2 research outputs found

    Borel Kernels and their Approximation, Categorically

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    This paper introduces a categorical framework to study the exact and approximate semantics of probabilistic programs. We construct a dagger symmetric monoidal category of Borel kernels where the dagger-structure is given by Bayesian inversion. We show functorial bridges between this category and categories of Banach lattices which formalize the move from kernel-based semantics to predicate transformer (backward) or state transformer (forward) semantics. These bridges are related by natural transformations, and we show in particular that the Radon-Nikodym and Riesz representation theorems - two pillars of probability theory - define natural transformations. With the mathematical infrastructure in place, we present a generic and endogenous approach to approximating kernels on standard Borel spaces which exploits the involutive structure of our category of kernels. The approximation can be formulated in several equivalent ways by using the functorial bridges and natural transformations described above. Finally, we show that for sensible discretization schemes, every Borel kernel can be approximated by kernels on finite spaces, and that these approximations converge for a natural choice of topology. We illustrate the theory by showing two examples of how approximation can effectively be used in practice: Bayesian inference and the Kleene star operation of ProbNetKAT.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Kolmogorov Extension, Martingale Convergence, and Compositionality of Processes

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    We show that the Kolmogorov extension theorem and the Doob martingale convergence theorem are two aspects of a common generalization, namely a colimit-like construction in a category of Radon spaces and reversible Markov kernels. The construction provides a compositional denotational semantics for standard iteration operators in programming languages, e.g. Kleene star or while loops, as a limit of finite approximants, even in the absence of a natural partial order