28 research outputs found

    Parameterized Algorithmics for Computational Social Choice: Nine Research Challenges

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    Computational Social Choice is an interdisciplinary research area involving Economics, Political Science, and Social Science on the one side, and Mathematics and Computer Science (including Artificial Intelligence and Multiagent Systems) on the other side. Typical computational problems studied in this field include the vulnerability of voting procedures against attacks, or preference aggregation in multi-agent systems. Parameterized Algorithmics is a subfield of Theoretical Computer Science seeking to exploit meaningful problem-specific parameters in order to identify tractable special cases of in general computationally hard problems. In this paper, we propose nine of our favorite research challenges concerning the parameterized complexity of problems appearing in this context

    Computational Aspects of Nearly Single-Peaked Electorates

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    Manipulation, bribery, and control are well-studied ways of changing the outcome of an election. Many voting rules are, in the general case, computationally resistant to some of these manipulative actions. However when restricted to single-peaked electorates, these rules suddenly become easy to manipulate. Recently, Faliszewski, Hemaspaandra, and Hemaspaandra studied the computational complexity of strategic behavior in nearly single-peaked electorates. These are electorates that are not single-peaked but close to it according to some distance measure. In this paper we introduce several new distance measures regarding single-peakedness. We prove that determining whether a given profile is nearly single-peaked is NP-complete in many cases. For one case we present a polynomial-time algorithm. In case the single-peaked axis is given, we show that determining the distance is always possible in polynomial time. Furthermore, we explore the relations between the new notions introduced in this paper and existing notions from the literature.Comment: Published in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). A short version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2013). An even earlier version appeared in the proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Computational Social Choice 2012 (COMSOC 2012

    The Complexity of Fully Proportional Representation for Single-Crossing Electorates

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    We study the complexity of winner determination in single-crossing elections under two classic fully proportional representation rules---Chamberlin--Courant's rule and Monroe's rule. Winner determination for these rules is known to be NP-hard for unrestricted preferences. We show that for single-crossing preferences this problem admits a polynomial-time algorithm for Chamberlin--Courant's rule, but remains NP-hard for Monroe's rule. Our algorithm for Chamberlin--Courant's rule can be modified to work for elections with bounded single-crossing width. To circumvent the hardness result for Monroe's rule, we consider single-crossing elections that satisfy an additional constraint, namely, ones where each candidate is ranked first by at least one voter (such elections are called narcissistic). For single-crossing narcissistic elections, we provide an efficient algorithm for the egalitarian version of Monroe's rule.Comment: 23 page

    Collecting, Classifying, Analyzing, and Using Real-World Elections

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    We present a collection of 75827582 real-world elections divided into 2525 datasets from various sources ranging from sports competitions over music charts to survey- and indicator-based rankings. We provide evidence that the collected elections complement already publicly available data from the PrefLib database, which is currently the biggest and most prominent source containing 701701 real-world elections from 3636 datasets. Using the map of elections framework, we divide the datasets into three categories and conduct an analysis of the nature of our elections. To evaluate the practical applicability of previous theoretical research on (parameterized) algorithms and to gain further insights into the collected elections, we analyze different structural properties of our elections including the level of agreement between voters and election's distances from restricted domains such as single-peakedness. Lastly, we use our diverse set of collected elections to shed some further light on several traditional questions from social choice, for instance, on the number of occurrences of the Condorcet paradox and on the consensus among different voting rules

    Structure in Dichotomous Preferences

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    Many hard computational social choice problems are known to become tractable when voters' preferences belong to a restricted domain, such as those of single-peaked or single-crossing preferences. However, to date, all algorithmic results of this type have been obtained for the setting where each voter's preference list is a total order of candidates. The goal of this paper is to extend this line of research to the setting where voters' preferences are dichotomous, i.e., each voter approves a subset of candidates and disapproves the remaining candidates. We propose several analogues of the notions of single-peaked and single-crossing preferences for dichotomous profiles and investigate the relationships among them. We then demonstrate that for some of these notions the respective restricted domains admit efficient algorithms for computationally hard approval-based multi-winner rules.Comment: A preliminary version appeared in the proceedings of IJCAI 2015, the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    Preferences Single-Peaked on a Tree: Multiwinner Elections and Structural Results

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    A preference profile is single-peaked on a tree if the candidate set can be equipped with a tree structure so that the preferences of each voter are decreasing from their top candidate along all paths in the tree. This notion was introduced by Demange (1982), and subsequently Trick (1989) described an efficient algorithm for deciding if a given profile is single-peaked on a tree. We study the complexity of multiwinner elections under several variants of the Chamberlin-Courant rule for preferences single-peaked on trees. We show that the egalitarian version of this problem admits a polynomial-time algorithm. For the utilitarian version, we prove that winner determination remains NP-hard, even for the Borda scoring function; however, a winning committee can be found in polynomial time if either the number of leaves or the number of internal vertices of the underlying tree is bounded by a constant. To benefit from these positive results, we need a procedure that can determine whether a given profile is single-peaked on a tree that has additional desirable properties (such as, e.g., a small number of leaves). To address this challenge, we develop a structural approach that enables us to compactly represent all trees with respect to which a given profile is single-peaked. We show how to use this representation to efficiently find the best tree for a given profile for use with our winner determination algorithms: Given a profile, we can efficiently find a tree with the minimum number of leaves, or a tree with the minimum number of internal vertices among trees on which the profile is single-peaked. We also consider several other optimization criteria for trees: for some we obtain polynomial-time algorithms, while for others we show NP-hardness results.Comment: 44 pages, extends works published at AAAI 2016 and IJCAI 201

    A deep exploration of the complexity border of strategic voting problems

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    Voting has found applications in a variety of areas. Unfortunately, in a voting activity there may exist strategic individuals who have incentives to attack the election by performing some strategic behavior. One possible way to address this issue is to use computational complexity as a barrier against the strategic behavior. The point is that if it is NP-hard to successfully perform a strategic behavior, the strategic individuals may give up their plan of attacking the election. This thesis is concerned with strategic behavior in restricted elections, in the sense that the given elections are subject to some combinatorial restrictions. The goal is to find out how the complexity of the strategic behavior changes from the very restricted case to the general case.Abstimmungen werden auf verschiedene Gebiete angewendet. Leider kann es bei einer Abstimmung einzelne Teilnehmer geben, die Vorteile daraus ziehen, die Wahl durch strategisches Verhalten zu manipulieren. Eine Möglichkeit diesem Problem zu begegnen ist es, die Berechnungskomplexität als Hindernis gegen strategisches Verhalten zu nutzen. Die Annahme ist, dass falls es NP-schwer ist, um strategisches Verhalten erfolgreich anzuwenden, der strategisch Handelnde vielleicht den Plan aufgibt die Abstimmung zu attackieren. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit strategischem Vorgehen in eingeschränkten Abstimmungen in dem Sinne, dass die vorgegebenen Abstimmungen kombinatorischen Einschränkungen unterliegen. Ziel ist es herauszufinden, wie sich die Komplexität des strategischen Handelns von dem sehr eingeschränkten zu dem generellen Fall ändert

    Are there any nicely structured preference~profiles~nearby?

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    We investigate the problem of deciding whether a given preference profile is close to having a certain nice structure, as for instance single-peaked, single-caved, single-crossing, value-restricted, best-restricted, worst-restricted, medium-restricted, or group-separable profiles. We measure this distance by the number of voters or alternatives that have to be deleted to make the profile a nicely structured one. Our results classify the problem variants with respect to their computational complexity, and draw a clear line between computationally tractable (polynomial-time solvable) and computationally intractable (NP-hard) questions