1,292 research outputs found

    Convolutional 2D Knowledge Graph Embeddings

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    Link prediction for knowledge graphs is the task of predicting missing relationships between entities. Previous work on link prediction has focused on shallow, fast models which can scale to large knowledge graphs. However, these models learn less expressive features than deep, multi-layer models -- which potentially limits performance. In this work, we introduce ConvE, a multi-layer convolutional network model for link prediction, and report state-of-the-art results for several established datasets. We also show that the model is highly parameter efficient, yielding the same performance as DistMult and R-GCN with 8x and 17x fewer parameters. Analysis of our model suggests that it is particularly effective at modelling nodes with high indegree -- which are common in highly-connected, complex knowledge graphs such as Freebase and YAGO3. In addition, it has been noted that the WN18 and FB15k datasets suffer from test set leakage, due to inverse relations from the training set being present in the test set -- however, the extent of this issue has so far not been quantified. We find this problem to be severe: a simple rule-based model can achieve state-of-the-art results on both WN18 and FB15k. To ensure that models are evaluated on datasets where simply exploiting inverse relations cannot yield competitive results, we investigate and validate several commonly used datasets -- deriving robust variants where necessary. We then perform experiments on these robust datasets for our own and several previously proposed models and find that ConvE achieves state-of-the-art Mean Reciprocal Rank across most datasets.Comment: Extended AAAI2018 pape

    KBGAN: Adversarial Learning for Knowledge Graph Embeddings

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    We introduce KBGAN, an adversarial learning framework to improve the performances of a wide range of existing knowledge graph embedding models. Because knowledge graphs typically only contain positive facts, sampling useful negative training examples is a non-trivial task. Replacing the head or tail entity of a fact with a uniformly randomly selected entity is a conventional method for generating negative facts, but the majority of the generated negative facts can be easily discriminated from positive facts, and will contribute little towards the training. Inspired by generative adversarial networks (GANs), we use one knowledge graph embedding model as a negative sample generator to assist the training of our desired model, which acts as the discriminator in GANs. This framework is independent of the concrete form of generator and discriminator, and therefore can utilize a wide variety of knowledge graph embedding models as its building blocks. In experiments, we adversarially train two translation-based models, TransE and TransD, each with assistance from one of the two probability-based models, DistMult and ComplEx. We evaluate the performances of KBGAN on the link prediction task, using three knowledge base completion datasets: FB15k-237, WN18 and WN18RR. Experimental results show that adversarial training substantially improves the performances of target embedding models under various settings.Comment: To appear at NAACL HLT 201

    Hypernetwork Knowledge Graph Embeddings

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    Knowledge graphs are graphical representations of large databases of facts, which typically suffer from incompleteness. Inferring missing relations (links) between entities (nodes) is the task of link prediction. A recent state-of-the-art approach to link prediction, ConvE, implements a convolutional neural network to extract features from concatenated subject and relation vectors. Whilst results are impressive, the method is unintuitive and poorly understood. We propose a hypernetwork architecture that generates simplified relation-specific convolutional filters that (i) outperforms ConvE and all previous approaches across standard datasets; and (ii) can be framed as tensor factorization and thus set within a well established family of factorization models for link prediction. We thus demonstrate that convolution simply offers a convenient computational means of introducing sparsity and parameter tying to find an effective trade-off between non-linear expressiveness and the number of parameters to learn

    Universal Knowledge Graph Embeddings

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    A variety of knowledge graph embedding approaches have been developed. Most of them obtain embeddings by learning the structure of the knowledge graph within a link prediction setting. As a result, the embeddings reflect only the semantics of a single knowledge graph, and embeddings for different knowledge graphs are not aligned, e.g., they cannot be used to find similar entities across knowledge graphs via nearest neighbor search. However, knowledge graph embedding applications such as entity disambiguation require a more global representation, i.e., a representation that is valid across multiple sources. We propose to learn universal knowledge graph embeddings from large-scale interlinked knowledge sources. To this end, we fuse large knowledge graphs based on the owl:sameAs relation such that every entity is represented by a unique identity. We instantiate our idea by computing universal embeddings based on DBpedia and Wikidata yielding embeddings for about 180 million entities, 15 thousand relations, and 1.2 billion triples. Moreover, we develop a convenient API to provide embeddings as a service. Experiments on link prediction show that universal knowledge graph embeddings encode better semantics compared to embeddings computed on a single knowledge graph. For reproducibility purposes, we provide our source code and datasets open access at https://github.com/dice-group/Universal_EmbeddingsComment: 5 pages, 3 table
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