960 research outputs found

    Adapting Sequence Models for Sentence Correction

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    In a controlled experiment of sequence-to-sequence approaches for the task of sentence correction, we find that character-based models are generally more effective than word-based models and models that encode subword information via convolutions, and that modeling the output data as a series of diffs improves effectiveness over standard approaches. Our strongest sequence-to-sequence model improves over our strongest phrase-based statistical machine translation model, with access to the same data, by 6 M2 (0.5 GLEU) points. Additionally, in the data environment of the standard CoNLL-2014 setup, we demonstrate that modeling (and tuning against) diffs yields similar or better M2 scores with simpler models and/or significantly less data than previous sequence-to-sequence approaches.Comment: EMNLP 201


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    The Master of Ceremony Professor Patria Hume will ask delegates to stand at the commencement of the opening for the procession of the dignitaries to the auditorium. Dignitaries will be called into the auditorium via the Māori traditional karanga, and will proceed to their seats. The first formal address will be given by kaihāpai Dr Valance Smith and commence with a Karakia (Blessing) and Mihi Whakatau welcoming dignitaries, guests and delegates to the ISBS 2018 Conference. Derek McCormack, the AUT Vice-Chancellor, will address the assembled company and welcome them to AUT for the conference hosted in partnership by AUT, AUTM, HPSNZ, ATEED and ISBS. The conference logo was designed by Professor Patria Hume and Dr Valance Smith based on: the adaption of the AUT SPRINZ logo (taking steps to research-education-service excellence – sprinting up the NZ fern); and the goals of conference reflected in Māori culture “Te hōkai tapuwae” means “The breadth of stride”. Within the Māori Karakia (prayer) ‘Tenei au tenei au’ is the line ‘te hōkai nei i o taku tapuwae’ – The breadth of stride as Tane ascends to the heavens to retrieve the three baskets of knowledge. This embodies human movement and the pursuit of knowledge – the goals of ISBS. The AUT Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences Dean and Pro-Vice Chancellor, in absentia, welcomes the assembled company and encourages them to experience the research-education-service focus at AUT. Mike Stanley, the AUT Millennium (AUT Millennium) Chief Executive & New Zealand Olympic Committee (NZOC) President, will address the assembled company and welcome them to AUTM for the conference applied programme. Michael Scott, the High Performance Sport New Zealand (HPSNZ) Chief Executive, will address the assembled company and outline the importance of biomechanics and integrated sport science in supporting high performance athletes. Pam Ford, General Manager Economic Development, Auckland Tourism, Events Economic Development (ATEED), will address the assembled company and outline the importance of the conference to Auckland and New Zealand. Thanks will be given to the industry partners for their active contribution to the conference. The Conference Flag Ceremony and Official Opening of the Conference by the ISBS President. The delegates selected to participate as flag bearers during the opening ceremony as they were the first from their country to register for the conference, will proceed to the stage. (We apologise to delegates from countries who do not have a flag represented in the flag bearing ceremony due to logistics). The conference will be officially opened by President Young-Hoo with the unfurling of the ISBS banner. The ISBS President Professor Young-Hoo Kwon will address the assembled company on behalf of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports and its Board of Directors, to welcome delegates to the 36th ISBS Annual Conference and to the city of Auckland. The details of this ISBS 2018 Conference inaugural Presidents Award are confidential until it is awarded. The recipient does not know they are receiving this award. The citation will be read by Dr Laura-Anne Furlong, ISBS Board member. The ISBS President Professor Young-Hoo Kwon and AUT Vice Chancellor Derek McCormack will present the ISBS 2018 conference travel grants to the recipients. NZ$20,000 is being awarded. The Kaikōrero Dr Valance Smith will perform the traditional Māori blessing of the gifts for dignitaries. Master wood carver Jarrod Hume was commissioned to create hand carved pohutukawa, puriri, and kauri (native NZ trees) items for dignitaries. Jarrod reclaimed the wood from fallen trees at Kawau Island in Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf. He dried the wood for two years, hand carved each item, and added Pasifika art work of his own creation using pyrography. The AUT kapahaka group, Tītahi ki Tua, will again perform for the assembled company. ISBS Geoffrey Dyson Awardee Professor Hermann Schwameder will be introduced by ISBS President Professor Young-Hoo Kwon. The prestigious Geoffrey Dyson Lecture is an invited presentation given by scientists who have made an outstanding contribution to ISBS and the field of sports biomechanics. As the Industry Partners Representative, Imogen Moorhouse (VICON’S CEO) from the ISBS 2018 Auckland Conference Platinum Industry Partner VICON, will address the assembled company and invite them to the opening Industry Playground Event immediately following the procession of the delegates from the theatre into the Sir Paul Reeves Atrium. The delegates will be requested to rise and remain standing for the procession of the dignitaries from the auditorium. All delegates will then proceed to the Kiwiana Opening Reception in the Sir Paul Reeves Atrium, where they will be greeted by Kelly Sheerin, and Alex Muir from VICON, on behalf of the industry partner medallists participating in the Playing Field Events

    Unrealistic Weeds of Love and Romance: The Korean Drama and the Flower Boy Genre

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    The concept of love has intrigued many social critics, and has led them to accuse media of perpetuating unrealistic notions of romance that are unattainable for a healthy and satisfying relationship. Unrealistic expectations of love and romance are a primary cause of relationship dissatisfaction among real couples. It is imperative to critically analyze media sources in order to gain knowledge of how to counter unhealthy notions of romance. Korean dramas (K-dramas) typically present a scenario in which strong mutual love and desire between two people come into conflict with existing sociocultural values. The kkonminam (Flower Boy) genre in particular, caters to young women, and focuses mainly on the romantic lives of young adults, making it a prime genre to analyze Korean portrayals of modern romance. The current study uses Galician’s myths of hegemonic portrayals of love and romance to see if common themes of Westernized “status quo” love can be detected in Korean dramas. The current study examines how love and romance is portrayed in Korean dramas, particularly in the Flower Boy genre, and does so by examining two K-dramas, Boys Over Flowers and Flower Boy, Ramen Shop. This study adds to previous literature on hegemonic ideals of love and romance. Ultimately, this study examines ideas of romance in the media to learn what portrayals present themselves in K-dramas, a form of mass media targeted at a younger audience whose views and expectations on romantic love are still forming, and may be influenced by media depictions

    Razlike med narodnimi kulturami so pomembne

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    Aims: Global business today usually requires organizations to be present locally in countries where their customers are. To do this successfully, good cooperation with local people is needed. Therefore, this paper focuses on the integration of cultures in the business world. The insights from this study are expected to benefit Slovenian expatriates to foreign companies in South Korea, as well as national culture researchers. The main goals of this research include a comparison of Hofstede’s IBM survey results with the researched working environment, and identifying the benefits of merging two national cultures for the working environment. Methods: A questionnaire was distributed to purposive samples within the researched working environments and the collected data analysed used SPSS, where the hypotheses were tested using a chi-square test and t-test for independent samples. Results: The results revealed significant differences between the two national cultures in the working environment, e.g.: fear of expressing disagreement towards superiors, commitment to work, preference of challenges, tendency to avoid conflicts and innovations - all differed according to nationality. Conclusion: Working together with people from different cultures requires a certain amount of adaptation (learning about another culture, expecting situations that are not usual). If this adaptation is successful, then cooperation between the different cultures can also be successful, leading to a potential output that is even better than cooperation between people from the same culture.Cilji: Globalni posel danes po navadi od organizacij terja, da so prisotne lokalno v državah, kjer so njihovi kupci. Za uspeh tega je potrebno dobro sodelovanje z domačini, zato se ta članek osredotoča na integracijo različnih narodnih kultur v poslovnem svetu. Doprinos članka je pričakovan za slovenske delavce v tujih podjetjih v Južni Koreji, kot tudi za ostale raziskovalce narodnih kultur. Glavni cilji te raziskave vključujejo primerjavo rezultatov Hofstedejeve IBM raziskave z raziskovanim delovnim okoljem, kot tudi ugotavljanje prednosti za delovno okolje pri združitvah dveh narodnih kultur. Metode: Ciljnim skupinam znotraj raziskovanega delovnega okolja je bil razdeljen vprašalnik, zbrani podatki pa analizirani s pomočjo SPSS, pri čemer so bile hipoteze testirane s hi-kvadrat testi in t-testi za neodvisne vzorce. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali značilne razlike med dvema narodnima kulturama znotraj delovnega okolja. Razlike glede na narodnost so tako pristone npr. pri strahu ped izražanjem nestrinjanja z nadrejenim, predanosti delu, obravnavanju izzivov, nagnjenosti k izogibanju konfliktom in inovacijam. Zaključek: Delo z ljudmi iz drugih narodnih kultur zahteva določeno mero prilagodljivosti (učenje o drugi kulturi, pričakovanje neobičajnih situacij). Če je ta prilagoditev uspešna, potem je lahko upsešno tudi sodelovanje med različnimi kulturami, kar lahko pripelje do rezultatov, ki so lahko še boljši kot rezultati kadar delajo skupaj ljudje iz iste narodne kulture

    A Survey of Monte Carlo Tree Search Methods

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    Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) is a recently proposed search method that combines the precision of tree search with the generality of random sampling. It has received considerable interest due to its spectacular success in the difficult problem of computer Go, but has also proved beneficial in a range of other domains. This paper is a survey of the literature to date, intended to provide a snapshot of the state of the art after the first five years of MCTS research. We outline the core algorithm's derivation, impart some structure on the many variations and enhancements that have been proposed, and summarize the results from the key game and nongame domains to which MCTS methods have been applied. A number of open research questions indicate that the field is ripe for future work

    Systemic Home Handbook: towards a more healthy and sustainable living

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    Generally, most products sold on the market come with a short paper or digital guide, aimed at facilitating use, maintenance and, in some cases, the assembly of the object purchased. However, these guides aren’t always interesting and easy to understand. Consequently, they are often forgotten about or consulted only when strictly necessary. But what happens when an instruction manual accompanies the use of an apartment and all the elements within it? The purpose of this article is to describe a real case of the design of a Home Handbook, conceived as a complete tool to help solve frequent daily problems related to the use of products, components and spaces within the average home. Using a typical Systemic Design approach, the project aims to encourage the adoption of a more sustainable lifestyle at environmental, social and economic level, providing useful advice to change incorrect daily behaviour with a high impact. The aim is to make users act spontaneously and consciously, in order to promote more sustainable living which is more attentive to the environmental and social dynamics that are currently devastating the planet. The project is being applied in Milan, Italy, particularly in the recently developed Smart Uptown District and will be initially distribution in the apartments of the housing complex in question

    Establishment, Present Condition, and Developmental Direction of the New Korean Healthcare Accreditation System

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    On July 23rd, 2010 a revised medical law (Article 58) was passed to change existing evaluation system of medical institutions to an accreditation system. The new healthcare accreditation system was introduced to encourage medical institutions to work voluntarily and continuously to improve patient safety and medical service quality. Changes regarding the healthcare accreditation system included the establishment of an accreditation agency, the voluntary participation of medical institutions, accreditation standards centering on the treatment process and patient safety, tracing methodology, and the announcement of comprehensive results concerning accreditation. Despite varying views on the healthcare accreditation system, including some that are critical, it is meaningful that the voluntary nature of the system acknowledges that the medical institutions must be active agents in improving medical service quality. Healthcare quality is not improved instantaneously, but instead gradually through continuous communication within the clinical field. For this accreditation system to be successful, followings are essential: the accreditation agency becomes financially independent and is managed efficiently, the autonomy and regulation surrounding the system are balanced, the professionalism of the system is ensured, and the medical field plays an active role in the operation of the system

    신남방정책 : 태국의 관점 분석

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 국제대학원 국제학과(국제협력전공), 2022. 8. 오윤아.The New Southern Policy (NSP) refers to the Republic of Korea’s foreign policy toward ASEAN and its member states under the initiative of President Moon Jae-in’s administration. As Thailand is one of the NSP’s target countries, this research aims to investigate Thailand’s perspective regarding South Korea’s engagement with Thailand through the NSP implementation under President Moon Jae-in’s administration from 2017 to 2022 and to make an assessment of the two countries’ cooperation progress under three pillars: “People,” “Prosperity,” and “Peace.” This research was conducted using qualitative methods and descriptive analysis. The data collection relied on document-based research and in-depth interviews. The concept of national interest, developed by Charles O. Lerche, Jr. and Abdul A. Said, was used as the analytical framework to identify Thailand’s national interests based on its foreign policy. Then, Thailand’s foreign policy and its national interests were used to match with South Korea’s NSP to examine how Thailand perceives the NSP. The findings reveal that four out of five measures of Thailand’s foreign policy and South Korea’s NSP share common national interests. Therefore, they were able to cooperate with each other smoothly. Nonetheless, only one measure of Thailand’s foreign policy and South Korea’s NSP does not share a common national interest, but they still had some cooperation. Regarding the two countries’ cooperation progress under the three pillars, the findings indicate that Thailand and South Korea made more progress in terms of input to enhance the cooperation in the economic domain under the Prosperity Pillar, while the socio-cultural cooperation and people-to-people exchange under the People Pillar made more progress in terms of the output from the outcome of the cooperation. The study concludes that, overall, Thailand has a positive perception toward the NSP.신남방정책 (NSP) 은 문재인 정부 주도하에 아세안(ASEAN)과 그 회원국에 대해 시행된 대한민국의 외교정책을 의미한다. 본 연구는 신남방정책 대상 국가 중 하나인 태국에 대하여 2017년부터 2022년까지 문재인 정부에서의 신남방정책 구현을 통한 한국과 태국의 관계에 대한 태국의 관점을 조사하고 '사람', '번영', '평화'라는 3대 축으로 양국의 협력 진전을 평가하는 것을 그 목적으로 하고 있다. 본 연구는 정성적 방법과 기술적 분석을 사용하여 수행하였다. 연구를 위한 데이터는 문서 기반 조사와 심층 인터뷰를 통해 수집하였다. 외교 정책을 기반으로 태국의 국익을 식별하기 위한 분석 프레임워크에는 Charles O. Lerche, Jr.와 Abdul A. Said가 개발한 국익 개념을 사용하였다. 그런 다음 태국의 외교정책과 국익을 한국의 신남방정책과 비교하여 태국이 신남방정책을 어떻게 인식하고 있는지 살펴보았다. 그 결과 태국의 외교정책과 한국의 신남방정책은 5개 항목 중 4개 항목이 공통의 국익을 공유하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 이로 인해 서로 원활하게 협력할 수 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 태국의 외교정책과 한국의 신남방정책에 있어서 5개의 항목 중 하나의 항목만이 공통의 국익을 공유하지 않는 것으로 나타났음에도 불구하고 이 항목에 대해서도 양국은 여전히 어느 정도 협력이 이루어졌음을 알 수 있었다. 또한, '사람', '번영', '평화'라는 3대 축에 따른 양국의 협력 진도를 살펴보면, 태국과 한국은 '번영'의 축에서 경제 영역의 협력을 강화하기 위한 "투입" 측면에서 더 많은 진전을 보인 반면, "사람"의 축에서 사회문화적 협력과 인적교류는 협력의 "성과"에서 더 많은 진전을 이루었음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통해서 태국은 신남방정책의 전반적인 측면에 대해 긍정적인 인식을 가지고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.Table of Contents i List of Abbreviations iii List of Tables vi I Introduction 1 1. Background 1 2. Purpose and Significance of the Study 4 3. Research Design 7 II Analytical Framework 10 1. Definition of National Interest 10 2. Literature on the Concept of National Interest 11 3. Matching Thailand’s Foreign Policy and Its National Interests with South Korea 15 III Thailand’s Reception of the New Southern Policy 19 1.Thailand’s Reception of the New Southern Policy 19 1.1 Diplomatic Relations 27 1.2 Political-Security Cooperation under the Peace Pillar 34 1.3 Economic Cooperation under the Prosperity Pillar 40 1.4 Socio-Cultural and People-to-People Cooperation under the People Pillar 47 2. Assessment on Thailand–South Korea’s Cooperation Progress 55 IV Conclusion 60 1. Findings and Implications 60 2. The Future Direction of Thailand–South Korea Relations 62 Bibliography 65 Appendix 90 Abstract in Korean Version 138 Acknowledgement 140석