8 research outputs found

    Performance of a second order electrostatic particle-in-cell algorithm on modern many-core architectures

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    In this paper we present the outline of a novel electrostatic, second order Particle-in-Cell (PIC) algorithm, that makes use of 'ghost particles' located around true particle positions in order to represent a charge distribution. We implement our algorithm within EMPIRE-PIC, a PIC code developed at Sandia National Laboratories. We test the performance of our algorithm on a variety of many-core architectures including NVIDIA GPUs, conventional CPUs, and Intel's Knights Landing. Our preliminary results show the viability of second order methods for PIC applications on these architectures when compared to previous generations of many-core hardware. Specifically, we see an order of magnitude improvement in performance for second order methods between the Tesla K20 and Tesla P100 GPU devices, despite only a 4× improvement in the theoretical peak performance between the devices. Although these initial results show a large increase in runtime over first order methods, we hope to be able to show improved scaling behaviour and increased simulation accuracy in the future

    Implementation of 2D Domain Decomposition in the UCAN Gyrokinetic Particle-in-Cell Code and Resulting Performance of UCAN2

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    The massively parallel, nonlinear, three-dimensional (3D), toroidal, electrostatic, gyrokinetic, particle-in-cell (PIC), Cartesian geometry UCAN code, with particle ions and adiabatic electrons, has been successfully exercised to identify non-diffusive transport characteristics in present day tokamak discharges. The limitation in applying UCAN to larger scale discharges is the 1D domain decomposition in the toroidal (or z-) direction for massively parallel implementation using MPI which has restricted the calculations to a few hundred ion Larmor radii or gyroradii per plasma minor radius. To exceed these sizes, we have implemented 2D domain decomposition in UCAN with the addition of the y-direction to the processor mix. This has been facilitated by use of relevant components in the P2LIB library of field and particle management routines developed for UCLA's UPIC Framework of conventional PIC codes. The gyro-averaging specific to gyrokinetic codes is simplified by the use of replicated arrays for efficient charge accumulation and force deposition. The 2D domain-decomposed UCAN2 code reproduces the original 1D domain nonlinear results within round-off. Benchmarks of UCAN2 on the Cray XC30 Edison at NERSC demonstrate ideal scaling when problem size is increased along with processor number up to the largest power of 2 available, namely 131,072 processors. These particle weak scaling benchmarks also indicate that the 1 nanosecond per particle per time step and 1 TFlops barriers are easily broken by UCAN2 with 1 billion particles or more and 2000 or more processors.This work was supported in part in the USA by Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER54741 to the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK, from the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Office of Science, United States Department of Energy. It was also supported in part at Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, by Spanish National Project No. ENE2009-12213-C03-03. This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. It also took advantage of resources at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Centro Nacional de Supercomputación, Barcelona, Spain. One of us (Leboeuf) would particularly like to thank David Vicente from BSC and Zhengji Zhao from NERSC for their help in the porting, debugging, and optimization of UCAN2 on the mainframes at their respective centers

    Kinetic Turbulence Simulations at Extreme Scale on Leadership-Class Systems

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    ABSTRACT Reliable predictive simulation capability addressing confinement properties in magnetically confined fusion plasmas is critically-important for ITER, a 20 billion dollar international burning plasma device under construction in France. The complex study of kinetic turbulence, which can severely limit the energy confinement and impact the economic viability of fusion systems, requires simulations at extreme scale for such an unprecedented device size. Our newly optimized, global, ab initio particle-in-cell code solving the nonlinear equations underlying gyrokinetic theory achieves excellent performance with respect to "time to solution" at the full capacity of the IBM Blue Gene/Q on 786,432 cores of Mira at ALCF and recently of the 1,572,864 cores of Sequoia at LLNL. Recent multithreading and domain decomposition optimizations in the new GTC-P code represent critically important software advances for modern, low memory per core systems by enabling routine simulations at unprecedented size (130 million grid points ITER-scale) and resolution (65 billion particles)

    Kinetic turbulence simulations at extreme scale on leadership-class systems

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    Reliable predictive simulation capability addressing confinement properties in magnetically confined fusion plasmas is critically-important for ITER, a 20 billion dollar international burning plasma device under construction in France. The complex study of kinetic turbulence, which can severely limit the energy confinement and impact the economic viability of fusion systems, requires simulations at extreme scale for such an unprecedented device size. Our newly optimized, global, ab initio particle-in-cell code solving the nonlinear equations underlying gyrokinetic theory achieves excellent performance with respect to "time to solution" at the full capacity of the IBM Blue Gene/Q on 786,432 cores of Mira at ALCF and recently of the 1,572,864 cores of Sequoia at LLNL. Recent multithreading and domain decomposition optimizations in the new GTC-P code represent critically important software advances for modern, low memory per core systems by enabling routine simulations at unprecedented size (130 million grid points ITER-scale) and resolution (65 billion particles). Copyright 2013 ACM

    XcalableMP PGAS Programming Language

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    XcalableMP is a directive-based parallel programming language based on Fortran and C, supporting a Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model for distributed memory parallel systems. This open access book presents XcalableMP language from its programming model and basic concept to the experience and performance of applications described in XcalableMP.  XcalableMP was taken as a parallel programming language project in the FLAGSHIP 2020 project, which was to develop the Japanese flagship supercomputer, Fugaku, for improving the productivity of parallel programing. XcalableMP is now available on Fugaku and its performance is enhanced by the Fugaku interconnect, Tofu-D. The global-view programming model of XcalableMP, inherited from High-Performance Fortran (HPF), provides an easy and useful solution to parallelize data-parallel programs with directives for distributed global array and work distribution and shadow communication. The local-view programming adopts coarray notation from Coarray Fortran (CAF) to describe explicit communication in a PGAS model. The language specification was designed and proposed by the XcalableMP Specification Working Group organized in the PC Consortium, Japan. The Omni XcalableMP compiler is a production-level reference implementation of XcalableMP compiler for C and Fortran 2008, developed by RIKEN CCS and the University of Tsukuba. The performance of the XcalableMP program was used in the Fugaku as well as the K computer. A performance study showed that XcalableMP enables a scalable performance comparable to the message passing interface (MPI) version with a clean and easy-to-understand programming style requiring little effort