36 research outputs found

    A deep level set method for image segmentation

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    This paper proposes a novel image segmentation approachthat integrates fully convolutional networks (FCNs) with a level setmodel. Compared with a FCN, the integrated method can incorporatesmoothing and prior information to achieve an accurate segmentation.Furthermore, different than using the level set model as a post-processingtool, we integrate it into the training phase to fine-tune the FCN. Thisallows the use of unlabeled data during training in a semi-supervisedsetting. Using two types of medical imaging data (liver CT and left ven-tricle MRI data), we show that the integrated method achieves goodperformance even when little training data is available, outperformingthe FCN or the level set model alone

    Combining nonparametric spatial context priors with nonparametric shape priors for dendritic spine segmentation in 2-photon microscopy images

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    Data driven segmentation is an important initial step of shape prior-based segmentation methods since it is assumed that the data term brings a curve to a plausible level so that shape and data terms can then work together to produce better segmentations. When purely data driven segmentation produces poor results, the final segmentation is generally affected adversely. One challenge faced by many existing data terms is due to the fact that they consider only pixel intensities to decide whether to assign a pixel to the foreground or to the background region. When the distributions of the foreground and background pixel intensities have significant overlap, such data terms become ineffective, as they produce uncertain results for many pixels in a test image. In such cases, using prior information about the spatial context of the object to be segmented together with the data term can bring a curve to a plausible stage, which would then serve as a good initial point to launch shape-based segmentation. In this paper, we propose a new segmentation approach that combines nonparametric context priors with a learned-intensity-based data term and nonparametric shape priors. We perform experiments for dendritic spine segmentation in both 2D and 3D 2-photon microscopy images. The experimental results demonstrate that using spatial context priors leads to significant improvements.Comment: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imagin

    Disjunctive normal shape and appearance priors with applications to image segmentation

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    The use of appearance and shape priors in image segmentation is known to improve accuracy; however, existing techniques have several drawbacks. Active shape and appearance models require landmark points and assume unimodal shape and appearance distributions. Level set based shape priors are limited to global shape similarity. In this paper, we present a novel shape and appearance priors for image segmentation based on an implicit parametric shape representation called disjunctive normal shape model (DNSM). DNSM is formed by disjunction of conjunctions of half-spaces defined by discriminants. We learn shape and appearance statistics at varying spatial scales using nonparametric density estimation. Our method can generate a rich set of shape variations by locally combining training shapes. Additionally, by studying the intensity and texture statistics around each discriminant of our shape model, we construct a local appearance probability map. Experiments carried out on both medical and natural image datasets show the potential of the proposed method

    Iterative graph cuts for image segmentation with a nonlinear statistical shape prior

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    Shape-based regularization has proven to be a useful method for delineating objects within noisy images where one has prior knowledge of the shape of the targeted object. When a collection of possible shapes is available, the specification of a shape prior using kernel density estimation is a natural technique. Unfortunately, energy functionals arising from kernel density estimation are of a form that makes them impossible to directly minimize using efficient optimization algorithms such as graph cuts. Our main contribution is to show how one may recast the energy functional into a form that is minimizable iteratively and efficiently using graph cuts.Comment: Revision submitted to JMIV (02/24/13

    Multi-object segmentation using coupled nonparametric shape and relative pose priors

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    We present a new method for multi-object segmentation in a maximum a posteriori estimation framework. Our method is motivated by the observation that neighboring or coupling objects in images generate configurations and co-dependencies which could potentially aid in segmentation if properly exploited. Our approach employs coupled shape and inter-shape pose priors that are computed using training images in a nonparametric multi-variate kernel density estimation framework. The coupled shape prior is obtained by estimating the joint shape distribution of multiple objects and the inter-shape pose priors are modeled via standard moments. Based on such statistical models, we formulate an optimization problem for segmentation, which we solve by an algorithm based on active contours. Our technique provides significant improvements in the segmentation of weakly contrasted objects in a number of applications. In particular for medical image analysis, we use our method to extract brain Basal Ganglia structures, which are members of a complex multi-object system posing a challenging segmentation problem. We also apply our technique to the problem of handwritten character segmentation. Finally, we use our method to segment cars in urban scenes

    Variational Level Set Segmentation using Shape Prior

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    SUMMARY We proposed a new level set segmentation model with statistical shape prior using a variational approach. The image attraction force is derived from the interactions of gradient vectors across the whole image domain. This gives the active contour a global representation of the geometric configuration, making it more robust to image noise, weak edges and initial configurations. Statistical shape information is incorporated using a nonparametric technique is used to model the shape distribution, which allows the model to handle relatively large shape variations

    Statistical Model of Shape Moments with Active Contour Evolution for Shape Detection and Segmentation

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    This paper describes a novel method for shape representation and robust image segmentation. The proposed method combines two well known methodologies, namely, statistical shape models and active contours implemented in level set framework. The shape detection is achieved by maximizing a posterior function that consists of a prior shape probability model and image likelihood function conditioned on shapes. The statistical shape model is built as a result of a learning process based on nonparametric probability estimation in a PCA reduced feature space formed by the Legendre moments of training silhouette images. A greedy strategy is applied to optimize the proposed cost function by iteratively evolving an implicit active contour in the image space and subsequent constrained optimization of the evolved shape in the reduced shape feature space. Experimental results presented in the paper demonstrate that the proposed method, contrary to many other active contour segmentation methods, is highly resilient to severe random and structural noise that could be present in the data

    3D dendritic spine segmentation using nonparametric shape priors (3B dendritik dikenlerin parametrik olmayan şekil ön bilgisi kullanılarak bölütlenmesi)

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    Analyzing morphological and structural changes of dendritic spines in 2-photon microscopy images in time is important for neuroscience researchers. Correct segmentation of dendritic spines is an important step of developing robust and reliable automatic tools for such analysis. In this paper, we propose an approach for segmentation of 3D dendritic spines using nonparametric shape priors. The proposed method learns the prior distribution of shapes through Parzen density estimation on the training set of shapes. Then, the posterior distribution of shapes is obtained by combining the learned prior distribution with a data term in a Bayesian framework. Finally, the segmentation result that maximizes the posterior is found using active contours. Experimental results demonstrate that using nonparametric shape priors leads to better 3D dendritic spine segmentation results