3 research outputs found

    Teacher and Problem in Student with ADHD in Indonesia : A Case Study

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    Students with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) often experience academic and social problems at school because of their behavior problems. The teacher becomes one of the main figures who can help students with ADHD in the school. However, research about problem in students with ADHD from teachers’ perspective has limited empirical evidence in Indonesia. In the study, we explored the perception and experiences of teacher towards problem in students with ADHD and how teachers handle the problem in school. We conducted case study using semi-structured interview with purposive sampling technique for 38 elementary school teachers in Indonesia. We found that most teachers still lacking knowledge about ADHD. Students with ADHD had several problems including problem with themselves, problem in social relation, problem in academic, negative behavior problem, negative label from the surroundings problem. The teacher’s intervention in dealing student with ADHD were using learning strategies, cooperation with parent and expert, arise awareness to the surrounding about ADHD and suggestion for doing treatment. Our study seeds light that teachers need to improve their knowledge and awareness by finding information about ADHD, understanding about problem in student with ADHD and how to handle the problem more appropriate to provide the best service for student with ADHD. Supporting policy from school and government is needed to provide training program for teachers to handle student with ADHD adequately

    Knowledge of attention/deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – a comparison of pre-service teachers in primary and special education in Germany

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    Background Given that the majority of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) attend regular classroom settings in Germany, it is necessary for teachers to be well prepared to provide these children appropriate care and education on the basis of accurate knowledge of ADHD. Pre-service teachers should have enough learning possibilities in their curriculum about ADHD. The purpose of this study was to investigate German pre-service teachers’ knowledge of ADHD by differentiating between their future school type, their study progress, their learning experiences, gender, and age. Participants and procedure The participants were 234 pre-service teachers of the University of Leipzig, Germany. The survey instrument constructed by Lee (2015) was slightly modified for pre-service teachers, and consists of the three subscales: (a) characteristics of ADHD, (b) causes of ADHD, and (c) subtypes of ADHD. Results Total accuracy of the knowledge of German pre-service teachers was 51.60%, inaccuracy was 21.60%, and no information was 25.80%. German pre-service teachers who majored in special education have a significantly higher accuracy rate than those who majored in primary education. The knowledge profiles consisting of total knowledge score and three domain-specific subscores can be explained significantly (ANOVAs) by the main effects and the interactions among the independent factors (a) future school type, (b) study progress, (c) experience by curriculum, and (d) personal experience. It was possible to discriminate significantly four pre-service teacher groups (differentiated by future school type and study progress) on the basis of their knowledge profiles by a discriminant analysis. Conclusions Teachers are an important target group for ADHD research because they play a major role in early diagnosis of ADHD as well as supporting their development. During their education, pre-service teachers need to be prepared for dealing appropriately with ADHD children in the classroom. This study provides a basic investigation of German pre-service teachers’ needs of learning how to deal with ADHD children

    Γνώσεις και ενσυναίσθηση των μελλοντικών εκπαιδευτικών για τη Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής-Υπερκινητικότητα

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    Η Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής-Υπερκινητικότητα (ΔΕΠ-Υ) αποτελεί μια νευροβιολογική διαταραχή, η οποία έχει έναρξη από την παιδική ηλικία και διαρκεί δια βίου. Λόγω των δυσκολιών που αντιμετωπίζουν οι μαθητές στο σχολικό περιβάλλον εξαιτίας της διαταραχής, πλήθος ερευνών εστιάζει στην ενημερότητα των εκπαιδευτικών για αυτή. Ωστόσο, την τελευταία δεκαετία ολοένα και αυξανόμενο ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον αποκτά το επίπεδο γνώσεων των μελλοντικών εκπαιδευτικών αναφορικά με τη διαταραχή. Πρωταρχικό σκοπό της παρούσας εργασίας αποτελεί η διερεύνηση του βαθμού ενημερότητας των φοιτητών για τη ΔΕΠ-Υ, καθώς και η συσχέτιση των γνώσεων τους με την ενσυναίσθηση. Για τις ανάγκες της έρευνας συμμετείχαν 250 φοιτητές από παιδαγωγικές σχολές της Αττικής και της επαρχίας. Για τη συλλογή των δεδομένων χρησιμοποιήθηκε ένα ερωτηματολόγιο που αποτελείται από το Ερωτηματολόγιο Ενσυναίσθησης του Τορόντο (Spreng, McKinnon, Mar, & Levine, 2009), την Κλίμακα Γνώσεων για τη Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής-Υπερκινητικότητα (Kos, Richdale, & Jackson, 2004), καθώς και από ερωτήσεις δημογραφικών στοιχείων. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας έδειξαν ότι το χαμηλό επίπεδο γνώσεων των φοιτητών συνδέεται με χαμηλού επιπέδου ενσυναίσθησης, ενώ ταυτόχρονα παρατηρήθηκε πως οι προπτυχιακοί φοιτητές δεν έχουν λάβει καμία εκπαίδευση για τη ΔΕΠ-Υ.Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder which begins in early childhood and lasts a lifetime with differentiated clinical symptoms during the developmental stages of the person. Students with ADHD face many hardships at school due to the disorder and for this reason many studies try to examine the teachers’ knowledge of ADHD. However, during the recent years many researches focus on the ADHD knowledge of university students. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the level of knowledge that pre-service teachers have for ADHD, as well as their level of empathy for students with ADHD. For the needs of the study, 250 university students, undergraduated and postgraduated who study in the region of Attica as well as in the province, participated in the research. A questionnaire was used in order to collect data, which included the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (Spreng, McKinnon, Mar, & Levine, 2009), the Knowledge of Attention Deficit Disorder Scale (Kos, Richdale, & Jackson, 2004) and demographic items. The results of survey have shown that university students have little knowledge for ADHD, while there is a correlation between knowledge and empathy. Finally, it is mentioned that undergraduated students have received no formal ADHD education at the university