filter by Robust Strong Active Damping and Model Predictive Control

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    This study addresses development and implementation of robust control methods for a three-phase grid-connected voltage source inverter (VSI) accompanied by an inductive-capacitive-inductive (LCL) filter. A challenge of current control for the VSI is LCL filter resonance near to the control stability boundary, which interacts with the inverter control switching actions and creates the possibility of instability. In general, active damping is needed to stabilize the system and ensure robust performance in steady-state and dynamic responses. While many active damping methods have been proposed to resolve this issue, capacitor-current-feedback active damping has been most widely used for its simple implementation. There has been no clear consensus regarding design of a control system including capacitor-current-feedback active damping. This is due to the fact that simulation/experiment results are not congruent with the design analyses on which the control is designed. This study explains the incoherence between theory and practice when it comes to a capacitor-currents-feedback active damping system. Proposed capacitor-current-estimate active damping utilizing a developed posteriori Kalman estimator gives coherent simulation results as expected from the design analyses. This reveals that the highly oscillatory capacitor currents containing the inverter switching effects bring about uncertainty in the system performance. The switching effects are not incorporated in the analyses and control system design. Therefore, it is required to remove the switching noise from the capacitor currents in order to yield consistent results. It has been confirmed that the proportional-negative feedback of the capacitor current is equivalent to virtual impedance connected in parallel with the filter capacitor. In a digitally controlled system, the computation delay causes the equivalent resistance of the virtual impedance to become negative in the frequency range of fs/6 to fs/2, which produces a pair of open-loop unstable poles in RHP. This happens when the displaced resonance peak by active damping is in that region. Thus, an a priori Kalman estimator has been developed to generate one-sample-ahead state variable estimates to reconstruct the capacitor currents for active damping, which can compensate for the delay. The one-sample-ahead capacitor-current estimates are computed from the inverter-side and grid-side current estimates. The proposed method provides extended limits of the active damping gain that improve robustness against system parameter variation. It also allows strong active damping which can sufficiently attenuate the resonance. Grid condition is another significant factor affecting the stability of the system. In particular, a weak grid tends to provide high impedance. The system employing the proposed active damping method stably operates in a weak grid, ensuring robustness under grid impedance variation. The developed Kalman estimators offer an effective and easy way of determining the stability status of a system in addition to the functions of filtering and estimation. Stability analysis can be easily made since state variable estimates go to infinity when a system is unstable. As a promising approach, model predictive control (MPC) has been designed for the system. This study suggests that MPC including active damping can be employed for a grid-connected VSI with an LCL filter with good dynamic performance
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