5 research outputs found

    Perception of Knowledge Management among Academic Libraries Employee\u27 in Western Province Universities, Saudi Arabia

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    The current study aimed to find out the perception of academic libraries employee\u27 in Western province Universities, Saudi Arabia about Knowledge Management and its integration into their job in the library practices. The study conducted over survey by using an electronic survey. A well-structured open-ended and closed questionnaire distributed into 42 academic libraries employee\u27. The results of the study show that academic libraries employee\u27 attitudes about Knowledge management diverse and their perceptive of Knowledge management concepts also varied from person to person. The majority of them were of the view that Knowledge management delivers huge opportunities for academic libraries employee\u27. The study shows an overview of the perception of knowledge management among academic libraries employee\u27, and approved that knowledge management skills should pass on among academic libraries employee\u27, so that they can expand their understanding, adjust their long-lived plans, and to administrate a rounded way to design of knowledge management system and libraries field practices

    Active Learning Innovations in Knowledge Management Education Generate Higher Quality Learning Outcomes

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    Innovations in how a postgraduate course in knowledge management is delivered have generated better learning outcomes and made the course more engaging for learners. Course participant feedback has shown that collaborative active learning is preferred and provides them with richer insights into how knowledge is created and applied to generate innovation and value. The course applies an andragogy approach in which students collaborate in weekly dialogue of their experiences of the content, rather than learn the content itself. The approach combines systems thinking, learning praxis, and active learning to explore the interdependencies between topics and how they impact outcomes in real world situations. This has stimulated students to apply these ideas in their own workplaces.Innowacje dotyczące sposobu prowadzenia kursu Zarządzania Wiedzą dla studentów studiów podyplomowych pozwoliły na osiągnięcie lepszych wyników nauczania i zwiększyły zaangażowanie studentów w kurs. Informacje zwrotne uzyskane od studentów pokazują, że preferują oni wspólne, aktywne uczenie się, pozwalające im na bogatszy wgląd w tworzenie wiedzy i stosowanie jej do osiągnięcia innowacji i wartości. Kurs stosuje podejście andragogiczne, w którym studenci współdziałają w cotygodniowym dialogu dotyczącym ich doświadczeń związanych z treścią kursu zamiast po prostu uczyć się tej treści. Podejście to łączy myślenie systemowe, praktykę uczenia i aktywne uczenie w celu zbadania współzależności między tematami oraz ich wpływem na rzeczywiste sytuacje. Kurs zachęcił studentów do zastosowania tych idei w ich miejscach pracy

    Synthesizing design and informing science rationales for driving a decentralized generative knowledge management agenda

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    CITATION: Schmitt, U. & Gill, T. G. 2019. Synthesizing design and informing science rationales for driving a decentralized generative knowledge management agenda. Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 22:1-18, doi:10.28945/4264.The original publication is available at https://www.informingscience.orgAim/Purpose: In a world of rapidly expanding complexity and exponentially increasing data availability, IT-based knowledge management tools will be needed to manage and curate available information. This paper looks at a particular tool architecture that has been previously proposed: The Personal Knowledge Management System (PKMS). The specific focus is on how the proposed architecture conforms to design science principles that relate to how it is likely to evolve. Background: We first introduce some recent informing science and design science research frameworks, then examine how the PKMS architecture would conform to these. Methodology: The approach taken is conceptual analysis. Contribution: The analysis provides a clearer understanding of how the proposed PKMS would serve the diverse-client ambiguous-target (DCAT) informing scenario and how it could be expected to evolve. Findings: We demonstrate how the PKMS informing architecture can be characterized as a “social machine” that appears to conform to a number of principles that would facilitate its long-term evolution. Future Research: The example provided by the paper could serve as a model future research seeking to integrate design science and informing science in the study of IT artefacts.https://www.informingscience.org/Publications/4264?Source=%2FJournals%2FInformingSciJ%2FArticles%3FVolume%3D22-2019Publisher's versio

    Influence of social capital on inter-firm knowledge transfer: a qualitative study of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of Philosophy.This thesis explores the influence of social capital on knowledge transfer among Nigerian Small Medium scale Enterprises’ (SME) managers. It aimed to address a number of important gaps recognized in the literature, particularly because there is limited research in this area as regards developing countries in disparity to developed countries. Specifically, the study attempts to shed light on how Nigerian SME managers perceive social capital, how social capital develops in Nigerian SMEs, how Nigerian SME managers transfer knowledge among each other and how social capital influences knowledge transfer within the context of Nigerian SMEs. Extant literature has focused more on how social capital influences knowledge transfer within the context of multinational corporations in developed economies with limited focus on SMEs and specifically, SME managers in developing ones. This study contributes to addressing this critical gap in literature by adopting an SME perspective to exploring how social capital influences knowledge transfer among Nigerian SME managers. A qualitative research method is adopted, involving semi-structured interviews of 26 Nigerian SME managers in Nigeria. Thematic analysis has been conducted using NVivo to identify relevant themes and subthemes in relation to the focus of the study. A conceptual framework was developed to illustrate how Nigerian SME managers develop social capital by leveraging on building synergy, attending business events, deliberately targeting proven knowledge sources, developing passionate personality, leveraging on shared values, volunteering and referrals. However, for SME managers to develop social capital, they must initiate interaction, position themselves to be seen and find ways to network. This conceptual framework not only highlights how Nigerian SME managers perceive social capital, it went further to highlight the different social capital triggers from the perspective of Nigerian SME managers. 5 Overall, this study reveals that weak ties can also access tacit knowledge transfer, if the knowledge seeker leverages on referrals which provide the privileges of strong ties. Moreover, this study found that tacit knowledge can be transferred in a large network with weak ties when the nature of the discussion is intense. This happens among SME managers in large WhatsApp groups, where SME managers barely know each other