10 research outputs found

    Knowledge Discovery of Port Scans from Darknet

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    International audiencePort scanning is widely used in Internet prior for attacks in order to identify accessible and potentially vulnerable hosts. In this work, we propose an approach that allows to discover port scanning behavior patterns and group properties of port scans. This approach is based on graph modelling and graph mining. It provides to security analysts relevant information of what services are jointly targeted, and the relationship of the scanned ports. This is helpful to assess the skills and strategy of the attacker. We applied our method to data collected from a large darknet data, i.e. a full /20 network where no machines or services are or have been hosted to study scanning activities

    Exploratory Data Analysis of a Network Telescope Traffic and Prediction of Port Probing Rates

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    Understanding the properties exhibited by large scale network probing traffic would improve cyber threat intelligence. In addition, the prediction of probing rates is a key feature for security practitioners in their endeavors for making better operational decisions and for enhancing their defense strategy skills. In this work, we study different aspects of the traffic captured by a /20 network telescope. First, we perform an exploratory data analysis of the collected probing activities. The investigation includes probing rates at the port level, services interesting top network probers and the distribution of probing rates by geolocation. Second, we extract the network probers exploration patterns. We model these behaviors using transition graphs decorated with probabilities of switching from a port to another. Finally, we assess the capacity of Non-stationary Autoregressive and Vector Autoregressive models in predicting port probing rates as a first step towards using more robust models for better forecasting performance.Comment: IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatic

    Response time optimization for vulnerability management system by combining the benchmarking and scenario planning models

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    The growth of information and communication technology has made the internet network have many users. On the other side, this increases cybercrime and its risks. One of the main attack targets is network weakness. Therefore, cyber security is required, which first does a network scan to stop the attack. Points of vulnerability on the network can be discovered using scanning techniques. Furthermore, mitigation or recovery measures can be implemented. However, it needs a short response time and high accuracy while scanning to reduce the level of damage caused by cyber-attacks. In this paper, the proposed method improves the performance of a vulnerability management system based on network and port scanning by combining the benchmarking and scenario planning models. On a network scanning to discover open ports on a subnet, Masscan can achieve response times of less than 2 seconds, and on scenario planning for detection on a single host by Nmap can reach less than 4 seconds. It was combining both models obtained an adequate optimization response time. The total response time is less than 6 seconds

    Attacker Behavior-Based Metric for Security Monitoring Applied to Darknet Analysis

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    International audienceNetwork traffic monitoring is primordial for network operations and management for many purposes such as Quality-of-Service or security. One major difficulty when dealing with network traffic data (packets, flows...) is the poor semantic of individual attributes (number of bytes, packets, IP addresses, protocol, TCP/UDP port number...). Many attributes can be represented as numerical values but cannot be mapped to a meaningful metric space. Most notably are application port numbers. They are numerical but comparing them as integers is meaningless. In this paper, we propose a fine grained attacker behavior-based network port similarity metric allowing traffic analysis to take into account semantic relations between port numbers. The behavior of attackers is derived from passive observation of a Darknet or telescope, aggregated in a graph model, from which a semantic dissimilarity function is defined. We demonstrate the veracity of this function with real world network data in order to pro-actively block 99% of TCP scans

    BotGM: Unsupervised Graph Mining to Detect Botnets in Traffic Flows

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    International audienceBotnets are one of the most dangerous and serious cybersecurity threats since they are a major vector of large-scale attack campaigns such as phishing, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, trojans, spams, etc. A large body of research has been accomplished on botnet detection, but recent security incidents show that there are still several challenges remaining to be addressed, such as the ability to develop detectors which can cope with new types of botnets. In this paper, we propose BotGM, a new approach to detect botnet activities based on behavioral analysis of network traffic flow. BotGM identifies network traffic behavior using graph-based mining techniques to detect botnets behaviors and model the dependencies among flows to trace-back the root causes then. We applied BotGM on a publicly available large dataset of Botnet network flows, where it detects various botnet behaviors with a high accuracy without any prior knowledge of them

    Cloud Watching: Understanding Attacks Against Cloud-Hosted Services

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    Cloud computing has dramatically changed service deployment patterns. In this work, we analyze how attackers identify and target cloud services in contrast to traditional enterprise networks and network telescopes. Using a diverse set of cloud honeypots in 5~providers and 23~countries as well as 2~educational networks and 1~network telescope, we analyze how IP address assignment, geography, network, and service-port selection, influence what services are targeted in the cloud. We find that scanners that target cloud compute are selective: they avoid scanning networks without legitimate services and they discriminate between geographic regions. Further, attackers mine Internet-service search engines to find exploitable services and, in some cases, they avoid targeting IANA-assigned protocols, causing researchers to misclassify at least 15\% of traffic on select ports. Based on our results, we derive recommendations for researchers and operators.Comment: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC '23), October 24--26, 2023, Montreal, QC, Canad

    i-DarkVec: Incremental Embeddings for Darknet Traffic Analysis

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    Darknets are probes listening to traffic reaching IP addresses that host no services. Traffic reaching a darknet results from the actions of internet scanners, botnets, and possibly misconfigured hosts. Such peculiar nature of the darknet traffic makes darknets a valuable instrument to discover malicious online activities, e.g., identifying coordinated actions performed by bots or scanners. However, the massive amount of packets and sources that darknets observe makes it hard to extract meaningful insights, calling for scalable tools to automatically identify and group sources that share similar behaviour. We here present i-DarkVec, a methodology to learn meaningful representations of Darknet traffic. i-DarkVec leverages Natural Language Processing techniques (e.g., Word2Vec) to capture the co-occurrence patterns that emerge when scanners or bots launch coordinated actions. As in NLP problems, the embeddings learned with i-DarkVec enable several new machine learning tasks on the darknet traffic, such as identifying clusters of senders engaged in similar activities. We extensively test i-DarkVec and explore its design space in a case study using real darknets. We show that with a proper definition of services, the learned embeddings can be used to (i) solve the classification problem to associate unknown sources’ IP addresses to the correct classes of coordinated actors and (ii) automatically identify clusters of previously unknown sources performing similar attacks and scans, easing the security analyst’s job. i-DarkVec leverages a novel incremental embedding learning approach that is scalable and robust to traffic changes, making it applicable to dynamic and large-scale scenarios

    Deep Mining Port Scans from Darknet

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    International audienceTCP/UDP port scanning or sweeping is one of the most common technique used by attackers to discover accessible and potentially vulnerable hosts and applications. Although extracting and distinguishing different port scanning strategies is a challenging task, the identification of dependencies among probed ports is primordial for profiling attacker behaviors, with as a final goal to better mitigate them. In this paper, we propose an approach that allows to track port scanning behavior patterns among multiple probed ports and identify intrinsic properties of observed group of ports. Our method is fully automated based on graph modeling and data mining techniques including text mining. It provides to security analysts and operators relevant information about services that are jointly targeted by attackers. This is helpful to assess the strategy of the attacker, such that understanding the types of applications or environment she targets. We applied our method to data collected through a large Internet telescope (or Darknet)

    Cloud Watching: Understanding Attacks Against Cloud-Hosted Services

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    Cloud computing has dramatically changed service deployment patterns. In this work, we analyze how attackers identify and target cloud services in contrast to traditional enterprise networks and network telescopes. Using a diverse set of cloud honeypots in 5 providers and 23 countries as well as 2 educational networks and 1 network telescope, we analyze how IP address assignment, geography, network, and service-port selection, influence what services are targeted in the cloud. We find that scanners that target cloud compute are selective: they avoid scanning networks without legitimate services and they discriminate between geographic regions. Further, attackers mine Internet-service search engines to find exploitable services and, in some cases, they avoid targeting IANA-assigned protocols, causing researchers to misclassify at least 15% of traffic on select ports. Based on our results, we derive recommendations for researchers and operators