1,257 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Video and Accelerometer Based Approaches Applied to Performance Monitoring in Swimming.

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    The aim of this paper is to present a comparison of video- and sensor based studies of swimming performance. The video-based approach is reviewed and contrasted to the newer sensor-based technology, specifically accelerometers based upon Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology. Results from previously published swim performance studies using both the video and sensor technologies are summarised and evaluated against the conventional theory that upper arm movements are of primary interest when quantifying free-style technique. The authors conclude that multiple sensor-based measurements of swimmers’ acceleration profiles have the potential to offer significant advances in coaching technique over the traditional video based approach

    Assessment of daily physical activity by registration of body movement

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    Wearable inertial sensors for human movement analysis

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    Introduction: The present review aims to provide an overview of the most common uses of wearable inertial sensors in the field of clinical human movement analysis.Areas covered: Six main areas of application are analysed: gait analysis, stabilometry, instrumented clinical tests, upper body mobility assessment, daily-life activity monitoring and tremor assessment. Each area is analyzed both from a methodological and applicative point of view. The focus on the methodological approaches is meant to provide an idea of the computational complexity behind a variable/parameter/index of interest so that the reader is aware of the reliability of the approach. The focus on the application is meant to provide a practical guide for advising clinicians on how inertial sensors can help them in their clinical practice.Expert commentary: Less expensive and more easy to use than other systems used in human movement analysis, wearable sensors have evolved to the point that they can be considered ready for being part of routine clinical routine

    Assessment of hand kinematics using inertial and magnetic sensors

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    Background:\ud Assessment of hand kinematics is important when evaluating hand functioning. Major drawbacks ofcurrent sensing glove systems are lack of rotational observability in particular directions, labourintensive calibration methods which are sensitive to wear and lack of an absolute hand orientationestimate.\ud \ud Methods:\ud We propose an ambulatory system using inertial sensors that can be placed on the hand, fingers andthumb. It allows a full 3D reconstruction of all finger and thumb joints as well as the absoluteorientation of the hand. The system was experimentally evaluated for the static accuracy, dynamicrange and repeatability.\ud \ud Results:\ud The RMS position norm difference of the fingertip compared to an optical system was 5±0.5 mm(mean ± standard deviation) for flexion-extension and 12.4±3.0 mm for combined flexion-extensionabduction-adduction movements of the index finger. The difference between index and thumb tipsduring a pinching movement was 6.5±2.1 mm. The dynamic range of the sensing system and filterwas adequate to reconstruct full 80 degrees movements of the index finger performed at 116 timesper minute, which was limited by the range of the gyroscope. Finally, the reliability study showed amean range difference over five subjects of 1.1±0.4 degrees for a flat hand test and1.8±0.6 degrees for a plastic mold clenching test, which is smaller than other reported data gloves.\ud \ud Conclusion:\ud Compared to existing data gloves, this research showed that inertial and magnetic sensors are of interest for ambulatory analysis of the human hand and finger kinematics in terms of static accuracy, dynamic range and repeatability. It allows for estimation of multi-degree of freedom joint movements using low-cost sensors

    Consensus Head Acceleration Measurement Practices (CHAMP): Origins, methods, transparency and disclosure

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    The use of head kinematic measurement devices has recently proliferated owing to technology advances that make such measurement more feasible. In parallel, demand to understand the biomechanics of head impacts and injury in sports and the military has increased as the burden of such loading on the brain has received focused attention. As a result, the field has matured to the point of needing methodological guidelines to improve the rigor and consistency of research and reduce the risk of scientific bias. To this end, a diverse group of scientists undertook a comprehensive effort to define current best practices in head kinematic measurement, culminating in a series of manuscripts outlining consensus methodologies and companion summary statements. Summary statements were discussed, revised, and voted upon at the Consensus Head Acceleration Measurement Practices (CHAMP) Conference in March 2022. This manuscript summarizes the motivation and methods of the consensus process and introduces recommended reporting checklists to be used to increase transparency and rigor of future experimental design and publication of work in this field. The checklists provide an accessible means for researchers to apply the best practices summarized in the companion manuscripts when reporting studies utilizing head kinematic measurement in sport and military settings

    Validation of Spatiotemporal and Kinematic Measures in Functional Exercises Using a Minimal Modeling Inertial Sensor Methodology

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    This study proposes a minimal modeling magnetic, angular rate and gravity (MARG) methodology for assessing spatiotemporal and kinematic measures of functional fitness exercises. Thirteen healthy persons performed repetitions of the squat, box squat, sandbag pickup, shuffle-walk, and bear crawl. Sagittal plane hip, knee, and ankle range of motion (ROM) and stride length, stride time, and stance time measures were compared for the MARG method and an optical motion capture (OMC) system. The root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and Bland–Altman plots and limits of agreement were used to assess agreement between methods. Hip and knee ROM showed good to excellent agreement with the OMC system during the squat, box squat, and sandbag pickup (RMSE: 4.4–9.8°), while ankle ROM agreement ranged from good to unacceptable (RMSE: 2.7–7.2°). Unacceptable hip and knee ROM agreement was observed for the shuffle-walk and bear crawl (RMSE: 3.3–8.6°). The stride length, stride time, and stance time showed good to excellent agreement between methods (MAPE: (3.2 ± 2.8)%–(8.2 ± 7.9)%). Although the proposed MARG-based method is a valid means of assessing spatiotemporal and kinematic measures during various exercises, further development is required to assess the joint kinematics of small ROM, high velocity movements
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