1,444,863 research outputs found

    Providing a framework for knowledge sharing in knowledge-based organizations according to social capital indicators

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    Purpose: This study aimed to provide a framework for examining knowledge sharing from the perspective of social capital in knowledge-based organizations. For this purpose, the social capital and knowledge sharing literature has been reviewed and appropriate dimensions and components have been selected for use in the proposed framework. Research methodology: The number of experts participating in this study was 12. Kendall’s W Ranks is a statistical index for assessing the degree of agreement in a group. This statistical index, which is related to non-parametric statistics, is used to assess the degree to which a number of evaluators agree on the ranking of several factors. Result: This research's proposed framework shows that the main bottleneck in the knowledge sharing process is the sender. Numerous factors affect the motivation, quantity and quality of knowledge shared by him. The proposed conceptual model shows the factors in the field of social capital well. This means that the organization's managers should pay special attention to people with knowledge to activate the process of knowledge sharing in the organization as a driving force. Limitations: This research only described knowledge-based organizations. Contribution: The proposed conceptual framework makes a good distinction between formal and informal knowledge-sharing channels in a knowledge-based organization. Formal channels are controlled and manageable channels. Although the main burden of knowledge sharing in organizations lies with informal channels, the more managers can shift the organization's knowledge to formal channels, the more they can manage the process. This is a part of the job that social capital, in particular, helps to achieve. The proposed framework discusses the acceptance of the use of formal frameworks. Keywords: Social capital, Knowledge management, Knowledge sharing, Expertise metho


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    The survival of any organization depends on its capacity to adjust to the social and technological environment it belongs to. All organizations exist through and for people. The logical consequence of these statements is that organizations must follow the current trends on world’s labour market and take adequate measures in order to have a proper development in this respect.organizations, knowledge based society, adjust

    Knowledge-intensive business services: a brief overview

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    In the last decade of the 20th century knowledge has gained importance in the economy. This lead to the emergence of knowledge-based activities: knowledge-intensive organizations, and particularly knowledge-intensive services. These organizations function as external knowledge sources for other organizations. Their performance depends largely on professional knowledge. Since their performance has an impact on the success of their clients, it is important to look at those factors which influence the knowledge transfer between service provider and client organization. Based on theory and empirical research, the paper addresses the specific aspects of knowledge transfer from knowledge-intensive business service organizations to client organizations.Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS), client organization, client knowledge., Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, L84,

    Human Resources Professional Development within the Knowledge-Based Economy Organizations

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    Through the present paper, we identified and argumented one of the most important consequences of the present business environment: appearance and, gradually, growth of differences between two categories of representants: human resources with high formation, strongly connected to the environment, who impose and even anticipate change, being fascinated by the development perspectives, unlike people always surprised by what is happening, sometimes lost by the predicable absence, having a continuous “fight” for keeping the other’s rhythm. The solution is represented by motivation and formation programs, on medium and long term in order to offer sustainable results. Consequently, from the organization management point of view, the most appropriate instrument for accomplishing and implementing this is the strategy, as an exponent of organization mission and objectives, in correlation with human resources, technical and material resources, financial and informational resources restrictions, and, moreover, the actions ways for accomplishing the competitive advantage.Small and medium enterprises (SMEs), human resources, professional development, motivation, economic performances, knowledge-based economy.


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    Using knowledge-based management is a very modern approach to specific activities of service organizations, with direct effects on work processes to ensure competitiveness. The complex system of multidisciplinary actions refers to the particularities of services for tertiary sector in relation to material goods production, which involves the transfer to practice of the original methodologies of decision making in conditions of risk and uncertainty.competitiveness, knowledge, competition, awareness, certification, computerization.

    The quality –competitiveness factor of the organizations based on knowledge

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    In the present frame, marked by economic crisis, globalization of competition, the quality of products and services is the reference point of any organization. Continuous improvement of product quality and service has become new references in the current economic landscape, highly complex located in a permanent dynamic, characterized by fast diversification and renewal of supply of goods under the impact of the rapid development of science and technology, globalization of markets, facilitated by developments in telecommunications, the growth of customers requirements and society. The competitive advantage of organizations obtained through high quality products and services gather new values in the frame of knowledge based economy.quality, competitiveness, knowledge, investment, efficiency

    Accounting Information - Power Instrument for Advanced Management in Knowledge Based Organizations

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    In elaborating the paper, we started from the idea of the necessity of knowing the reasons that determined the reconsideration of the importance of accounting information, in order to ensure survival, performance and durability of businesses in the context of the new challenges launched by the world economy. Continuous adjustments that influence companies impose the necessity of reassessment of accounting information as a management instrument, to determine the situation, to notice the opportunities and risks derived from the company’s overall policy, to observe strengths and weaknesses, to make adequate decisions in time and, more than that, to control the results obtained. Finally, we concluded that the difficulty of reflection of operations generated by the phenomenon of the sustained development of organizations determined reconsideration of financial-accounting information systems and generated new terms such as: knowledge management, knowledge transfer, knowledge sharing and knowledge organizations.Knowledge based organization, Accounting information, Management Information System, Knowledge management
