20,557 research outputs found

    Redesigning work organizations and technologies: experiences from European projects

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    Currently distributed business process (re) design (resulting in components of business networks) basically relies on technical criteria. And that are the main purposes of most research projects supported by EC. Through the process of building a European Research Area, this means a strong influence in the national research programmes. However it is generally accepted that it should also take into account social criteria and aspects such as the quality of working life, or participation in decision processes. Those were some of the objectives of projects in de 80s decade, and framed some of the main concepts and scientific approaches to work organisation. The democratic participation of network and organisations members in the design process is a critical success factor. This is not accepted by everyone, but is based in sufficient case studies. Nevertheless, in order to achieve an optimization that can satisfying the requirements of agility of a network of enterprises, more complex design methods must be developed. Thus, the support to the collaborative design of distributed work in a network of enterprises, through a concurrent approaching business processes, work organisation and task content is a key factor to achieve such purposes. Increasing needs in terms of amounts of information, agility, and support for collaboration without time and space constrains, imposes the use of a computer-based model.business process; networks; decision processes; collaborative design;

    ALT-C 2010 - Conference Proceedings

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    MOSAIC vision and scenarios for mobile collaborative work related to health and wellbeing

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    The main objective of the MOSAIC project is to accelerate innovation in Mobile Worker Support Environments by shaping future research and innovation activities in Europe. The modus operandi of MOSAIC is to develop visions and illustrative scenarios for future collaborative workspaces involving mobile and location-aware working. Analysis of the scenarios is input to the process of road mapping with the purpose of developing strategies for R&D leading to deployment of innovative mobile work technologies and applications across different domains. This paper relates to one specific domain, that of Health and Wellbeing. The focus is therefore is on mobile working environments which enable mobile collaborative working related to the domain of healthcare and wellbeing services for citizens. This paper reports the work of MOSAIC T2.2 on the vision and scenarios for mobile collaborative work related to this domain. This work was also an input to the activity of developing the MOSAIC roadmap for future research and development targeted at realization of the future Health and Wellbeing vision. The MOSAIC validation process for the Health and Wellbeing scenarios is described and one scenario – the Major Incident Scenario - is presented in detail

    Harnessing Knowledge, Innovation and Competence in Engineering of Mission Critical Systems

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    This book explores the critical role of acquisition, application, enhancement, and management of knowledge and human competence in the context of the largely digital and data/information dominated modern world. Whilst humanity owes much of its achievements to the distinct capability to learn from observation, analyse data, gain insights, and perceive beyond original realities, the systematic treatment of knowledge as a core capability and driver of success has largely remained the forte of pedagogy. In an increasingly intertwined global community faced with existential challenges and risks, the significance of knowledge creation, innovation, and systematic understanding and treatment of human competence is likely to be humanity's greatest weapon against adversity. This book was conceived to inform the decision makers and practitioners about the best practice pertinent to many disciplines and sectors. The chapters fall into three broad categories to guide the readers to gain insight from generic fundamentals to discipline-specific case studies and of the latest practice in knowledge and competence management

    Transactive memory systems and Web 2.0 in knowledge sharing: A conceptual model based on activity theory and critical realism

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    The aim of this paper is to advance understanding of interactive knowledge sharing (KS) processes through exploring the role of transactive memory systems (TMS) and Web 2.0. In the context of the information systems (IS) literature, there is little focus on their particular role in KS. To address this gap, this paper develops a conceptual model based on activity theory and critical realism outlining the role of TMS and Web 2.0 as mediating tools. This paper further reveals that their use as tools depends on deeper underlying structures/factors embedded within the community, namely, informal networks and trust among people. The new conceptual model and theoretical propositions are then illustrated by a qualitative study undertaken in Bulgarian organisations. This illustrative case provides support for the model, where TMS and Web 2.0 are found to facilitate knowledge sharing. It further demonstrates that informal networks and trust among people support the use and the positive effects of these tools. The contribution of this paper is in the new analytical approach and conceptual model developed which advances our understanding of interactive KS by explaining the linkages between the various factors involved

    Workspace methodologies : studying communication, collaboration and workscapes

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    This report consists of descriptions of methods, which are used for studying, evaluating and developing workplaces. Work environments are analyzed as layers or imbedded levels: as physical, virtual and mental/social spaces. In this analysis, Kurt Lewin's classical psychological concept 'Life Space' is used as well as the concept 'ba' provided by Nonaka, Toyama and Konno. 'Ba' refers to socially shared space, where people create, share and use knowledge. The concept of Ba unifies the physical space, such as an office space, the virtual space, such as e-mail, and the mental or social space, such as common experiences, ideas, values, and ideals shared by people with common goals as a working context. A hypothesis is that the support and/or hindrances of these spaces have a crucial influence on the activities of employees, groups and organizations. To design and develop workplaces it is fundamental to identify these facilitating and hindering work context characteristics. For this purpose, various methods are needed to collect data, to analyze it, to describe and model the environments, and to analyze their quality. In this report, some only methods are described. They are: social network analysis, sketching and photographing methods, communication analysis, work requirement and well-being analysis, simulation game method and multidisciplinary workplace study methodology. The described methods are examples of approaches and methods meant to cling to the challenges of workplace design.TÀmÀ raportti koostuu työtilojen tutkimisessa, arvioinnissa ja kehittÀmisessÀ kÀytettyjen tiedonkeruu- ja analysointimenetelmien kuvauksista. Työn toimintaympÀristöÀ eritellÀÀn eri tasoina tai kerrostumina: fyysisinÀ, virtuaalisina ja henkisinÀ/sosiaalisina tiloina. TasoerittelyssÀ hyödynnetÀÀn Kurt Lewinin klassista, yksilöpsykologista 'elÀmÀntila' kÀsitettÀ sekÀ Nonakan, Toyaman ja Konnon kÀsitettÀ 'ba'. Ba tarkoittaa sosiaalisesti jaettua tilaa, jossa olevat ihmiset luovat, jakavat ja kÀyttÀvÀt tietoa. 'Ba' yhdistÀÀ fyysisen tilan, kuten toimisto, virtuaalisen tilan, kuten sÀhköposti, ja henkisen tai sosiaalisen tilan, kuten yhteisesti jaetut kokemukset, ideat ja ihanteet. Oletuksena on, ettÀ nÀiden tilojen tarjoama tuki ja esteet vaikuttavat keskeisellÀ tavalla yksittÀisten työntekijöiden, ryhmien ja organisaatioiden toimintaan. Työpaikkojen suunnittelun ja kehittÀmisen kannalta on olennaista tunnistaa toimintaa helpottavia ja estÀviÀ tekijöitÀ. TÀhÀn tarvitaan erilaisia menetelmiÀ kerÀtÀ työtiloja koskevaa tietoa, analysoida sitÀ, kuvata nÀitÀ ympÀristöjÀ ja arvioida niiden laatua. Raportin kirjoituksissa kuvataan joitakin menetelmiÀ. Kuvatut menetelmÀt ovat: sosiaalisten verkostojen analyysimenetelmÀt, piirros- ja valokuvamenetelmÀ, kommunikaatioanalyysi, kuormitustekijÀ- ja hyvinvointianalyysi, simulaatiopelimenetelmÀ ja monitieteinen työpaikkojen tutkimusmetodologia. Esitellyt menetelmÀt ovat esimerkkejÀ tavoista paneutua työpaikkojen tutkimuksen haasteisiin
