19 research outputs found

    Kernel Conditional Exponential Family

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    A nonparametric family of conditional distributions is introduced, which generalizes conditional exponential families using functional parameters in a suitable RKHS. An algorithm is provided for learning the generalized natural parameter, and consistency of the estimator is established in the well specified case. In experiments, the new method generally outperforms a competing approach with consistency guarantees, and is competitive with a deep conditional density model on datasets that exhibit abrupt transitions and heteroscedasticity

    Kernel Exponential Family Estimation via Doubly Dual Embedding

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    We investigate penalized maximum log-likelihood estimation for exponential family distributions whose natural parameter resides in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Key to our approach is a novel technique, doubly dual embedding, that avoids computation of the partition function. This technique also allows the development of a flexible sampling strategy that amortizes the cost of Monte-Carlo sampling in the inference stage. The resulting estimator can be easily generalized to kernel conditional exponential families. We establish a connection between kernel exponential family estimation and MMD-GANs, revealing a new perspective for understanding GANs. Compared to the score matching based estimators, the proposed method improves both memory and time efficiency while enjoying stronger statistical properties, such as fully capturing smoothness in its statistical convergence rate while the score matching estimator appears to saturate. Finally, we show that the proposed estimator empirically outperforms state-of-the-artComment: 22 pages, 20 figures; AISTATS 201

    Kernel Exponential Family Estimation via Doubly Dual Embedding

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    We investigate penalized maximum log-likelihood estimation for exponential family distributions whose natural parameter resides in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Key to our approach is a novel technique, doubly dual embedding, that avoids computation of the partition function. This technique also allows the development of a flexible sampling strategy that amortizes the cost of Monte-Carlo sampling in the inference stage. The resulting estimator can be easily generalized to kernel conditional exponential families. We establish a connection between kernel exponential family estimation and MMD-GANs, revealing a new perspective for understanding GANs. Compared to the score matching based estimators, the proposed method improves both memory and time efficiency while enjoying stronger statistical properties, such as fully capturing smoothness in its statistical convergence rate while the score matching estimator appears to saturate. Finally, we show that the proposed estimator empirically outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both kernel exponential family estimation and its conditional extension

    Learning deep kernels for exponential family densities

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    The kernel exponential family is a rich class of distributions, which can be fit efficiently and with statistical guarantees by score matching. Being required to choose a priori a simple kernel such as the Gaussian, however, limits its practical applicability. We provide a scheme for learning a kernel parameterized by a deep network, which can find complex location-dependent features of the local data geometry. This gives a very rich class of density models, capable of fitting complex structures on moderate-dimensional problems. Compared to deep density models fit via maximum likelihood, our approach provides a complementary set of strengths and tradeoffs: in empirical studies, deep maximum-likelihood models can yield higher likelihoods, while our approach gives better estimates of the gradient of the log density, the score, which describes the distribution's shape

    Noise Contrastive Meta-Learning for Conditional Density Estimation using Kernel Mean Embeddings

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    Current meta-learning approaches focus on learning functional representations of relationships between variables, i.e. on estimating conditional expectations in regression. In many applications, however, we are faced with conditional distributions which cannot be meaningfully summarized using expectation only (due to e.g. multimodality). Hence, we consider the problem of conditional density estimation in the meta-learning setting. We introduce a novel technique for meta-learning which combines neural representation and noise-contrastive estimation with the established literature of conditional mean embeddings into reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. The method is validated on synthetic and real-world problems, demonstrating the utility of sharing learned representations across multiple conditional density estimation tasks

    Kernel Instrumental Variable Regression

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    Instrumental variable (IV) regression is a strategy for learning causal relationships in observational data. If measurements of input X and output Y are confounded, the causal relationship can nonetheless be identified if an instrumental variable Z is available that influences X directly, but is conditionally independent of Y given X and the unmeasured confounder. The classic two-stage least squares algorithm (2SLS) simplifies the estimation problem by modeling all relationships as linear functions. We propose kernel instrumental variable regression (KIV), a nonparametric generalization of 2SLS, modeling relations among X, Y, and Z as nonlinear functions in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs). We prove the consistency of KIV under mild assumptions, and derive conditions under which convergence occurs at the minimax optimal rate for unconfounded, single-stage RKHS regression. In doing so, we obtain an efficient ratio between training sample sizes used in the algorithm's first and second stages. In experiments, KIV outperforms state of the art alternatives for nonparametric IV regression.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 201

    Conditional Sampling With Monotone GANs

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    We present a new approach for sampling conditional probability measures, enabling consistent uncertainty quantification in supervised learning tasks. We construct a mapping that transforms a reference measure to the measure of the output conditioned on new inputs. The mapping is trained via a modification of generative adversarial networks (GANs), called monotone GANs, that imposes monotonicity and a block triangular structure. We present theoretical guarantees for the consistency of our proposed method, as well as numerical experiments demonstrating the ability of our method to accurately sample conditional measures in applications ranging from inverse problems to image in-painting

    Methods for Optimization and Regularization of Generative Models

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    This thesis studies the problem of regularizing and optimizing generative models, often using insights and techniques from kernel methods. The work proceeds in three main themes. Conditional score estimation. We propose a method for estimating conditional densities based on a rich class of RKHS exponential family models. The algorithm works by solving a convex quadratic problem for fitting the gradient of the log density, the score, thus avoiding the need for estimating the normalizing constant. We show the resulting estimator to be consistent and provide convergence rates when the model is well-specified. Structuring and regularizing implicit generative models. In a first contribution, we introduce a method for learning Generative Adversarial Networks, a class of Implicit Generative Models, using a parametric family of Maximum Mean Discrepancies (MMD). We show that controlling the gradient of the critic function defining the MMD is vital for having a sensible loss function. Moreover, we devise a method to enforce exact, analytical gradient constraints. As a second contribution, we introduce and study a new generative model suited for data with low intrinsic dimension embedded in a high dimensional space. This model combines two components: an implicit model, which can learn the low-dimensional support of data, and an energy function, to refine the probability mass by importance sampling on the support of the implicit model. We further introduce algorithms for learning such a hybrid model and for efficient sampling. Optimizing implicit generative models. We first study the Wasserstein gradient flow of the Maximum Mean Discrepancy in a non-parametric setting and provide smoothness conditions on the trajectory of the flow to ensure global convergence. We identify cases when this condition does not hold and propose a new algorithm based on noise injection to mitigate this problem. In a second contribution, we consider the Wasserstein gradient flow of generic loss functionals in a parametric setting. This flow is invariant to the model's parameterization, just like the Fisher gradient flows in information geometry. It has the additional benefit to be well defined even for models with varying supports, which is particularly well suited for implicit generative models. We then introduce a general framework for approximating the Wasserstein natural gradient by leveraging a dual formulation of the Wasserstein pseudo-Riemannian metric that we restrict to a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space. The resulting estimator is scalable and provably consistent as it relies on Nystrom methods