6 research outputs found

    Data-driven pedestrian re-identification based on hierarchical semantic representation

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    Limited number of labeled data of surveillance video causes the training of supervised model for pedestrian re-identification to be a difficult task. Besides, applications of pedestrian re-identification in pedestrian retrieving and criminal tracking are limited because of the lack of semantic representation. In this paper, a data-driven pedestrian re-identification model based on hierarchical semantic representation is proposed, extracting essential features with unsupervised deep learning model and enhancing the semantic representation of features with hierarchical mid-level ‘attributes’. Firstly, CNNs, well-trained with the training process of CAEs, is used to extract features of horizontal blocks segmented from unlabeled pedestrian images. Then, these features are input into corresponding attribute classifiers to judge whether the pedestrian has the attributes. Lastly, with a table of ‘attributes-classes mapping relations’, final result can be calculated. Under the premise of improving the accuracy of attribute classifier, our qualitative results show its clear advantages over the CHUK02, VIPeR, and i-LIDS data set. Our proposed method is proved to effectively solve the problem of dependency on labeled data and lack of semantic expression, and it also significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy and semanteme

    A multi-scale mapping approach based on a deep learning CNN model for reconstructing high-resolution urban DEMs

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    The scarcity of high-resolution urban digital elevation model (DEM) datasets, particularly in certain developing countries, has posed a challenge for many water-related applications such as flood risk management. A solution to address this is to develop effective approaches to reconstruct high-resolution DEMs from their low-resolution equivalents that are more widely available. However, the current high-resolution DEM reconstruction approaches mainly focus on natural topography. Few attempts have been made for urban topography, which is typically an integration of complex artificial and natural features. This study proposed a novel multi-scale mapping approach based on convolutional neural network (CNN) to deal with the complex features of urban topography and to reconstruct high-resolution urban DEMs. The proposed multi-scale CNN model was firstly trained using urban DEMs that contained topographic features at different resolutions, and then used to reconstruct the urban DEM at a specified (high) resolution from a low-resolution equivalent. A two-level accuracy assessment approach was also designed to evaluate the performance of the proposed urban DEM reconstruction method, in terms of numerical accuracy and morphological accuracy. The proposed DEM reconstruction approach was applied to a 121 km2 urbanized area in London, United Kingdom. Compared with other commonly used methods, the current CNN-based approach produced superior results, providing a cost-effective innovative method to acquire high-resolution DEMs in other data-scarce regions

    Driver behaviour characterization using artificial intelligence techniques in level 3 automated vehicle.

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    Brighton, James L. - Associate SupervisorAutonomous vehicles free drivers from driving and allow them to engage in some non-driving related activities. However, the engagement in such activities could reduce their awareness of the driving environment, which could bring a potential risk for the takeover process in the current automation level of the intelligent vehicle. Therefore, it is of great importance to monitor the driver's behaviour when the vehicle is in automated driving mode. This research aims to develop a computer vision-based driver monitoring system for autonomous vehicles, which characterises driver behaviour inside the vehicle cabin by their visual attention and hand movement and proves the feasibility of using such features to identify the driver's non-driving related activities. This research further proposes a system, which employs both information to identify driving related activities and non-driving related activities. A novel deep learning- based model has been developed for the classification of such activities. A lightweight model has also been developed for the edge computing device, which compromises the recognition accuracy but is more suitable for further in-vehicle applications. The developed models outperform the state-of-the-art methods in terms of classification accuracy. This research also investigates the impact of the engagement in non-driving related activities on the takeover process and proposes a category method to group the activities to improve the extendibility of the driving monitoring system for unevaluated activities. The finding of this research is important for the design of the takeover strategy to improve driving safety during the control transition in Level 3 automated vehicles.PhD in Manufacturin

    Learning Functional Prepositions

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    In first language acquisition, what does it mean for a grammatical category to have been acquired, and what are the mechanisms by which children learn functional categories in general? In the context of prepositions (Ps), if the lexical/functional divide cuts through the P category, as has been suggested in the theoretical literature, then constructivist accounts of language acquisition would predict that children develop adult-like competence with the more abstract units, functional Ps, at a slower rate compared to their acquisition of lexical Ps. Nativists instead assume that the features of functional P are made available by Universal Grammar (UG), and are mapped as quickly, if not faster, than the semantic features of their lexical counterparts. Conversely, if Ps are either all lexical or all functional, on both accounts of acquisition we should observe few differences in learning. Three empirical studies of the development of P were conducted via computer analysis of the English and Spanish sub-corpora of the CHILDES database. Study 1 analyzed errors in child usage of Ps, finding almost no errors in commission in either language, but that the English learners lag in their production of functional Ps relative to lexical Ps. That no such delay was found in the Spanish data suggests that the English pattern is not universal. Studies 2 and 3 applied novel measures of phrasal (P head + nominal complement) productivity to the data. Study 2 examined prepositional phrases (PPs) whose head-complement pairs appeared in both child and adult speech, while Study 3 considered PPs produced by children that never occurred in adult speech. In both studies the productivity of Ps for English children developed faster than that of lexical Ps. In Spanish there were few differences, suggesting that children had already mastered both orders of Ps early in acquisition. These empirical results suggest that at least in English P is indeed a split category, and that children acquire the syntax of the functional subset very quickly, committing almost no errors. The UG position is thus supported. Next, the dissertation investigates a \u27soft nativist\u27 acquisition strategy that composes the distributional analysis of input, minimal a priori knowledge of the possible co-occurrence of morphosyntactic features associated with functional elements, and linguistic knowledge that is presumably acquired via the experience of pragmatic, communicative situations. The output of the analysis consists in a mapping of morphemes to the feature bundles of nominative pronouns for English and Spanish, plus specific claims about the sort of knowledge required from experience. The acquisition model is then extended to adpositions, to examine what, if anything, distributional analysis can tell us about the functional sequences of PPs. The results confirm the theoretical position according to which spatiotemporal Ps are lexical in character, rooting their own extended projections, and that functional Ps express an aspectual sequence in the functional superstructure of the PP

    Kernel-improved Support Vector Machine for semanteme data

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