15,237 research outputs found

    Limit complexities revisited [once more]

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    The main goal of this article is to put some known results in a common perspective and to simplify their proofs. We start with a simple proof of a result of Vereshchagin saying that lim supnC(xn)\limsup_n C(x|n) equals C0(x)C^{0'}(x). Then we use the same argument to prove similar results for prefix complexity, a priori probability on binary tree, to prove Conidis' theorem about limits of effectively open sets, and also to improve the results of Muchnik about limit frequencies. As a by-product, we get a criterion of 2-randomness proved by Miller: a sequence XX is 2-random if and only if there exists cc such that any prefix xx of XX is a prefix of some string yy such that C(y)ycC(y)\ge |y|-c. (In the 1960ies this property was suggested in Kolmogorov as one of possible randomness definitions.) We also get another 2-randomness criterion by Miller and Nies: XX is 2-random if and only if C(x)xcC(x)\ge |x|-c for some cc and infinitely many prefixes xx of XX. This is a modified version of our old paper that contained a weaker (and cumbersome) version of Conidis' result, and the proof used low basis theorem (in quite a strange way). The full version was formulated there as a conjecture. This conjecture was later proved by Conidis. Bruno Bauwens (personal communication) noted that the proof can be obtained also by a simple modification of our original argument, and we reproduce Bauwens' argument with his permission.Comment: See http://arxiv.org/abs/0802.2833 for the old pape

    On optimal language compression for sets in PSPACE/poly

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    We show that if DTIME[2^O(n)] is not included in DSPACE[2^o(n)], then, for every set B in PSPACE/poly, all strings x in B of length n can be represented by a string compressed(x) of length at most log(|B^{=n}|)+O(log n), such that a polynomial-time algorithm, given compressed(x), can distinguish x from all the other strings in B^{=n}. Modulo the O(log n) additive term, this achieves the information-theoretic optimum for string compression. We also observe that optimal compression is not possible for sets more complex than PSPACE/poly because for any time-constructible superpolynomial function t, there is a set A computable in space t(n) such that at least one string x of length n requires compressed(x) to be of length 2 log(|A^=n|).Comment: submitted to Theory of Computing System

    Analogy between turbulence and quantum gravity: beyond Kolmogorov's 1941 theory

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    Simple arguments based on the general properties of quantum fluctuations have been recently shown to imply that quantum fluctuations of spacetime obey the same scaling laws of the velocity fluctuations in a homogeneous incompressible turbulent flow, as described by Kolmogorov 1941 (K41) scaling theory. Less noted, however, is the fact that this analogy rules out the possibility of a fractal quantum spacetime, in contradiction with growing evidence in quantum gravity research. In this Note, we show that the notion of a fractal quantum spacetime can be restored by extending the analogy between turbulence and quantum gravity beyond the realm of K41 theory. In particular, it is shown that compatibility of a fractal quantum-space time with the recent Horava-Lifshitz scenario for quantum gravity, implies singular quantum wavefunctions. Finally, we propose an operational procedure, based on Extended Self-Similarity techniques, to inspect the (multi)-scaling properties of quantum gravitational fluctuations.Comment: Sliglty modified version of the article about to appear in IJMP

    Generic algorithms for halting problem and optimal machines revisited

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    The halting problem is undecidable --- but can it be solved for "most" inputs? This natural question was considered in a number of papers, in different settings. We revisit their results and show that most of them can be easily proven in a natural framework of optimal machines (considered in algorithmic information theory) using the notion of Kolmogorov complexity. We also consider some related questions about this framework and about asymptotic properties of the halting problem. In particular, we show that the fraction of terminating programs cannot have a limit, and all limit points are Martin-L\"of random reals. We then consider mass problems of finding an approximate solution of halting problem and probabilistic algorithms for them, proving both positive and negative results. We consider the fraction of terminating programs that require a long time for termination, and describe this fraction using the busy beaver function. We also consider approximate versions of separation problems, and revisit Schnorr's results about optimal numberings showing how they can be generalized.Comment: a preliminary version was presented at the ICALP 2015 conferenc

    "Locally homogeneous turbulence" Is it an inconsistent framework?

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    In his first 1941 paper Kolmogorov assumed that the velocity has increments which are homogeneous and independent of the velocity at a suitable reference point. This assumption of local homogeneity is consistent with the nonlinear dynamics only in an asymptotic sense when the reference point is far away. The inconsistency is illustrated numerically using the Burgers equation. Kolmogorov's derivation of the four-fifths law for the third-order structure function and its anisotropic generalization are actually valid only for homogeneous turbulence, but a local version due to Duchon and Robert still holds. A Kolomogorov--Landau approach is proposed to handle the effect of fluctuations in the large-scale velocity on small-scale statistical properties; it is is only a mild extension of the 1941 theory and does not incorporate intermittency effects.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Algorithmic statistics revisited

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    The mission of statistics is to provide adequate statistical hypotheses (models) for observed data. But what is an "adequate" model? To answer this question, one needs to use the notions of algorithmic information theory. It turns out that for every data string xx one can naturally define "stochasticity profile", a curve that represents a trade-off between complexity of a model and its adequacy. This curve has four different equivalent definitions in terms of (1)~randomness deficiency, (2)~minimal description length, (3)~position in the lists of simple strings and (4)~Kolmogorov complexity with decompression time bounded by busy beaver function. We present a survey of the corresponding definitions and results relating them to each other

    Shannon Information and Kolmogorov Complexity

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    We compare the elementary theories of Shannon information and Kolmogorov complexity, the extent to which they have a common purpose, and where they are fundamentally different. We discuss and relate the basic notions of both theories: Shannon entropy versus Kolmogorov complexity, the relation of both to universal coding, Shannon mutual information versus Kolmogorov (`algorithmic') mutual information, probabilistic sufficient statistic versus algorithmic sufficient statistic (related to lossy compression in the Shannon theory versus meaningful information in the Kolmogorov theory), and rate distortion theory versus Kolmogorov's structure function. Part of the material has appeared in print before, scattered through various publications, but this is the first comprehensive systematic comparison. The last mentioned relations are new.Comment: Survey, LaTeX 54 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to IEEE Trans Information Theor