39 research outputs found

    Paralleelmehhanismide kinetostaatiliste jõudlusindeksite uuring ning võrdlus

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    Nii kaua, kui on kasutusel olnud robotid, on käinud teadusuuringud nende kasutamiseks ning töö optimeerimiseks meie igapäevases elus. Samal ajal, kui meie teadmised robotite teemal on suuresti arenenud, on kasvanud ka vastavate struktuuride keerukus. Seega on arendatud mitmeid meetodeid ja indekseid, aitamaks disaneritel ning inseneridel välja selgitada parimad seadmed vastavate ülesannete lahendamiseks. Lisaks on huvi paralleelmehhanismide suunas viimaste aastate jooksul märgatavalt kasvanud. Peamiseks põhjuseks on paljudes valdkondades märgatavalt parem sooritusvõime võrreldes seriaalmanipulaatoritega. Ometi pole arendatud veel ühtegi globaalset jõudlusindeksit, mis võimaldaks täpsuse perspektiivis paralleelmanipulaatorite omavahelise võrdluse. Käesoleva lõputöö fookuseks on kintestaatilise jõuldusindeksi arendustööst ülevaate pakkumine. Uuritav indeks peab robustselt suutma hinnata läbi vastava indeksi paralleelmanipulaatorite täpsust.For as long as we have used robots there has also been ongoing research to allow us to use and improve efficiency of automation in our daily lives. As our knowledge about robots has largely improved, so has the complexity of their structures. Thus, various methods and indices have been developed to help designers and engineers determine the best manipulator for a specific task. In addition, the interest towards parallel manipulators has seen growth in the last couple of years due to significantly better performance in various areas in comparison to serial mechanisms. However, no global performance index to evaluate accuracy and allow comparison in that perspective between parallel mechanisms has been developed. This thesis focuses on giving an overview on the developments towards finding a robust kinematic sensitivity index to measure accuracy performance of parallel manipulators

    Comparison of 3-RPR Planar Parallel Manipulators with regard to their Dexterity and Sensitivity to Geometric Uncertainties

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the sensitivity analysis of 3-RPR planar parallel manipulators. First, the manipulators under study as well as their degeneracy conditions are presented. Then, an optimization problem is formulated in order to obtain their maximal regular dexterous workspace. Moreover, the sensitivity coefficients of the pose of the manipulator moving platform to variations in the geometric parameters and in the actuated variables are expressed algebraically. Two aggregate sensitivity indices are determined, one related to the orientation of the manipulator moving platform and another one related to its position. Then, we compare two non-degenerate and two degenerate 3-R\underline{P}R planar parallel manipulators with regard to their dexterity, workspace size and sensitivity. Finally, two actuating modes are compared with regard to their sensitivity

    Cable Robot Performance Evaluation by Wrench Exertion Capability

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    Although cable driven robots are a type of parallel manipulators, the evaluation of their performances cannot be carried out using the performance indices already developed for parallel robots with rigid links. This is an obvious consequence of the peculiar features of flexible cables-a cable can only exert a tensile and limited force in the direction of the cable itself. A comprehensive performance evaluation can certainly be attained by computing the maximum force (or torque) that can be exerted by the cables on the moving platform along a specific (or any) direction within the whole workspace. This is the idea behind the index-called the Wrench Exertion Capability (WEC)-which can be employed to evaluate the performance of any cable robot topology and is characterized by an efficient and simple formulation based on linear programming. By significantly improving a preliminary computation method for the WEC, this paper proposes an ultimate formulation suitable for any cable robot topology. Several numerical investigations on planar and spatial cable robots are presented to give evidence of the WEC usefulness, comparisons with popular performance indices are also provided

    Manipulator Performance Measures - A Comprehensive Literature Survey

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    Due to copyright restrictions of the publisher this item is embargoed and access to the file is restricted until a year after the publishing date.The final publication is available at www.springerlink.comPerformance measures are quintessential to the design, synthesis, study and application of robotic manipulators. Numerous performance measures have been defined to study the performance and behavior of manipulators since the early days of robotics; some more widely accepted than others, but their real significance and limitations have not always been well understood. The aim of this survey is to review the definition, classification, scope, and limitations of some of the widely used performance measures. This work provides an extensive bibliography that can be of help to researchers interested in studying and evaluating the performance and behavior of robotic manipulators. Finally, a few recommendations are proposed based on the review so that the most commonly noticed limitations can be avoided when new performance measures are proposed.http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10846-014-0024-y

    Direct Kinematics of Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robots: Sensitivity to Redundant Measurements

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    Underactuated cable-driven parallel robots (UACDPRs) shift a 6-degree-of-freedom end-effector (EE) with fewer than 6 cables. This thesis proposes a new automatic calibration technique that is applicable for under-actuated cable-driven parallel robots. The purpose of this work is to develop a method that uses free motion as an exciting trajectory for the acquisition of calibration data. The key point of this approach is to find a relationship between the unknown parameters to be calibrated (the lengths of the cables) and the parameters that could be measured by sensors (the swivel pulley angles measured by the encoders and roll-and-pitch angles measured by inclinometers on the platform). The equations involved are the geometrical-closure equations and the finite-difference velocity equations, solved using the least-squares algorithm. Simulations are performed on a parallel robot driven by 4 cables for validation. The final purpose of the calibration method is, still, the determination of the platform initial pose. As a consequence of underactuation, the EE is underconstrained and, for assigned cable lengths, the EE pose cannot be obtained by means of forward kinematics only. Hence, a direct-kinematics algorithm for a 4-cable UACDPR using redundant sensor measurements is proposed. The proposed method measures two orientation parameters of the EE besides cable lengths, in order to determine the other four pose variables, namely 3 position coordinates and one additional orientation parameter. Then, we study the performance of the direct-kinematics algorithm through the computation of the sensitivity of the direct-kinematics solution to measurement errors. Furthermore, position and orientation error upper limits are computed for bounded cable lengths errors resulting from the calibration procedure, and roll and pitch angles errors which are due to inclinometer inaccuracies

    The Octahedral Hexarot - a novel 6-DOF parallel manipulator

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    A novel 6-DOF parallel kinematic manipulator named the Octahedral Hexarot is presented and analyzed. It is shown that this manipulator has the important benefits of combining a large positional workspace in relation to its footprint with a sizable range of platform rotations. These features are obtained by combining a rotation-symmetric actuating arm system with links in an octahedral-like configuration. Thus the manipulator consists of a central cylindrical column with six actuated rotating upper arms that can rotate indefinitely around the central column. Each upper arm is connected to a manipulated platform by one 5-DOF lower arm link. The link arrangement of the Octahedral Hexarot is inspired by the original Gough platform. The manipulated platform is an equilateral triangle and the joint positions on the upper arms approximately form an equilateral triangle. A task dependent optimization procedure for the structural parameters is proposed and the workspace of the resulting manipulator is analyzed in depth.<br /

    NEO: A Novel Expeditious Optimisation Algorithm for Reactive Motion Control of Manipulators

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    We present NEO, a fast and purely reactive motion controller for manipulators which can avoid static and dynamic obstacles while moving to the desired end-effector pose. Additionally, our controller maximises the manipulability of the robot during the trajectory, while avoiding joint position and velocity limits. NEO is wrapped into a strictly convex quadratic programme which, when considering obstacles, joint limits, and manipulability on a 7 degree-of-freedom robot, is generally solved in a few ms. While NEO is not intended to replace state-of-the-art motion planners, our experiments show that it is a viable alternative for scenes with moderate complexity while also being capable of reactive control. For more complex scenes, NEO is better suited as a reactive local controller, in conjunction with a global motion planner. We compare NEO to motion planners on a standard benchmark in simulation and additionally illustrate and verify its operation on a physical robot in a dynamic environment. We provide an open-source library which implements our controller.Comment: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). Preprint Version. Accepted January, 2021. The code and videos can be found at https://jhavl.github.io/neo

    Dynamically Feasible Trajectories of Fully-Constrained Cable-Suspended Parallel Robots

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    Cable-Driven Parallel Robots employ multiple cables, whose lengths are controlled by winches, to move an end-effector (EE). In addition to the advantages of other parallel robots, such as low moving inertias and the potential for high dynamics, they also provide specific advantages, such as large workspaces and lower costs. Thus, over the last 30 years, they have been the object of academic research; also, they are being employed in industrial applications. The main issue with cable actuation is its unilaterality, as cables must remain in tension: if they become slack, there is a risk of losing control of the EE's pose. This complicates the control of cable-driven robots and is among the most studied topics in this field. Most previous works resort to extra cables or rigid elements pushing on the EE to guarantee that cables remain taut, but this complicates robot design. An alternative is to use the gravitational and inertial forces acting on the EE to keep cables in tension. This thesis shows that the robot's workspace can be greatly increased, by considering two model architectures. Moreover, practical limits to the feasibility of a motion, such as singularities of the kinematic chain and interference between cables, are considered. Even if a motion is feasible, there is no guarantee that it can be performed with an acceptable precision in the end-effector's pose, due to the inevitable errors in the positioning of the actuators and the elastic deflections of the structure. Therefore, a set of indexes are evaluated to measure the sensitivity of the end-effector's pose to actuation errors. Finally, the stiffness of one of the two architectures is modeled and indexes to measure the global compliance of the robot due to the elasticity of the cables are presented.I robot paralleli a cavi impiegano cavi, la cui lunghezza è controllata da argani, per muovere un elemento terminale o end-effector (EE). Oltre ai vantaggi degli altri robot paralleli, come basse inerzie in movimento e la possibilità di raggiungere velocità e accelerazioni elevate, possono anche fornire vantaggi specifici, come ampi spazi di lavoro e costi inferiori. Pertanto, negli ultimi 30 anni, questi robot sono stati oggetto di ricerche accademiche e stanno trovando applicazione anche in campo industriale. Il problema principale dell'azionamento mediante cavi è che è unilaterale, poiché i cavi possono essere tesi ma non compressi: quando diventano laschi, si rischia di perdere il controllo della posa dell'EE. Questo complica il controllo dei robot ed è uno dei temi più studiati nel settore. Gli studi compiuti sinora ricorrono prevalentemente a cavi addizionali o a elementi rigidi che spingono sull'EE per garantire che i cavi rimangano tesi, ma questo complica la progettazione dei robot. Un'alternativa è sfruttare le forze gravitazionali e inerziali che agiscono sull'EE per mantenere i cavi in tensione. Questa tesi dimostra che, in questo caso, lo spazio di lavoro del robot può essere notevolmente aumentato, applicando questo concetto a due architetture modello. Inoltre, vengono considerati i limiti imposti all'effettiva realizzabilità di un movimento, come le singolarità della catena cinematica e l'interferenza tra i cavi. Anche se un movimento è fattibile, non è garantito che si possa eseguire con precisione accettabile, a causa degli inevitabili errori di posizionamento degli attuatori e delle deformazioni elastiche della struttura. Si valutano quindi alcuni indici per misurare la sensibilità della posizione dell'elemento terminale agli errori di azionamento. Infine, è modellata la rigidezza di una delle due architetture proposte e sono presentati indici per misurare la cedevolezza globale del robot dovuta all'elasticità dei cavi

    Designing Multi-Axis Force-Torque Sensors by Minimizing the Amplitudes of Their Nonlinear Displacements

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    Compliant multi-axis force-torque sensors play a crucial role in many emerging robotic applications, such as telemanipulation, haptic devices and human-robot physical interaction. In order to synthesize the compliant architectures at the core of these sensors, several researchers have devised performance indices from mechanism theory. This paper follows the same approach, but includes the innovation of using the changes in the compliant mechanism geometry as a new performance index. Once external forces are applied, the compliant mechanism deviates from its unloaded configuration, and thus, changes in geometry prevent the sensor from exhibiting a linear response. In order to minimize this nonlinear behavior, the potential sources of error are analyzed by applying linear algebra techniques to the expression of the Cartesian force mapping. Two performance indices are then presented and combined. The first index measures the variations of the Jacobian matrix about the unloaded configuration. The second index measures the amplification of the error arising from the joint displacements measurement. The resulting indices can be expressed symbolically, making them easier to evaluate and synthesize. Finally, we apply the performance indices we have developed to simple compliant mechanisms, and discuss the results