4 research outputs found

    Conflicting Roles of CIOs and their Negative Effects on the Workplace of the Future

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    Demographic change is forcing companies to find new ways to attract skilled knowledge-workers to safeguard strong economic performance. In particular, in the case of younger generations, companies have the opportunity to increase their attractiveness apart from usual incentives like a high salary by addressing these generations’ altered expectations towards their professional life and their work-life balance. Recent studies show, however, that companies often struggle to implement the necessary information technology. Drawing on role theory and existing literature, we developed a role framework to identify intra-role conflicts perceived by the chief information officers and inter-role conflicts between the IT and other departments. Through qualitative interviews with representatives from five companies, we identify numerous role conflicts, particularly common in smaller companies and companies managed by their owners. Implications for theory and practice are discussed

    Continuance intention of IT professionals to telecommute post pandemic: A modified expectation confirmation model perspective

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    This study investigates employees’ intentions to telecommute post-pandemic based on IT employees’ present work experiences. Perceived utility, contentment, and confirmation of expectations are proposed as factors of continuing intention to telecommute, according to the expectation-confirmation theory. The integration of work-life balance into the expectation confirmation theory was investigated to see if work-life balance influences employees’ continued intention to telecommute. Data from 131 Malaysian IT workers was used to test the hypothesised model. The findings backed up the theory that perceived usefulness, satisfaction, confirmation of expectations, and work-life balance all play a role in employees’ desire to continue telecommuting post-pandemic. Work-life balance was also found to be a significant mediator of the effect of expectation confirmation on job satisfaction. As a result, this research adds to the idea by including work-life balance literature to demonstrate that the behaviour of IT professionals is associated with their quality of work-life harmony. This study can assist businesses that plan to transition to hybrid work environments. With the needs of the emerging workplace still being uncharted territory for everyone, hybrid work models can be built and customized based on the findings of this study. This is imperative to fit the needs of employees and help organisations sustain their businesses

    Open Innovation in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    This book unveils the importance of micro, small, medium, and large firms for fostering open innovation, using methodological designs based on both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Several dimensions of the inbound and outbound open innovation strategies and practices are explored, in the scope of University–University, University–Industry, and University–Society relations